For most of my soldering life, I still use what we call as ‘Flux’ or ‘Soldering Paste’ (or also known as ‘Lotfett’). Although some people say that the use of Flux for soldering is for newbie work ;), but I don’t really care actually. What I do want is a perfect soldering quality.
Below is the frequently used Flux. It’s cheap (indeed, very cheap) and enough for most of us. I bought this long-long time ago and never can finish it although has been used hundred (if not thousand) times.
But few weeks ago, I started to think a better replacement. I saw a Rosin Flux made by Cardas (to be honest, not many brand makes such Flux any longer as most of the newer solder already incorporates Flux inside to simplify our soldering job). But again, in most of the time, a separate Flux still needed. As the price was quite reasonable (though still multiple times compared to the Lotfett), I decided to grab one.
Below is the example of excessive usage of Flux. At one side, it can help you to make a very good solder joint and a perfect (well rounded) appearance. But at the other side, it will leave some residue. See those ‘black markings’ surrounding the solder joint. Most of the time, this residue might not be very dangerous. But on some certain ‘Flux’, this residue could lead into a corrosion of your solder joint. I also hear that this residue could lead into some small ‘short’ on some sensitive circuit.
So the best way is to clean them up 🙂 See below. You can get a perfect quality soldering (an ideal ‘ball shape’ solder joint) and with some extra cleaning job, you can remove all those residue. You need some thinner or similar cleaner to do so. Meanwhile, please make sure your PCB has good quality, otherwise this kind of cleaner could ruin the painting on your PCB.
Accidentally, the seller of the Cardas Rosin Flux sent me 100 gram of Cardas Quad Eutetic Solder instead of my Rosin Flux on the first shipment. Well, instead of sending back the Solder, I decided to take this to have a try;)
So at least I have 3 famous Solder on hand now: 250 gram of WBT (leaded), 500 grams of Mundorf MSolder Supreme Silver/Gold (non-lead), and 100 grams of Cardas Quad Eutetic (leaded). Thinking to grab some Audio Note to, but they are selling in 500 or 250 gram only (well, currently I got nearly 850 grams of tin on hand in 3 various brands. I don’t see the reason to add more that much - at least for now). Thinking to sell some to, as I really don’t need that much 🙂
And probably I will arrange some comparison later… Again, such a lot of toys, such a limited time…
December 26, 2011 20:11Awas jangan sampe ketahuan ama pak Dhe kalo pake lotfet Om xixixi…
*ngumpet dulu ah*
Auw Jimmy
December 27, 2011 00:26Uda tau koq 🙂 Saya kan niubi Om…
December 27, 2011 02:22Niubi super jadi2an :p
Auw Jimmy
December 27, 2011 11:22Masakkk… Beneran koq Om… >.<
Tjipto Hendrawan
January 5, 2012 13:28Timah Audio Note ada yg dijual dalam ukuran 1 meter.
Saya beli di Ayung Glodok, harganya rada mahal, 1 meter 50 ribu rupiah.
Belum sempat saya coba, tapi, kata Ayung hasil solderannya rada butek …
Auw Jimmy
January 5, 2012 22:44Yup Pak Tjip, memang ada yang ngetengin koq (di Dokter juga ada), tapi jadi mahal he he he.
February 2, 2012 20:41Fungsi fluk itu apa ya pak… apakah untuk membantu memudahkan proses solder (membantu menempelkan solderan)
Yang paling sulit bagi orang awam spt saya adalah pas bagian nyolder kabel.. kalo pake flux membantu ga ya pak
Auw Jimmy
February 2, 2012 22:58Hi Flux itu semacam katalisator untuk memudahkan proses menyolder. Tentu sangat membantu untuk menyolder kabel.
February 6, 2012 21:23terima kasih atas infonya pak.
February 24, 2012 01:45Hi,
the “Lötfett” is an extremely bad idea for electronic soldering. It’s meant to be used for soldering fitting tubes and therefore is VERY agressive. Also it ruins the soldering tip, by etching off the platings. You absolutely have to clean boards after usage or they will become broken with a good chance in less than 10 years.
Stannol offers Rosin Flux in a similarly blue looking package (comparable to the cardas). If you want a cheaper, easier to handle, but chemically identical solution to Cardas Rosin Flux, try finding “Löthonig”, small yellow tubes.
Auw Jimmy
February 24, 2012 22:17Hi Mike,
Thanks for the sharing. Definitely Lotfett needs a serious cleaning up session to prevent unwanted things in the future.
June 5, 2013 18:22dimana ya tempatnya klu mau beli pasta solder merk lotfett
Auw Jimmy
June 5, 2013 18:23Hi Pak Baim,
Di Glodok ada banyak.
Terima kasih.
Auw Jimmy
September 12, 2014 14:28Terima kasih Pak Budi untuk tips dan triknya.
June 18, 2016 00:23Hello Jimmy, Thank you so much for your interesting website and this article too !
I need to clean and re-tin the tip of my Weller iron (which is quite oxydated and dark now),
Do you think it is better to use the “Stannol Lotfett” or the “Cardas Rosin Flux” (or another flux like the Lothonig ?) before to apply fresh tin ?
Thank you for you Help
Cyril, an audiophile like you 😉
Jimmy Auw
June 18, 2016 10:18Hi Cyriu,
For heavily oxidated tip, I think it’s better to change the tip. Next, make sure you will apply some tin solder after you finish working with your iron. Both lotfet or cardas will do.