During the upgrading process, the old Ceramic tube socket also got new replacement to the Teflon one. The problem is, the process to remove the old tube socket will not be an easy job, as removing other parts. Why? Because as other part usually only has 2 leads, the tube socket got 9 points to be removed.
Actually if you really want to re-use the old socket, you have to use hot air solder to remove the perfectly. But I don’t really have the need to re-use the old socket. So I cut them directly.
Cutting the leads from the socket is easy job. Now the rest is removing the small part of the socket’s pin which still soldered on the PCB. How to do? We just need a soldering iron and tweezers. Heat up the tin on the PCB, and immediately take out the remaining pin by using the tweezers.
Use solder sucker to suck out the remaining tin. This job become even more easier if you have good quality PCB.
Hole #5 restored as new 🙂 We still have 8 holes left to be restored.
All holes completely restored and cleaned. As new huh? Ready to install new Teflon socket.
Another problem is my Teflon socket is not PCB mounted type. So I need a small PCB as converter.
The PCB converter installed on the Teflon socket. Simple soldering task will finalize this job perfectly.
November 17, 2011 17:12Wow hasilnya bersih..Excelent
kelihatannya mudah..tapi sulitnya minta ampun (bagi saya) untuk pcb dual layer kadang komp dipotong/kanibal berlaku.
itu soldernya berapa watt pak?
tweezers=pinset umum?
trims infonya.
Auw Jimmy
November 17, 2011 21:23Hi Pak Didhan,
Yes, pinset umum. Saya beli merek ‘goot-goot-an’ cuman sekitar 10rb-an.
Solder Goot asli, 30W saja. Agak mahal sih, dulu sekitar 150rb-an, sekarang mungkin hampir 200rb-an.
Penyedot timah kalo tidak salah 10rb-an.
November 22, 2011 11:55Trims Responnya..
saya blum pernah coba solder mahal (>100rb, perlu dicoba
kendala utama saya yakni penyedot timah hanya “mengambil”timah di permukaan sehingga lubang masih terisi timah alias tidak ada lubang….
Auw Jimmy
November 22, 2011 23:50Hi Pak Didhan,
Perlu dicoba trik 2 sisi. Satu sisi menggunakan solder untuk memanaskan permukaan, satu sisi lagi penyedot timah untuk menyedot. Biasanya trik ini berhasil.