I have been a fan for Black Gate for quite long time. My first time impression probably nearly 10 years ago. I forgot whether I heard SKz or WKz at that moment, but I did remember the beauty of tube amplifier, smoothed by those Black Gate (probably not just Black Gate who contributed for the amazing sonic at that moment).
But 10 years back, I didn’t dare to play hundred of Volts for designing tube based equipment, then high voltage Black Gate such as SKz or WKz was out of my consideration. I got some and sell some… Mostly, I preferred to play with NX series, which very common in low voltage application (as low as 6.3 Volts). Very useful in D/A application. Some people say the Black Gate NX (especially the HQ – High Quality version) is very good in D/A coupling application. It produces very neutral sound, transparent, almost nothing (like direct coupling). But some people don’t like this kind of ‘sterile’ sound. Not analog, some people complaint.
Actually, other best application for Black Gate NX series is on the power supply smoothing section, especially on the D/A side.
I still own several N/NX/Hi-Q series, FK series, F series, PK series, Standard series, C series, and off course, the latest acquisition, SKz/WKz series.
All the latest WKz series (not WK, SK or SKz) will have a green ‘Goddess playing harps’ andΓΒ ‘Heart of Muse’ text. Actually, Black Gate is not the only one who uses ‘Muse’ in their capacitor series. We also can find Nichicon who uses ‘Muse’ in their line up. Term ‘Muse’ itself (one of them) could refer to any of 9 daughter of Mnemosyne and Zeus. Still on the same mythology, each of the Goddess possesses specific art or science. Probably this one loves music…
Below is example photo of Black Gate SK series. I’m not so sure when was this capacitor released, but I think it was quite long time ago. As for current production, we only recognize WK, VK, and FK. I think this should be around end of 80’s.
Newer, but not the latest. SKz was predecessor to WKz series (which was officially announced on Jelmax Technical Report #104). I haven’t done any comparison between SKz and WKz. Not really necessary to do such comparison anyway π
The latest one, WKz ‘Heart of Muse’. I have moved out from electrolytic long time ago (and acquired film capacitor on the power supply, like Solen, Obbligato, Unlytic, Mundorf, Jensen, etc). But few years back, I was quite impressed with Jensen 4-pole which wass actually an electrolytic based capacitor. I’ve never been impressed like that before. Then I remembered with the old Black Gate WKz. Tried to call some of my colleagues, and got one of them still have some stock. Finally, I got those Black Gate WKz back on hand. Not cheap though, but for the sake of ears, sometime we could do out of what most consider as ‘rational thinking’.
What makes this Black Gate different from typical capacitor? Well, Black Gate incorporates Graphite fine particles on the separator between Cathode and True Cathode section inside the capacitor. The point? To improve the ion transfer between Anode and Cathode.
Don’t forget that Jelmax Co.,Ltd. (which ‘outsource’ the Black Gate production to Rubycon) announces that Black Gate has what they call ‘idling’ process. This is the uniqueness of Black Gate capacitor. Based on the Jelmax Technical Report #47, ‘idling’ process means the process of making paths on the separator (which contains Graphite fine particles) for the ion transfer purpose. This process is believed could take as short as 30 hours on high signal application and could be more than 1 month in low signal application. DC Volt and Signal Current are minimum requirements for this ‘idling’ process.
September 3, 2011 16:57Wah Pak Jimmy, sudah main Heart of Muse sekarang
Langka banget ya kan itu, mantep pak bisa dapet π
Bbrp bulan lalu malah saya ditawari 2nd, copotan amp lama, itupun dengan harga 2juta sepasang π
Auw Jimmy
September 3, 2011 21:26Hi Pak Paskal,
WKz sih bukan barang baru dalam journey DIY saya (sudah pernah punya dan sudah saya jual juga dulu). Karena saya dulu tidak menyukai elco, oleh karena itu lebih banyak menggunakan film caps di power supply, seperti Auricap, Solen, Unlytic, etc. Cuman setelah banyak experimen sana sini, akhirnya saya merasakan ada sesuatu yang hilang. Elco might not be the best, but there is some magic inside, especially the Black Gate WKz series (and some Jensen). Akhirnya saya coba cari lagi WKz ini, untuk dipasangkan di preamp saya. Tidak sabar rasanya menunggu kombinasi Black Gate WKz di supply dan Duelund CAST Ag di coupling. Both the best in their position. Semoga hasilnya tidak mengecewakan.
Sebenarnya sampai saat ini masih banyak yang jual koq, cuman nilai yang 100uF+100uF/500V memang agak jarang. Terakhir beberapa bulan lalu saya ke Singapore masih ada rekan yang tawarkan 47uF+47uF/350V dan 100uF/500V. Harga ya memang agak2 mahal sih dibandingkan beberapa tahun silam ketika saya beli WKz tipe yang sama.
Btw, seken asal masih bagus sih gpp. Malah lebih enak karena sudah break-in.
September 4, 2011 00:50Saya tidak tahu harus bilang apa lagi pak, cuma kombinasi2 technically superior macam Duelund-BG baru ya saya lihat ya di tempat bapak ini hehe. Iya nh pak, jarang skali jual Hi-Voltage BG, mungkin karena produksinya jg dlu ga sbnyak yang umum macam2 F, Std,PK dll kali ya. seri AC juga sudah tidak saya temukan sekarang. NX-HiQ malah saya tanya ke M.Percy masih ada stoknya lumayan bnyak
Teringat PSU Full BlackGate bpak, bgmn kbarnya? spertinya di dunia ini kyaknya baru Pak Jimmy yang buat, even Hi-End producer blum ada yang make kombinasi sperti anda spanjang yg saya lihat π
Auw Jimmy
September 4, 2011 01:06Hi Pak Paskal,
Ya mungkin yg lain sudah coba tapi ga ‘kurang kerjaan’ posting2 kali. So bukan berarti ga ada, karena saya kenal beberapa rekan dari Indonesia maupun luar negeri yg mainannya juga maut.
Seri WKz (high voltage) seharusnya diproduksi cukup banyak karena peminatnya cukup tinggi, salah satunya Audio Note yg pakai ini (alternatifnya Cerafine High Voltage).
NX di Percy setahu saya tinggal yg 6.3V, relatif tidak banyak gunanya. Paling di DAC atau cathode preamp.
PSU saya yg lama masih ada. Sempat saya nyalakan sebentar, sehabis itu masuk gudang. Males nunggu break-in. Mungkin nanti kalo jadi bikin SS akan terpakai lagi.
September 12, 2011 10:00Pak JIm, boleh tahu dimana/ toko apa di Singapore yang jual Black Gate WKZ? Harga disini (Jakarta) udah nggak masuk akal…….
Auw Jimmy
September 12, 2011 10:45Hi Pak Tyo,
Waktu itu saya ditawarkan rekan kenalan di Singapore. Katanya temannya mau jual. Tapi harganya sih definitely enggak lebih murah dari yg pernah saya dengar di Jakarta.
November 1, 2011 10:54di ebay lagi ada barang tuh .. cuma harganya ga tahu dibanding disini …
Ada yang 100uF+100uF/500V “cuma” $830/pair agak butek.
Happy surfing deh …
November 18, 2013 18:52Pak Jimmy, kalau bg nx hi-q 47uF 6.3v & bg nx 220uF 6.3v harga wajar nya saat ini kira2 berapa ya. mungkin pak jimmy bisa share infonya lewat japri.
Auw Jimmy
November 18, 2013 20:14Hi Pak Anshari,
Wah mohon maaf mengenai harga wajar saya tidak bisa komen, Pak. Secara barang ini sudah langka. Jadi ya suka2 yang jual saja…
Terima kasih.