The upgrade not yet ended. I still have something to finalize my Aikido PreAmp. I go to upgrade some section in order to make it firms before fitting it on the new chassis.
Here we go. First, we will install the affordable grade IEC from Furutech, the Rhodium plated FI-03. Fuse holder integrated there (oh well, which fuse shall I use?). That’s gonna be another question.
Vishay Z201 “naked” Z-Foil Resistor. This 0.4 Watt considered as one of the world’s best resistor. Available at higher rating at extra cost (well, basically this is custom made, and they can make as large as long as you can pay the cost). Will use them in a very special section on the PreAmp.
I pick two kinds of hook-up wire.
First is Kimber SF23 – KS (Intrinsic Cu solid flat conductor with Clear V-Teflon dielectric).
Second is Duelund 2.0 Rev 2, which quite famous as natural sounding cable.
Both of them will be used on specific location with special purpose.
Finally, I upgrade the el-cheapo RCA to Cardas GRFA. This one is non-magnetic, eutectic Brass, Rhodium over Silver plate. So far, I love Cardas for my RCA needs, both male and female one. They offer very reasonable price with very good sound. Hard to beat at their price range. The only problem is, they are very hard to solder. Make sure you have a very good soldering iron and good tin. Otherwise, you will have some problem when soldering them. This is the only thing that I don’t like from them. But with their other good side, I think I can live with it 😉
July 19, 2011 13:45manthap, Bro ….
Auw Jimmy
July 19, 2011 20:59Cuman nyoba2 aja bro…
July 26, 2011 15:28boss gambar plg bawah gak muncul tuh
Auw Jimmy
July 26, 2011 21:18ok uda ditambahkan, thanks…
July 27, 2011 02:19Sadiiisssss!!! Wajib audisi di next mBintaro event 😀
Auw Jimmy
July 27, 2011 20:22Cuman sekedar merapihkan box saja Om… biar ga tergoda upgrade2 lagi… 🙂
July 28, 2011 17:33Ini sih merapihkan plus plus judulnya hahaha… Manstab!!
Auw Jimmy
July 28, 2011 22:33He he he sambil menyelam minum air Om…
August 27, 2011 00:28Om, kalo IEC furutechnya kemarin ada lebih, boleh donk dilempar 1 hehehe… **
Auw Jimmy
August 27, 2011 20:26Malam Om Arie,
Cuman ngambil satu 🙂
August 29, 2011 02:49Wah, kurang beruntung nih.. Btw, kalo di Indo apa ada yg jual Om?
Auw Jimmy
August 31, 2011 23:09Furutech di Indo sih dipasarkan oleh Music by Design.
Coba aja kontak bro, kali2 ada…
April 5, 2014 18:31Hi Pak, kalau bisa tahu, dimana dapatkan cardas GRFA? butuh sepasang nih buat DAC Sabre saya….
regards and Viva DIY
Auw Jimmy
April 11, 2014 17:21Hi Pak Han,
Silakan coba cek