My tiny newborn amp will not be alone. I will add a low voltage tube buffer as a nice companion. I just finish the module today. Powered by Russian 6N1P tube and Russian K40Y capacitors. Some of the circuit inspired by my colleague, AW from Tubelover Indonesia.
Under the table, we can see some mediocre components, like Takman, Roederstein, and vintage Vishay S139 Bulk Foil resistor. Tube buffer is a simple application, just 3 resistors and 1 capacitor, then you are done. We can do point-to-point without any problem. The filament would be AC and I hope there will be no problem for it.
Later, I will power it up to see how does it perform.
October 19, 2010 08:53rencana pakai B+ berapa VDC, Bro?
Auw Jimmy
October 19, 2010 09:08Mungkin 30-an bro…
June 24, 2011 14:47ada rangkaiannya ga bro ??
Auw Jimmy
June 28, 2011 22:16Ntar saya cari skema-nya dulu ya. Standard CF biasa aja sih.
Kevin Hobby
November 28, 2011 11:42May I look at the schematic?