Some of the readers mailed to me and asked, why do I digitalize my collections? The reason is as below.
I found at least one of my CD has a serious unrecoverable error. The outer circle has black stain on the inside layer. The track from #8 to end, definitely not readable, even with my laptop and Exact Audio Copy. The CD was “Carmen Meets Kharma”, STS SACD – The Essence of Music series (STS 611126). Was one of my really favorite collection 🙁
The surprising this was, this CD was not cheap. I’ve seen such phenomena on cheap-pirated-not so well manufactured CD. But rarely on fabricated one and with such rare usage (this CD condition was very good, almost no scratch and played less than 50 times in the 3 years period after I bought it).
More detail shot of the stain. Close up shot could tell us more.
The top appearance with the jewel case.
I decided to give a closer examination (after confirmed that this CD was no longer readable with different player so I couldn’t extract any data from track #8 to end – time for some experiment!). I gave an even closer look on the surface and finally I found the problem. The label layer on the top was no longer stuck to glass surface. So some external material could slip inside and make the data layer deformed and create some stain. After I gave a gentle rub, I could remove the label and all the data came into pieces 🙁
Another closer look. I didn’t really expect this thing to happen on such expensive audiophile grade CD (and also from STS, one of my favorite label who produced fantastic album like Ingram Washington).
The shoot from the back. The stain erupted from the outer circle, due to the label layer no longer stuck to the glass top surface.
The final appearance before this CD would go into the deeper parts of my shelves (or my bin). What a disappointing thing happens today. And finally, I started to check all of my collection and began to backup them with Exact Audio Copy, especially the important and collectible one.
Definitely, there is no such immortal thing. Even if you are talking about digital media that claimed will last forever. True – that the data will not change as long as the media remains still. But, you are saving those digital data on analog media (and some analog processes are still needed during the I/O operation). All of this processes are very vulnerable. Think it twice before it’s too late!
September 14, 2010 07:26Actually the cd/dvd have certain life span, it depends on the manufacturing process and the materials used.
I have some old cd which detroit like urs as well, so i guess is time to backup all to harddisk.
But harddisk tend to broken also,i got an western digital ext hdd fail within a year. So thats means a 2nd backup to be safe.
Auw Jimmy
September 14, 2010 08:33Hi Albert,
I understand if some CD/DVD has certain life span, but definitely not in 3 years with rare usage.
Some of my CDs are more than 5 years, some more than 10. But most of them they are in good shape. I think older generation CDs manufactured better than newer one.
Kasan Santosa
September 14, 2010 09:04I really don’t understand why recent CD’s is not good enough. I have 1983 recording CD and still perform its best until today.
September 14, 2010 22:30Hello.. i read your blog with interest… great work thanks!
anyway.. if i was you i’d write to the publisher and tell him the problem asking for a replacement… not a matter of money of course, but just for the customer satisfaction…
have a nice day!
Auw Jimmy
September 14, 2010 22:52Thanks Matt.
I have done that, but not quite sure if they will respond.
I just ask for a guarantee that if I buy the same CD again, this thing will not happen.
I don’t mind to purchase another one and don’t really expect they will give a replacement – but I must get confirmation if this is a single defect issue, not a global quality issue. I can’t imagine if I purchase another one and will get same experience in next few years. This is not really a big money, but falling down twice definitely not my style.
September 15, 2010 16:01erm, my neighbour(just beside me) is working in a cdr/dvdr manufacturing factory.
he told me the mixture of chemical decides the quality of the cd.
it is common practise nowadays where things not built/designed to last. my marantz cd63se just fail 2 weeks ago, the laser last not even 1 year after replacement.
September 15, 2010 17:06wauw …. cukup nyesek juga tuh, Bro Jim …
Auw Jimmy
September 15, 2010 20:43Mayan bro he he he… 🙁
October 8, 2010 02:56bro Jim, sy belon pernah nemu yang begini di kumpulan cd saya kayaknya, ada juga 1 rekaman yang sy beli taon 1987 (Deuche Gramophon), lapisan alumuniumnya banyak berlubang, tp sejauh ini ga ngaruh ke pembacaan datanya..
kalo DVD (bajakan) saya pernah punya kasus kayak ini 2x
Auw Jimmy
October 8, 2010 10:56CD yang saya beli ini original loh bro. Belinya pun di toko langganan. Makanya saya juga heran.
Andri Fahlevi
February 28, 2011 13:11wah telat nih saya nanggepinnya om jimmy…
jadi gini om, cd/dvd itu sebenarnya ada pengaruhnya dengan temperatur dan kelembapan, apakah om ada menaruhnya ditempat yg menyebabkan temperaturnya naik?…
jadi kalau teman2 semua mau menyimpan cd/dvd agar lebih awet sebaiknya ditempat yg DINGIN, TIDAK LEMBAB, TEMPAT YANG DAPAT MENGAKIBATKAN PERUBAHAN TEMPERATUR CEPAT…
jika dirumah emang susah nyari tempat yg demikian, apa ada solusi lain?… beli lah dry box yg biasanya buat lensa dan kamera… cd/dvd original merupakan harta yg luar biasa :)…
info luar
Andri Fahlevi
owh iya om, saya pernah tau kalau ada teknik yang dapat memperbaiki cd/dvd yg layer covernya rusak sehingga cd tdk dpt dibaca, dengan plastic khusus ditempel pada permukaan label cd/dvd, ini dikarenakan cd/dvd tidak dapat membaca karena tidak adanya pantulan laser… katany loh, saya kurang tau untuk lebih pastinya… :)…
Auw Jimmy
February 28, 2011 19:58Bro Andri,
Koleksi CD saya cukup banyak (tidak sampai ribuan lah, mungkin baru ratusan). Dan semua yang original ini saya simpan rapih di dalam kamar saya. Tepatnya dalam lemari yang sehari-hari aktif buka/tutup karena ada barang lain juga (sehingga sirkulasi tidak tertutup). Kondisi suhu ruangan rasanya cukup ideal, dilengkapi dengan silica gel juga di dalam lemari. Dan FYI, baru satu CD saya yang seperti ini.
Saya juga tahu kalo perubahan kelembaban dan suhu yang extrim bisa merusak, seperti juga penyebab korosi pada komponen (khususnya yang mengandung bahan murni, seperti pure copper atau pure silver). Saya yakin kalo saya melakukan itu, ada setidaknya puluhan CD saya yang seharusnya bernasib sama.
Memang kondisi ideal adalah di dalam drybox, seperti menyimpan lensa kamera agar tidak jamuran. Tapi cukup menggelikan kalo saya harus beli dry box sebesar lemari untuk menyimpan CD. Forgive me, I haven’t seen this kind of guy before (who keeps all of his CDs inside a dry box).
Teknik memperbaiki CD cover saya rasa tidak worthed, karena lebih mudah saya beli kembali CD-nya. Since it’s a mass product anyway.
fritz de with
October 23, 2011 05:02Dear music lover….please by so kind to send the
damage disc to my campany.I like to see what happend
and if I make the disc…or is it a fake…
if These is my pressing a will send you a new disc.
sts digital poortersdreef 55 3824 dl amersfoort