Actually, this is an old recording. I listened the first few years ago in XRCD format. I lost the CD, and suddenly I saw a SACD one on an audio shop in Singapore. Surely I wouldn’t miss it. This record also available in JVC K2 HD format, at almost double the cost. I picked the SACD one then, since I didn’t really know the K2 HD style. This SACD has Proprius label, which also well know with the “Jazz at the Pawnshop”.

The SACD format used on this album is Hybrid Multichannel. It means that you can play in on your ordinary 20-years old CD Player or your new sophisticated US$ 5000 SACD multichannel player. All can do. The surround effect on this – I believe – was created on purpose for the SACD label. The original master shouldn’t have surround track. I don’t really care about it since my main focus is stereo only.

This CD contains a mixed choirs from Stockholm Cathedral. You will get around 24 tracks, all wonderfully performed, although each track most likely short in length. You don’t have to be a Christian who visits the Church every week, to listen this CD.  This is CD for everyone 😉

The recording quality of this CD also – do I really have to mention it again? – wonderful. The layer, sound stage, coherency, detail, resolution, all are amazing. Compared with the old XRCD one? I think XRCD gives more “resolution” feel, while this SACD sounds more relaxed.

I can’t count how much people on the stage performing this album, but I can hear there are quite a lot vocals and all were singing in coherency. Was a nice moment. Especially when they were singing together, male and female. You can feel the depth and presence at higher level.

All the tracks sound wonderful. Despite its good recording, we have to give applause for the Choir itself. They performed very-very well. No doubt, this album has been my favorite for years.

When you are down, not in a good mood, listen to this for a while could recover your spirit back. Listen how they praise Him, how amazing His mercy, how He could take you out from the deep hole…

The Choirs, if you want to see. Old caliber most likely, mature in terms of sound and performance.

The back cover with the tracks list. Again, you don’t have to understand the title, don’t have to be a Christian, don’t have listen any other Choirs. Just sit back and relax, then you can enjoy this amazing album. One of my very recommended.