Last week, we held a DIY gathering. Located at Bintaro, Indonesia. The host was Mr. Didik F. Wiryawan and family. Around 30+ people were there, was one of the crowded gathering ever. Below is the picture of the stage. We held some Blind Test also. You will also see some fancy DIY creation here.
The famous Aikido PreAmp. The PCB was designed by John Broskie.
NAD C542 CD Player modded with Black Gate and Solen capacitor. The final opamp out was changed to LM4562 metal-can version.
Zero Gain Power Amplifier amplified by a pairs of 6922 in SRPP mode (thanks to Mr. Didik – the host – for the correction)
MOSFET Amplifier, MP50Di. The fan at the back used to cool down this Amplifier.
Another Aikido, powered by Russia Teflon Capacitors in the power supply section.
LM4562 metal-can powered PreAmp, with AudioNote aluminum Capacitor.
Another LM4562 powered with Auricap as power supply bypass Capacitor and Jensen Copper Foil in signal section. The main power supply is powered with Siemens Sikorel Capacitor.
Simple but expensive. We can see AudioNote, Kiwame, and Takman Resistors there (thanks Mr. Aphinx for the correction).
Another LM4562 PreAmp. This time powered by Black Gate Capacitor, Takman Resistor, vintage Siemens Capacitor, and (I think) some Russian Capacitors.
Another Aikido in a complete set. Nice chassis!
Some DIY and some branded Push Pull Tube Amplifier also joined this session.
Crescendo Amplifier in a heavy weight chassis! Lift them up guys!!!
B1 PreAmp. The 3rd champion of the Blind Test.
LM4562 with regulator. We can see some Russian “green” capacitors there.
A cigarette box?
Nooo… It’s a discrete PreAmp, powered by 3x 9V battery.
Another LM4562 PreAmp (gosh, how much I should repeat the same sentences?). But this one is powered with a tons of Black Gate and Elna Starget Capacitors. We can see Jantzen and Auricap also there.
I would call this one as “garbage” PowerAmp, as if you throw all of your shelves collection inside. Ha~~~ (thanks to Mr. Ado for the correction)
Some speakers also auditioned here… One of them was quite funny. Made from tall plastic water pipe. The sound was amazing though.
The detail look of the unique speakers. No one ever think this small speaker could sound that good!
A classis Mini Crescendo. Fully upgraded, please!
A closer look of the Mini Crescendo.
February 24, 2010 00:55“The detail look of the unique speakers.”
February 24, 2010 08:59wah, foto preamp tjoepoe ada disana … hehehe … sedikit koreksi, Pak Jim … Resistor yang dipake adalah AN Tantalum, Takman REX, dan Kiwame 2W … gak ada Riken disana … hehehe …
btw, pic-nya saya copy ya Pak Jim … makasih …
Jimmy Auw
February 24, 2010 09:58Sorry salah liat, uda malem soalnya postingnya hehehe. Memang mestinya si ijo itu Kiwame, bukan Riken.
Didik Wiryawan Adhi
February 24, 2010 11:12Great work Bung Jim !
Just small correction my friend, the second picture after the NAD 542; it is not a preamp, it is a Power Follower instead or Zero Gain Power Amplifier amplified by a pairs of 6922 in SRPP mode.
Thanks a alot, appreciate your great work!
didik wiryawan
February 24, 2010 11:12There’s not a “garbage†PreAmp actually it’s a “garbage†PoAmp…:-)
Jimmy Auw
February 24, 2010 11:31Hehehe… sorry I wrote it yesterday night (midnight actually). Sorry if I couldn’t recall my memories perfectly.
February 25, 2010 08:35Next BT, harus ada foto “The Ridiculous Gainclone” hahahaha… Anwyay, thanks for posting those great photos Pak Jim 😉
Dan Lo-I
February 25, 2010 20:47Thanks for the Article Pak Jim…
Hehehe… saya baru nyadar kalo itu PreAmp Batere ala JD Labs ternyata ada lumayan banyak Upil Cakti van Bandung-nya yah??
Jimmy Auw
February 25, 2010 22:22Hehehe… Thanks Dan Lo-I dan Om Arie…
March 22, 2010 22:02next bt kapan lagi?diadakan dimana?
April 25, 2010 06:31Hey, cool stuff! Those weird water-pipe speakers are actually designed for DIYers in mind, and the original site is here:
Jimmy Auw
April 25, 2010 12:54Yes Jake, I believe so.
October 11, 2010 04:04Excuse.
May I know where I can get PCB of mini crescendo 70 Watts? Because it’s been so long to seek but till now I haven’t got yet. I know this power amplifier when I was still in high school but I didn’t have money to make it but still kept in my mind.
For those who know where I can buy PCB, please email me at [email protected]
Thank you
Auw Jimmy
October 11, 2010 08:25You can try to find “Ayung” at Glodok.
December 3, 2011 01:33Jim, Kalo sy nyari 2sk135 dan 2sj50 buat cresendo, dimana yg masih ada yah?
Auw Jimmy
December 3, 2011 21:59EBay?
January 4, 2012 04:52Very good stuff
please publish some at our forums]
thank you
January 29, 2014 13:56Hello Jimmy,
I am trying to contact you. I want to try the mosfet didik amp. Please can you assist me with pcb?
Thank you
Auw Jimmy
February 3, 2014 22:21Hi Raj,
I have passed your email to him.