Still remember my capacitors break-in session? After passing a long 150 hours break-in time, today, I add another session with XLO Test Disc, track #9 “System Burn-In”. I repeat the track for around 3 hours.

Actually, I don’t recommend to use this kind of track to break-in an audio system. A normal break-in with various tracks is still preferred. That’s why, I only use this track after 150 hours normal break-in session with various tracks. I will add another 50-100 hours break-in session with various tracks to make sure all those capacitors are completely break-in. Especially for Teflon based VCap which usually loves longer break-in time.

FYI, my standard break-in session with various tracks will use standard pre/amplifier and completely fed to my DIY speakers. I don’t use dummy load on my amplifier or put the capacitor under PSU jig (some use PSU jig with dummy load to break in the capacitor).

Why I don’t do that? This is my own personal preference, YMMV.

First, if you use dummy load on the amplifier, I think, this is not a real world condition. Dummy load is a fix load, while your speaker is not a fix impedance across frequency spectrum (and will send various load to your amplifier).

Second, putting your capacitor under PSU jig (with dummy load) also will not put your capacitor under real world condition. Yes, capacitor will be loaded with AC signal (both in real amplifier or under PSU jig), but the frequency itself is different. Under PSU jig, you only load the capacitor with specific AC frequency (let’s say 50 Hz?) and specific AC load (let’s say 12 VAC?). While in the real world, capacitor will face different AC frequency and different AC load, depends on the signal loaded from the signal source.

Natural and real world condition are the best to break-in your system!

That’s why, the best break-in rig is under your own system – place where you will put the capacitor for the rest of its life 😉
