Just finished my Onkyo SE-90PCI mod yesterday. Haven’t tested it yet, maybe later… Don’t have enough time 🙂
Before the mod:
After the mod:
I used various capacitors in this project:
- BlackGate F Series in main supply.
- Rubycon ZL in DAC supply (upgraded from 330uF to 470uF)
- Elna RBP2 in op-amp supply
- BlackGate NX Hi-Q in DAC->op-amp coupling
- SideRealKap in op-amp->output coupling
- Some Rubycon ZA and Elna Cerafine (non-polar) in other sections
I decided not to change the op-amps (yet). Would try it and made sure I didn’t make any mistake 😉 My target was to use AD825 with SMD->DIP back-to-back adapter. Would see how did this “monster” perform before I decided to upgrade the op-amp.
August 13, 2007 08:17Dhuar, kaya dinamit aja om 🙂
D tunggu repiuwnya modnya…
September 9, 2007 17:31Om Jim, gimana kabar onkyo modnya?
Dah dicoba lom?
Ditunggu dnk reviewnya…
October 5, 2007 08:46Why didnt you seperated the two big yellow non polar capacitor? (like howthe orignal with the copper plate) BTW, You should also do EMF/EMI radiation shielding back/front of the card. anyways, awesome blog you have. i just bookmarked =)
November 12, 2007 23:39hey jim…
i’ve se-200 i modded the opamp and main caps…
can you reco which caps still need to mod…
wats the big fat yellow/green caps named…?
Jimmy Auw
November 13, 2007 13:02The big fat is Siderelcaps…
November 13, 2007 18:16i got two blackgate 16v 2200uf on hand ….
can you suggest ?
November 24, 2007 09:30Wow, nice mod bro. Hasilnya gimana bro ? Penasaran nih 🙂
Jura z Brna
March 11, 2008 18:50Dal bych si pivo.
April 14, 2008 01:23buset dah… ini sound card apa dinamite 😀
April 24, 2008 10:15Sudah ditest apa belum bang? Gimana hasilnya?
Bang Rossi
May 30, 2008 08:43I still waiting for the result and the opamp mod result.
The downside from this mod is this card will take 2 slots of your PCI space.
June 8, 2008 19:57Can you teach me how to mod SE-900 onkyo sound card. I’m also, using ESI Juli@. Both of them are very high quality sound card. Will you agree?
Where can I buy those High quality CAP
Thx for your professional advise.
Jimmy Auw
June 8, 2008 23:10You can buy those components (most) at your local audio shop. You can search online also.
Thank you.
Bang Rossi
June 11, 2008 19:20Can you explain every parts that you’ve changed.. why did you chage it and why did you choose those parts as a subtitude, is there any reason?
Jimmy Auw
June 12, 2008 00:47Here is a little snippet:
– Black Gate is a must for PSU Filter if you can afford it (I used the “cheap” F Series)
– Elna BP is good for opamp PSU
– BG NX Hi-Q is for first stage coupling
– SideRealCap is for second stage coupling
– Others are “standard” Rubycon ZL and ZA
Reason? Simply just follow your intuition and from your own previous experience in those caps.
William Chong
August 12, 2008 16:48Dear friend,
Can you let us know what is the outcome after the SE90 PCI MOD ?
Jimmy Auw
August 14, 2008 20:59Very good sound, but dont have much place inside my chassis to put it for long time…
November 11, 2008 15:07Is really really an interesting mod 😀
November 29, 2008 01:34om gimana tuh hasilnya?
February 25, 2009 18:09Hi Jimmy,
what about the clock? 🙂
August 11, 2009 16:47Om Jimmy saya sangat tertarik dan mau mencobanya,boleh minta no telpon ga ? tuk konsultasi maklum masih newbie, BTW beli AD825 dmana & brapaan ? Thanks a lot B 4
Jimmy Auw
August 11, 2009 17:05AD825 dulu saya pesen dari luar bro. Di Indo coba cari di forum2 ada kayanya.
September 18, 2009 06:33bung jimmy, sc 90 modifnya dijual ga ? saya minat nich
June 8, 2011 01:03pak jimmy,, kalau onkyo se-90 dibandingkan dengan esi julia.. performanya bagus mana ? kebanyakan untuk penggunaan playback bukan recording.. thanks
Auw Jimmy
June 8, 2011 21:42Halo Pak Andre,
Juli@ cenderung bersuara natural, tanpa kolorasi. Sementara Onkyo cenderung lebih tebal di mid.
Tinggal sesuai selera.
Nahum Setio
October 10, 2011 08:09Halo Pak Jimmy, saya kebetulan ketemu blog ini saat searching tentang onkyo SE90.
Saya sangat tertarik dengan modding sound card seperti di atas. Yang ingin saya tanyakan, dimana saya bisa membeli kapasitor high end seperti di atas, juga opamps.
Saat ini sound card saya adalah auzentech x-plosion cinema yang opampnya replaceable.
Auw Jimmy
October 11, 2011 00:21Hi Pak Nahum,
Silakan berkunjung ke Glodok atau LTC.
Ada beberapa toko yang menjual komponen2 ini.
Nahum Setio
October 12, 2011 12:22Terima kasih atas jawabannya pak. Saya akan coba cari.
Oya, saya baru saja membeli onkyo SE90 seken, dan akan memodifikasinya.
Tentang opamp, di Onkyo ini ada 3, apakah perlu diganti semua atau hanya 2 saja yang untuk L dan R? Juga kalau saya lihat di spek NE5532AP, opamp tersebut adalah stereo (ada 2 sirkuit). Jadi apakah opamp penggantinya harus stereo juga, atau bisa yang mono? Karena OPA627/637 adalah mono dan saya berencana untuk menggunakannya..
Auw Jimmy
October 12, 2011 19:27Hi Pak Nahum,
Kalo mau ganti yang mono, otomatis harus pake 2 buah (total 6 buah opamp mono untuk menggantikan 3 opamp stereo) dan harus pake konverter lagi.
Nahum Setio
October 13, 2011 09:27Ok pak, terimakasih atas penjelasannya. Saya sudah ada circuit diagram dari 5532 dan 627, tinggal merancang rangkaian buat konverternya..
6 buah OPA627 ternyata lumayan mahal.. 🙁