If you haven’t read my previous article, please click here. I discussed the mod of MX5021’s satellites. Now, it’s time for the electronic parts 😉
I opened the Altec MX5021 subwoofer yesterday. Here’s the picture of the board inside. We can see two big rectifier, some big capacitors (removed from the board), and some op-amps (all are ST4558C).
We have two chip for amplifier here, one is TDA7265 and other is TDA7295. Both from ST. One for driving the both satellite (TDA7265, 2×25 Watt), and one for subwoofer (TDA7295, 80 Watt).
Photo above shows the removed main capacitor. Well, they come from “well known brand”, Samxon. You can see the value, 4700 uF, 2200 uF, and 1000 uF. I remove them all.
Photo above shows the new modded board. Giant capacitors there. I also change the coupling and supply capacitor for the TDA7265. This is quite important since that TDA provide amplification for the satellites (I expect smoother mid-range and treble). I don’t change the parts on TDA7295 since I believe the subwoofer should be fine with stock parts (to save the cost to).
Photo above shows the side of the main capacitor. The 10.000 uF is the lug type so can’t fit the small hole on the PCB. I have to create a wire extension to fit that. I think I will need to drill it someday 😉 Two first pairs capacitors come from Elna, the last pair comes from Sanyo (Gold version). They are not the high price capacitors since I don’t have any intention to pay this upgrade cost more than the price of the MX5021 itself 🙂
You also can see two wires (orange and white). I remove the standard cable to the subwoofer and replace it with this cables.
Photo above shows the important circuit of TDA7265. I trace the circuit a little bit more by using TDA7265 datasheet. Then, I replace the two coupling capacitor and one supply capacitor. Both from Elna Cerafine (non-polar version – special order parts?). The op-amp also should be changed (later). The stock one is ST 4558C. Any op-amp from BurrBrown like 2134 or 2604 should fit this job perfectly. The sound at first impression: The high is more detail, but far from bright. The mid is warmer. The low extension has more punch, power, and control. Overall, the subwoofer and the satellites are blended perfectly (better than the standard one). I have no doubt that this mod increase the musicality of my MX5021 and it’s very significant. The final touch should be the op-amp. This should bring a lot of improvements. I have stock of BurrBrown 2134PA and will upgrade it soon. Will post my upgrade later.
Three hours later…
Oh well, I can’t wait. I open the MX5021 again to replace the op-amp. I use BurrBrown OPA2134PA. Here’s the photo. Will update the sound impression later. I use a socket so I can change to op-amp easily next time. I have stock some op-amp (OPA2604/OPA627/AD825/etc).
Final impression (full upgrade with op-amp BurrBrown OPA2134PA):
I can’t wait any longer. I plug the fully modded Altec Lansing MX5021 to my EMU1820M sound card. Well, I’m shocked at first time. The vocal of Ingram Washington in “What a Wondeful World” locks tight on the center, while the other instruments have their own layers. The details of the baritone are there and you can feel it. Surely, the BurrBrown OPA2135PA increases the staging and separation of the music. I do enjoy this upgrade. The high is better in terms of extension, clear but not bright, quite airy. I think that is the most significant of upgrading that stock ST 4558 to the BurrBrown OPA2134PA.
March 21, 2007 20:19Hy there, the article is very interesting and im planning upgrading my Altecs really soon.
First of all thank you for writing it, now i dont think that i get that opamp in my country, if so, there are some specs that i need to know in order to buy an opamp for the altecs ? (if you could give me some alternatives it would be just great)
Thank You.
Jimmy Auw
March 22, 2007 08:58Hi,
I think the most popular op-amp should be ok. BurrBrown 2134PA or 2604AP are two most popular.
Make sure you buy dual op-amp (not single or quad op-amp). Check the datasheet. Any op-amp should do, but watch out for faster op-amp… I don’t know whether the layout of the PCB can handle fast/high bandwidth op-amp…
March 23, 2007 15:51Hai,
About the Samxon caps you’re removing, what series are they ? (4700 uF & 1000 uF)
Jimmy Auw
March 24, 2007 08:55@Rex:
I’m sorry, I dont get your point? What “series”? What does “series” refer to?
March 25, 2007 05:00hi there i also have a set of mx5021 and i found out that if u plug in a pair of headphone and then changes the treble or bass then unplug it, u will get different sound
and if u turn the speakers off and turn it on again u will get different sound too
i know its confusing but i just wanna if this happens to ur mx5021 or not
Jimmy Auw
March 25, 2007 22:04Will check tomorrow…
April 5, 2007 00:26Hello again, ive opened my Altecs and i observed that one opamp is missing ! In your pictures i see 6 of them, ive got only 5. Anyways, if i want to change them, must i change them all ?
Jimmy Auw
April 5, 2007 10:16Hi Marian,
I prefer to change the one that I’ve changed… Btw, can you post your photo of MX5021’s PCB somewhere around? So I can look it?
May 1, 2007 02:26Hello Jimmy,
Sorry for my bad English 🙂
I have any question. What op-amp OPA2134PA/OPA2604/OPA627/AD825 is better? How change op-amp? Removed stock ST 4558 and insert OPA2134PA and all? How many uF is this red capacitors?
I have another crossover in satellites. There are C1 – 4,7uF 50V on tweeter, and C2 – 15uF 50V + L1 – 2,0A 560uH on woofer.
And, Why you don’t change TDA7265? For what, I can upgrade this?
May 1, 2007 02:33And one questions:
Are you have a noise from tweeter, how i can delete a noise?
Jimmy Auw
May 1, 2007 09:06Yes, there are noise, but very small… in typical my listening room (with a silent PC), only heard when I pump volume to maximum (4 to 5 LED) with no music played.
I think the noise come from the power supply… must be traced though, but I dont thinks it’s worth to try…
Jimmy Auw
May 1, 2007 09:11Hi Elvir,
Hard to judge the op-amp quality… theoritically, 627 is the best… but 2134/2604 offers good price to performance… 825 is a single opamp, you have to use 2 for stereo (with extra dual-to-single opamp adaptor). Too complicated for this project, so I wont recommend it.
Some “better” opamp (high speed) needs a better circuit… so it may not fit for all application
The fastest solution is to change the opamp near the output. But off course you can change them all if you want it (and willing to pay extra cost).
For the satellite, change the 4.7uF first… this will affect the high frequency… if you feel the high is too bright after changing the capacitor, try to add 2 Ohm resistor (5 to 10 Watt) before the capacitor.
TDA is the main amplifier. You can upgrade to a higher powered chip, but again this is not worth to try since you may need to adjust the power supply voltage, etc.
May 6, 2007 00:45I’m about a noise from tweeter. I have a very big noise from tweeter. I don’t know, what do it. 🙁
Jimmy Auw
May 6, 2007 11:59Hmm… I guess you have problem inside your amplifier…
May 6, 2007 16:12About the ‘Red Capacitors’, what is the capacity (mF) each? Sorry, I can’t see clearly the capacity of the capacitor.
Jimmy Auw
May 9, 2007 08:37Just replace it with the same original value.
Brian Zhou
June 10, 2007 03:07Thanks for the guide! I’m going to first try replacing the last output op-amp with an OPA2134 in a socket. Do you think this set would benefit if I replaced all of the op-amps, or would replacing the one be enough?
Jimmy Auw
June 10, 2007 14:42I haven’t checked all the opamp circuitry and function… but you can try to replace the opamp nearest with the output… this will give most significant effect.
June 18, 2007 09:12Wow this modding-article really tempting me! But, coz I’m not experienced with some electronic stuff such as capacitor, rectifier etc, I’m confused in some part of this article.
I have this MX in my house, and I, after reading your article, intend to try modding this speaker.
There are some question I’d like to ask. First thing I need to know, are modding very risky? What if I replace some component with other component that coincidentally not match?
In your article, you use ‘Elna’ capacitor to replace the ‘Samxon’. If I use different type or brand from that capacitor, are the result will be different too?
I read two of your article, first article is about modding the crossover of the satellite speaker (if I’m not mistaken) and the other is this amplifier-modding article. If I just modding one of them (ex. I’m just modding the amplifier), how far the result will be different compared to modding both of them?
Thanks for your help..
Jimmy Auw
June 18, 2007 12:18Yup, different capacitor should produce different result. But make sure you will use a better quality capacitor. Samxon is on the lower (near lowest) place. So any better caps like Panasonic, BlackGate, Elna, Nichicon, Nippon Chemicon, etc should improve the sound quality (but the sound characteristic will slightly different).
Better try to mod the speaker first (the crossover)… because it’s easier and almost risk free…
June 20, 2007 06:37Thanks for your advice, now I try to mod my speaker first.
But when I opened my MX… whoa, it’s different than your crossover, here’s the ‘picture?’
|—————————–| (0) is the regular ‘Samxon’ small capacitor (15uF, 50v)
| (0) |———-| | (1) is the same ‘big black thing’ like in your crossover, but
| | 1 | | with different inductance, which is ‘560 uH, 2.0 A’
| w |——— | | (2) is the big yellow tube, come from ‘Samxon’. It have
| o ——– | ‘4.7 uF, 50v’ marked on its body (Is it a capacitor??)
| o | | | Considering the size, why is it only have 4.7 uF of capacitance?
| f | 2 | | Do you have some clue of this case?
| e | | |
| r ——– |
June 20, 2007 06:49Oops sorry, I haven’t thought that the ‘picture’ would be like this (x_x)
Here’s a brief description of my cross over (the position is based on your ‘first’ speaker crossover picture):
– It have one ‘big black’ thing (560 uH, 2.0 A) placed horizontally, and one Samxon ‘big yellow tube’
(4.7 uF,50 V), placed vertically. My question is what the big yellow ‘capacitor?’ with small capacitance do there?
– It have only ONE regular capacitor, Samxon ’15uF,50V’. Placed in upper part of the PCB, near the ‘top woofer’ mark and the big yellow thing (different from any of your crossover’s capacitor placement)
Do you have some clue of this case?
Jimmy Auw
June 20, 2007 13:58The 4.7uF is the high pass filter for the tweeter…
Replace this one with a better capacitor (Solen has good for price/performance ratio)…
August 21, 2007 16:56Hi Jim,
Maybe, you can put also for the total cost of this Upgrading Mod, so from the start/beginning we can predict that how much total cost, for this nice upgrading and mod for Altec Lansing MX5021.
Elna = $, or Rp.
Opamp = $, or Rp.
Etc = $, or Rp.
So before we do the “jump” we have to prepare the parasut right.. 🙂
it is nice Article, for helping people do the right mod.
Jimmy Auw
August 22, 2007 12:36Forget the price exactly… but around $15 for satellite and $20 for amplifier mod…
August 30, 2007 15:41Hi Jimmy, I just bought MX 5021 and one opamp is missing. I want to know, if you could tell me, what is its purpose and if it’s worth to put one in i’ll send you a photo of the rest of the components around the IC that are missing. I send the photo of the missing IC to your email.
Thank you very much.
Jimmy Auw
August 30, 2007 16:58I think they have re-designed the amplifier… maybe to reduce the cost, they eliminate some components…
I dont know the function, have to check it first (have to open it again)… maybe next time…. sorry.
Teddy Baluyut
September 21, 2007 05:36Hey Jimmy,
I’ve been using the MX5021 for 2 yeards and I really love them. Hoever, I’ve had the subwoofer under my desk and against the wall. From repeatedly being jammed against the wall, the wire on the control pod that’s connected to the subwoofer got bent and now I can’t get power. I bought the fx 4021 but no comparison. Any idea where I can buy a control pod for the mx5021 or where I can bring it to get repaired? Thanks
October 6, 2007 02:53Hi there jimmy, good show. I just opened mine to take a look as the minijack is giving some trouble with some plugs. I am also planning a small set of mods. I already bypassed the tweeter caps with MKP, did not bother to change any other caps in the ‘woofer’ crossover in the sats. I must say you took a lot of trouble. Congratulations.
Two quick questions:
As a side note, all the active components are pretty poor quality – The 7265 specifications are pretty bad, the 7433D is a very basic processor, and the film caps are all polyester generics. Not sure how much advantage we can get from modding. The 4558 opamps make me shudder, now that I’ve opened it up.
1. Which caps are signal coupling? You changed the C61, C54 and C1. Far as I can tell the following also need to be changed:
C50 and 52 – these couple the return signal from the control pod to the TDA 7433D.
C45 and 34 – These couple the main input (back of the sub) to the first opamp U7
C41 and 46 – These couple the U7 output to the TDA 7433D. This first set is the input path for the input at the subwoofer back.
U7, U12, U14 and U9 (which you already changed). These are all directly in the signal path, not totally sure why so many opamps were required. There is also a TL074C on the back, I presume that is where the crossover for the subwoofer is, as it is routed straight to the TDA 7295’s + input. That cap is C118, BTW.
2. Do you continue to use the minijack for signal input? I think a worthwile mod would be to replace that with some panel mount RCA jacks – There’s plenty of space on the back panel, and the PCB has a nice blank square to drill through to route the wire and keep it short.
My quick observations show that C1 is a mute cap between pin 3 and 5, and is thus not important to the modding process for sound quality gain – though you did it anyway so was there a quality improvement?
My second observation is that the 0.22 uF is the only filter component in the satellite amps, and therefore should be replaced by a cap of the same value. A larger cap may pass a full range signal to the satellites, causing over-excursion. I luckily have some film caps of the exact same value salvaged from a NAD CD player, they will be helpful to me. I am not sure if the satellite signal goes through a high-pass earlier.
Sorry for the long post. Will check back later.
Jimmy Auw
October 6, 2007 11:47Hi,
Thank you for your information.
Actually, what I did was a very basic mod. I just want to ask anybody to learn and do simple mod. Off course there are a lot of things to be changed to improve if you want to… I just have concern about “cost” and “difficulty” level. If I put too many mod, a lot of readers will consider this a “expert game” and will never try it.
I dont have the MX5021 on hand right now, so can’t do any observation. But I do agree with you that my mod is only the simple one. There are a lot space to improve there. About your 2 questions, I agree that they both will do a lot of improvement, but with extra sweat 😉
Larger caps I think should be ok. The 3″ driver is enough to handle low frequency around 100-200 Hz. And I think you will feel “heavier” low… just try it and plug the original value if you dont like.
October 6, 2007 17:54Hi, I’m back
Changed 6 caps to Panasonic FC, replaced .22 caps just before TDA7265 to .47 metallised poly. System sound balance has remained, so maybe the small caps are only because Altec are cheap.
Added 22uF Panasonic FC as decoupling for TDA7265, as the decoupling is pretty bad. Just soldered on reverse side of board.
Replaced subwoofer wire with 18AWG quality wire. Broke the sub connector while opening, noticed how thin the wire is.
Best way to open sub is from the front. Use a knife to cut the glue or the connectors are dificult to remove. Sub can be desoldered.
Opamps not changed yet, considering cheaper opamps as the TDA7265 will be the limiting factor. Maybe NE5532 or OPA2134.
The board is pretty bad, all the traces come off easily, so watch it when replacing caps or opamps. smallest amount of heat is enough to break the trace. Keep superglue handy for fixing.
Wire to satellites changed for 15 gauge speaker wire (not expensive audiophile stuff, just plain good quality wire).
Sorry no photos, don’t have a camera.
By the way spent some time browsing your blog, nice stuff. Do you have some recordings you want to put up? I dabble a bit in recording too. Would love to hear your stuff and see your gear.
Jimmy Auw
October 6, 2007 18:19I just use my DIY speaker… some tubes amp… and some gears like EMU1820M, ESI Juli@, and Onkyo SE-90PCI… not much to show eh… 🙂
Damien Wu
December 11, 2007 04:57Any advice on upgrading the OPMAPS in Altec Lansing 621. Thinking of upgrading to LME49720NA.
December 14, 2007 01:35Hi there jimmy, about the crossover on the satellites, i think i have the same one as Elvir, my satellites midrange both of them run on the same frequency cause both midrange speaker connected in series. the 4.7uF 50V connected series with the tweeter where the capacitor is way bigger than yours, almost as big as the inductor. did altec somewhat change their design? can u draw me or attach the bottom picture part of ur crossover? i like to try whats the difference between the design.
Jimmy Auw
December 14, 2007 15:23Hi,
please upload your crossover design and i can suggest some modification for you.
December 17, 2007 10:42very intriguing article =)
just bought my set of mx5021’s, and i must say that i’m quite pleased with the sound quality so far. but even now i am feeling the itch to try out your mods knowing that the sound quality can improve even more. hmmm, but maybe i’ll wait out the 1 year warranty first though. that’ll give me time to read up some more about the mod since i haven’t tried anything like this yet. hope you won’t mind if i ask for help and clarifications about this in the future. thanks for posting this! =)
Jimmy Auw
December 17, 2007 14:06Anytime bro… 🙂
January 19, 2008 17:41i modded it with (Rubycon 50v 6800uf, Sanyo 50v 3300uf, nichicon 50v 1000uf).
Sound clearer than before, i can hear some musical instruments and background effects never notice before… 🙂 thanks dude…
March 2, 2008 23:54hi jimmy, but i use LM4562 for the opamp?
Jimmy Auw
March 4, 2008 20:41You can try… No problem… But I do prefer “warmer sound” opamp… LM4562 tends to have brighter sound… I don’t think it will suit the MX5021 satellite…
March 24, 2008 00:54Does this mod fix the amplifier hiss in the sattelites this system is “famed” for? (audible hiss regardless of volume / conncetion)
Jimmy Auw
March 25, 2008 00:41No…
March 25, 2008 12:04does any one have the controller they what to sell ??? please e-mail me @ [email protected] if so thanx
March 25, 2008 22:30Hi there jimmy, do u have experienced in modify Altec Lansing ATP3? I am goin to modify my ATP3,but I don’t know how to open the satelite speaker?where is the crossover located?Thanks for u reply…
Jimmy Auw
March 26, 2008 18:15Never tried on ATP3, but the basic should be the same.
March 31, 2008 10:30hi jimmy, i already tried to open the altec lansing ATP3. I found that it is using TDA7377 as power amplifier, 3 comparators ST 4558C. Besides that, there is a big capacitor 10,000uFF25V SAMXON
So, what should i do now?change the better comparator as you changed? it is OPA2134PA similiar to ST 4558C?how about the SAMXON capacitor?do i need to change?what else component need to change to improve overall performance.
p/s: where can get the better capacitor and comparator?
Jimmy Auw
March 31, 2008 23:01I think you can replace the opamp first…
April 4, 2008 09:22I found another Op-amp which is LM4562 dual high fidelity audio operational amplifier.Is it can be used to replace the stock op-amp?Will burn the circuit if replace wrong op-amp?Which one is better if compare LM4562 with OPA2134?Thanks for your opinion.
The link below to see more detail about LM4562
Jimmy Auw
April 6, 2008 17:34As long as the opamp is compatible, they can be used with no problem.
LM4562 has higher spec compared to 2134.
April 10, 2008 17:35om jim, g juga rencana mau mod mx5021 punya g…bbrp bulan lagi(nunggu garansi habis)
ada beberapa pertanyaan,
1. komponen2 tersebut klo kepasang terbalik, akibatnya apa?
2. dalam menyolder apa perlu digunakan timah khusus?
3. kabel dari PCB ke driver diganti dengan kabel apa?
4. kenapa op-amp yang diganti cuma 1, gak semua?
5. caps elna dekat op-amp yang diganti, value-nya berapa?
6. dimana komponen2 itu bisa didapat di jakarta?
April 10, 2008 17:45resiko dalam modifikasi speaker ini besar ga?contohnya?
lalu apakah daya tahan speaker terpengaruhi setelah modifikasi?
Jimmy Auw
April 10, 2008 22:091. Sebagian komponen tidak boleh terbalik. Kalo terbalik bisa rusak.
2. Pake timah biasa juga gpp.
3. Silakan coba dengan kabel yang kamu suka. Kalo murah meriah bisa coba Canare.
4. Kebetulan itu yang saya rasa penting. Kamu mau ganti semua juga silakan.
5. Ganti ama nilai yang sama aja.
6. Glodok atau Lindeteves?
Risiko kalo salah pasang yah bisa rusak… Daya tahan speaker harusnya lebih baik karena komponennya lebih bagus.
April 16, 2008 20:08hi… I came across this guide & am tempted to mod my acs45.1… there’re 4 types of main power caps
10KµF 25V X 1
1KµF 16V X 2
220µF 16V X 1
100µF 16V X 3
googled a lil bit… found out that increasing the capacitance could be good in sound quality wise… but some say too much of it will reduce life span of other components… & it kinda held me back….
unfortunately I went on to order replacement caps straight away after reading your guide in the very beginning….
22KµF 25V
2.2KµF 16V
470µF 16V
330µF 16V
overkill? any idea? thanks in advance
Jimmy Auw
April 16, 2008 22:57Bigger size wont have any bad effect, but you will lose a lot of money (bigger size = expensive).
April 23, 2008 19:50hi… I kinda messed it up… seriously need your help T.T please check your blog email…. thanks
Jimmy Auw
April 27, 2008 19:56Please check the connections and lines.
Changing capacitors and opamps won’t do such damage.
Thank you.
April 27, 2008 22:44Great writeup.
I am wondering if anyone has recommendations for the cheapest place to get these parts? From partsexpress, I calculated it is going to cost about $64 (not inc shipping) just to replace the capacitors and inductors for both satellites. A pack of 10 op amps to do the subwoofer mod will cost about $35. I am still unsure of how significant of a difference I will be heard and whether it will be worth it.
What individual mod do you guys think will improve the SQ the most dramatically?
April 29, 2008 17:58hi… can you tell which opamp is nearest to output by looking @ these pics? thx again
mx 5021 lover
May 1, 2008 14:35bro jimmy, gw br kelar mod ampli mx5021, awalnya gw pake komponen yg kaya bro pake, but suaranya gk terlalu mengalami perubahan.. akhirnya gw ganti pake caps kenwood 4700 uF 75 volt, elna for audio 3300 uF 50 volt japan (ukurannya lbh gede dr pny bro..), 1000 uF 25 volt panasonic fc, 2.2uF 50 volt 3 buah (warna hitam).. caps yg warna hijau di depen caps gede yg berjumlah 11 gw ganti jg (lupa tipenya bro..) n suaranya bassnya lebih deep banget… cm satellitenya msh metalik karakter suaranya… ;-( kynya op amp yg lain bisa di ganti juga ya… soalnya gw coba cek jalur n kl di ganti lebih bagus lg.. trus capsnya juga yg 1 uF yg deket2 op ampnya..
bro karakter op amp lm 833, 5532 and 2134 bagusan mana ya..? gw pingin suara yg detail, warm n treble yg gk nyakitin telinga..
thanx bwt blsnnya bro..
mx 5021 lover
May 1, 2008 14:39sorry yg 1 uF aslinya gw ganti dengan elna cerafine 2.2uF 50 volt..
trus kl suata saat gw pgn ganti caps yg 4700 uF 50 volt dengan caps 10000uF tp voltagenya lbh rendah yaitu 35 volt gk apa2 kahn..? soalnya di cek arus voltage dr trafonya gk butuh sampe 35 volt…
mohon pencerahannya…
Jimmy Auw
May 2, 2008 00:37Kalo mau harus upgrade XO satelitnya juga… efeknya pasti lebih terasa.
Pastikan aja capsnya asli tuh… kalo yang palsu2 biasanya ratingnya suka ngaco…. jebluk ntar dikasih rating rendah…
Dari tiga yang dipake lebih cocok 2134 rasanya… tapi saran saya kamu upgrade XO-nya dulu deh di satelitnya… itu efek yang paling kerasa.
May 2, 2008 18:42bro jimmy, bagaimana caranya upgrade 2 way passive crossover, biar bass dari midbass lebih “gebuk”? harus besarin kumparan-nya? atau mainin nilai capasitor-nya?
Jimmy Auw
May 3, 2008 01:28Tergantung boss… harus liat rangkaiannya dulu deh…
Bisa dengan membesarkan nilai kumparan… atau menggeser titik potong… atau bahkan ganti merek komponen….
May 14, 2008 21:03Jimmy/all – recently bought the MX5021, and the transformer hum that this model is notorious for is driving me nuts! Did yours also suffer from this? If not, then perhaps I have DC on the mains and need a filter. If they all do the humming, do you happen to have any recommendations for sorting it?
May 15, 2008 18:49update: Jimmy has kindly replied by email to say that his never had this hum, so far as he knows. Anybody else had it or found a fix?
May 27, 2008 08:32Dear Bro, kapasitor 3 biji yang dekat opampnya diganti dengan kapasitas berapa ya???
June 10, 2008 10:43Hi. I have the same problem as Andy above. I believe it is something to do with the power supply? Should the unit be grounded as mine came with a 2 prong non ground EU plug which I have used an adapter to modify to UK plugs. If so is there any way to do this myself and eliminate or reduce this hiss? Thanks.
June 11, 2008 04:20i haven’t had any hum at all heard from the sub/transformer,only hiss sound from da satelites.hev jimmy,im modding my mx5021 and jus wondering what are those c1815 transistor doing there?itrace the circuits and the output of the op amp connected to it, not only one but 2,should this trans change also since its only general pourpose trans..
June 15, 2008 13:22hi,finally i changed all the stock op amp to OPA2134PA. The op amp i just received yesterday.now my ATP3 is nice…the sound is perfect, very clear, separate.I don’t change the capacitor because i couldn’t find elna cerafine capacitor. how to get the Elna capacitor?Order from Farnell?What else capacitor can be used except Elna. Very hard to get the good audio capacitor at my country.
June 15, 2008 20:43hellow Jimmy,
after upgraded the op-amp, is there any way to improve the sound? use the higher spec op-amp?such as LM4562 or AD823? i already changed the audio cable for 3.5mm audio jack. I use the Canare cable with CanareF-12 socket. Now i wonder what will happen if I modify the capacitor?
June 18, 2008 11:20Boss Jimmy,
rangkaian pasif gue yang sekarang:
tw = SEAS Classic
pasif tw = caps 6,8 uF paralel dengan caps 1 uF, kumparan 0,22 mH, lpad 2 x 1,2R (seri)
mid = a/d/s/ A5is
pasif mid = kumparan 0,58 mH, caps 22 uF paralel dengan 3,3 uF
kumparan bawaan pasif a/d/s/, sementara caps pake caps biasa yang harga Rp. 1.000 per pcs.
mohon petunjuk lebih lanjut, boss ….
Jimmy Auw
June 20, 2008 22:17No need to find Elna. Any better capacitor like Panasonic FC, Rubycon ZA/ZL, etc should do.
Jimmy Auw
June 20, 2008 22:18Problemnya apa di pasif-nya bos? Apa yang kurang? hehehe…
June 28, 2008 16:09Please help me with the modding of this AMP http://my-cool-gsm.hit.bg/DSC00097.JPG
I wont to clear the sound.PLEASE HELP ME!!!
Sorry for my bad English.
July 16, 2008 18:02Hi Jimmy, currently i am using ARC2100xxk for my car audio. I am planning to upgrade the power by my self. I have question, is it possible to change the op-amp standard with op-amp BurrBrown OPA2134PA?. Thanks
Jimmy Auw
July 16, 2008 20:55What is your standard op-amp?
Could you upload some photos around?
July 17, 2008 08:25My standart op-amp is TL072C smd type. How to upload the picture, sorry i am newbe or can is send you through your email?.
July 17, 2008 17:51Hi Jimmy,
I already changed the OP2134PA to LM4562NA, then the output capacitor i change to RUBYCON ZL. After completed soldering, when i turn on my speaker, the sound huge different. Not like stock sound. Very clear during high frequency, less noise.improve alot from previous.You will more love your speaker.
OPA2134PA produce more warm compare with LM4562NA.
What will improve when i change the capacitor the power supply?At this moment, I haven change it.Because all the capacitor selling in SNAP_IN type in big Farad. The pin not enough long. So, do you any suggestion for the capacitor which can replace the stock SAMXON 10000uf.
July 17, 2008 19:18Hi Vincent, with one is better between OP2134PA and LM4562NA? Can you share a little bit about that? Thanks
Jimmy Auw
July 17, 2008 21:03@Archie:
You can try 2134 or 4562.
2134 somehow has less detail and resolution compared to 4562. It tends to have warmer sound.
On the other side, 4562 has brighter sound.
It depends on your taste and your equipment. Try AD opamp also like 825 (mono opamp), it sounds good also.
Great sharing from you!
The capacitors at the power supply is VERY IMPORTANT. It provides the “food” to your amplifier, so you have to put it more attention. It may produce 25-40% improvement with good power supply. I also use snap-in type on the photo above (not really shown from that angle). I use thick solid copper cable as extension from the snap-in capacitor to the PCB. Though I still need to drill the PCB a little bit.
You can try this way also.
July 17, 2008 22:00to Jimmy, where can i get LM4562NA with SMD type? and how much does it cost?. May be i will test it in too my both amp with using same speakers and cables. I just bought OP2134PA from http://www.langsungjadi.com, and i have not check yet whether they sell LM4562NA as well. Thanks
Jimmy Auw
July 17, 2008 22:21You can buy somewhere around at online website like Farnell, I think.
Thank you.
July 18, 2008 12:35@Archie
For the LM4562NA, the sound more brigther in detail compare with OPA2134PA. Both OP-AMP also are high performance product. You can try both if you want. At last also depand on your taste.
Both IC I order from FARNELL. But check before you make order for the package type. Between, you have register at the Farnell website first.
Oh, you also use SNAP-IN type,no wonder i could not find any radial type with big capacity.
but then if too big, i scare no place to put it. because my power supply capacitor is “mengiring”/ sleeping type. so very hard to solder. So which type of capacitor to use?LOW ESR?High Ripple Current?can suggest any one for me?thanks
Jimmy Auw
July 18, 2008 15:17Hi,
I prefer the low esr version.
Thank you.
July 18, 2008 19:50hik hik hik the stock for opa2134pa is empty in http://www.langsungjadi.com. I am domicile in Jakarta, so i just direct call to PT Graha Sumber Prima Elektronika for order those things right?. Is it any simple way to buy those things?. Thanks
Jimmy Auw
July 18, 2008 22:56Go to Glodok and find shop named Marconi.
You can get the stuff from there.
Thank you.
July 18, 2008 23:03thanks jimmy..
July 25, 2008 13:02jim, what is the different between opa2134 and opa2604? Have you tried both op amp? If yes, Please share bro. Thanks
Jimmy Auw
July 25, 2008 23:502604 is a little bit softer for my taste.
But depends on your taste. Both are good at its level. 2604 should be more expensive.
Thank you.
July 27, 2008 11:58hi Jimmy,
When choosing an op-amp, normally what parameter we concern?Gain bandwidth,Slew Rate?or any important parameter? can you sharing your experience?
You mention the Panasonic FC capacitor, I found the Panasonic audio cap, ECA series.
Actually what is the different?I compare both of them, ECA series’s ripple current is lower than FC, but is show in AC. So use which one better?
Normally low ESR capacitor show higher rippler current, the rippler current mention DC or AC?
When choosing an capacitor, what parameter we need to pay attention?
For power supply capacitor, replace the same Farad or higher Farad?What will happen if put higher Farad.
Jimmy Auw
July 27, 2008 16:29Hi,
If you want to replace op-amp, I would prefer to get similar spec op-amp. Unless you really know what you are doing. Sometime, higher bandwidth op-amp could not match with your current system (either PCB layout, capacitor configuration, etc) and may produce into a non-stable system. It may produce oscillation.
FC is specified for lower impedance and this is one of important factor for audio.
If your purpose is for audio, FC is one of your best choice offered by Panasonic.
For audio, you have to do a listening test. Most capacitor specification can’t describe its audio performance. But it’s a good start to find lower ESR, lower impedance capacitor, etc. Remember, good spec doesnt have to be good sounding things.
For power supply, just replace with same Farad. Again, unless you know what you are doing. Replacing with too high Farad could produce trouble into your system and somehow, too big doesn’t sound good. This needs experience and testing. One rule doesn’t apply for all.
Thank you.
August 6, 2008 20:08hi there sir Jimmy i just want to ask some of modification of atp3 to be specific what op amp is the best to be used and what capacitor is to be change thanx in advance
Jimmy Auw
August 6, 2008 23:53Hi,
Different speaker needs different mod. So you have to start one by one and check which parts need to be upgraded. There’s no single key to open all doors.
Thank you.
August 8, 2008 09:24Hey just wondering if anyone has good tips on desoldering the tiny op amps?
August 8, 2008 11:39Hi Anon,
what package of your op-amp?SOIC?or DIP?
if SOIC, you need special equipment or tools like hot-air gun to remove it.
if DIP, it is easier. just need normal soldering gun, sucker.
Hi Chales,
ATP3, i have change the 3-stock op-amp to LM4562. the sound more detail compare with stock ST4558C. OPA2134PA produce more bassy sound compare LM4562. then i change the output capacitor to Rubycon ZL series. I will change the power supply capacitor soon. But if you want clear sound, detail, but less bass. you can try look for the Sonic Gear A6, vacuum tube tecnology. now is cheap at the market. where are you come from?my country sell RM199.
Hi Jimmy
Sorry for given suggestion or sharing any experincec in your forum.
but anyway, may ask you about the ferrite core with claim at the wire to reduce EMC.
normally use in the USB cable or any power cord.
Do you have any experience with this? it is will help to reduce the EMI?
here attach the link to let you see what component i mention.
Jimmy Auw
August 8, 2008 22:42Hi Vincent,
Feel free to use my blog to advise others. It’s ok for me.
About the ferrite, please check:
August 12, 2008 11:46Hi Jimmy,
Is there any different after you add in the ferrite? because normally the ferrite to filter the high frequency. if you use in AC supply, is there any effect? no noise? how to select the ferrite?
pls advice on this.
Jimmy Auw
August 14, 2008 20:59The significant effect is softer sound.
You can try it yourself. It’s a cheap trick anyway.
Ozzie Fuentes
August 16, 2008 03:25Hi Jimmy!
I bought Sharper Image Bluetooth 2.0 Wireless Hi-Fi Speakers (#KO500) off the shelf (no box or instructions). I brought them home and hooked them up to my home amplifier and melted the TDA7265 chip on the circuit board.
None of the local stores are willing to fix it so I’m taking it upon myself to replace the chip. It’s apparent that you know much ore than I about the challenge at hand. Do you have any words of advice, thoughts, or things I should take into consideration? I’d really appreciate your time and effort.
All the best,
(714) 721-3131
August 17, 2008 21:57Hy Jimmy. I’ve got an Altec BXR1121. Yea not so powerfull. But i’ve worked on it a little and it was very good. Far on i’ve changed the power supply. It was 2x10V 0.7A, now has 2x12V 0.8A. I’ve took out the board from sub and putted a big cooper radiator over the amps (UTC2030) and above it i’ve mounted a 60×60 fan to keep them chill. I also put sillicone on margins to get a deeper bass. But i said i could get more of it, so yesterday i’ve went at shop and i’ve buyed 2 big capacitors 6800 uF 35V (not brand, Hexing) for bass filtering and one TDA2050V-ST to change one amp (the one that controll the woofer). But in my rush i’ve made some mistakes and now the power supply has gone boom :D. I also broken the TDA2050V-ST and the UTC2030 stock amp. I must go to shop and buy another one. My board also get broken, i’ve let too much time the soldering pistol on it, but i can make the connections manually with wires. But i’ve got some questions, and i’m glad that i’ve found you’re blog and i have who to ask.
1. Another amp, like TDA2050V-ST is a risky operation?
2. There is just one op amp, UTC4558. My system has a range from 100Hz to 20000Hz. Pretty good, but i’ve had to set the crossover from my sound card to a lower frequency to get a deeper bass. I think the op amp set’s the crossover. I am wrong?
3. There are others capacitors on the board, don’t know the values, but it’s a risk if i change all of them with a more uF ones?
I know this is not a high end sistem but is an Altec and the most important thing, i like it a lot.
Jimmy Auw
August 21, 2008 22:351. If you are sure with the working voltage and pin layout, then there should be no problem.
2. The op-amp should act as buffer.
3. More uF should be ok. Perhaps it will add more bass if you go with higher value.
August 22, 2008 04:03BXR1121 is broken. Tomorrow I’m gonna go to shop to buy another set of speakers. But i don’t know what to take…VS2421 or VS4121. I will mod it for sure. Can you help me?
August 23, 2008 01:27I’ve got Altec VS4121. They rock! Much better than my BXR1121. I hardly wait to mod them :).
August 24, 2008 14:10Today I was able to give some power to the system, since i was home alone :). The bass enclosure needs some improvements. I’ll use the silicon again. Next week i’ll open it to see what’s inside.
August 24, 2008 21:10Jimmy, can you tell me what’s the wood tickness used in MX5021?
September 11, 2008 11:54hi Jimmy,
Finally I change the power supply capacitor, and the capacitor near to the IC regulator(7809).The value I replace the same value.After I changed it, i test with the music. I notice that the sound like more natural. Especially for the guitar sound.
Let say I change the capacitor to higher value, it there any changes, difference?
So far what important component I already swap with good component.
So which component have to replace again?any idea?
Below are the changes was make so far;
Power Supply =25V 10000uF (Low ESR from Vishay)
9V regulator capacitor = Nichicon UPM series 25V100uF
3 OP amp= LM4562NA (National) and test before OPA2134PA (BurrBrown)
Output capacitor = Rubycon ZL 16V470uF
OP amp capacitor = Panasonic ECA audio series.
Jimmy Auw
September 12, 2008 22:00Hi,
No need to change to the higher value… but you can try if you want it.
Now you can try to use better speaker cables and next better interconnect/RCA cable.
September 17, 2008 10:22hi Jimmy,
You mean the cable which connect to 3.5″mm Jack? that one i already changed to CANARE cable.
but then the output speaker cable i don’t change because i dont know how to open the satelite speaker. no screw at all. i scare will break it when i open it. do you have any idea?
September 18, 2008 10:44hi sir jimmy
i open my altec atp3 and i found that my 3 op amp of the atp3 is mc4558cn sir can you give some more clear and more bass kind of op amp
September 18, 2008 10:49sir jimmy,
i just want to add i found one more op amp tl074cn thanks in advance sir
September 18, 2008 14:59hi Charles,
Do you open the ATP3’s satelite speaker before?
how did you open it?do you have any idea?
yours ATP3 also 3 op amp, and one big capacitor with 25V 10000uf?Samxon?
is not cut cost version?when did you buy it? i bought it last year. and just change the parts recently.
do you mind capture the circuit board and send it to me have a look.
September 18, 2008 19:24hi vincent
sir vincent i don’t know how to upload some pics in this site. sir the big capcitor is 25v 10000uf the brand of it capxon, i bought it last 3 years ago, sir i found that my 3 op amp mc4558cn and 1 another op amp tl074cn sir can you give me wat op amp can i change to mc4558cn and tl074cn i want more bass type and more treble thanks in advance!!!!
Jimmy Auw
September 19, 2008 22:46Hi Charles,
You can change the mc4558cn to a better op-amp, let’s say OPA 2134.
Hi Vincent,
I think you need to open the satellite. Haven’t done this before, but I believe they are some way to open it.
Thank you.
September 24, 2008 08:00sir jimmy
i would like to ask about the op-amp OPA627 is it compatible with mc4558cn is the pin are the same? thank in advance sir
Jimmy Auw
September 24, 2008 09:35627 is Mono OpAmp… you can’t just plug it to replace the 4558.
You need a dual mono to stereo adapter… Search for BrownDog converter, this may gives you an idea about what I’m talking about.
Thank you.
September 26, 2008 02:56Today I’ve managed to repair BXR1121. But I’ve got VS4121 broken. Damn.
October 4, 2008 14:06@vincent_atp3
after read your replies in this blog, i tempted to modify my atp3 too. can you pls give some guidance, what should i do first? replace the opamp with a better ones, or modify the crossover? should i do it step by step and listen for the difference, or do the whole things altogether?
alhamdulillah i found this blog. keep up the great work sir..!
Tommy Yip
October 4, 2008 22:24Hiya Jimmy,
So glad that Google lead me to your blog after my MX5021 stopped singing last night!:-(
I think you must can give me some hints on solving the problem.:-)
My MX5021 just suddenly stopped working last night when I hearing some MP3s on my computer and couldn’t give out any music anymore whatever I connected it to the computer or a mp3. However, I think it is not totally dead as all the LED lights on the controller are still working like normal and I can even adjust them, meanwhile the normal hiss in the satellites and hum in subwoofer is still there. Everything looks like normal but just NO sound!
Is there any fuse or capacitor is fried may cause this faulty? How can I trace it and change the faulty component? Any idea or help on this will be much appreciated!
Thanks mate.
Jimmy Auw
October 5, 2008 01:38Hi,
It’s unlikely to blame the fuse or capacitor since you still have power on the speaker.
I think the best way is to bring your speaker to local repair. They can check it for you.
October 6, 2008 14:27hi Ahmad,
You can try upgrade the op-amp 1st. Because I notice that op-amp playing an important role in audio system. Then you can upgrade the power supply capacitor(SAMXON 10000uF). After i upgrade power supply capacitor, the bass sound more solid. So far i haven open my satelite, because i dont know the way to open it. do you have experience? i think there is crossover circuit inside the satelite speaker.it may in capacitor form only. not PCB type.
where are you come from? Indonesia? If you want get those parts, you can order from farnell. there can get those low ESR capacitor and op-amp. http://www.farnell.com
some advise for you, buy a sound card better than modify. because from my experince, the cost which i modified already can purchase a sound blaster live. But you can go ahead for modify if you like it.
Jimmy Auw
October 6, 2008 17:01Hi,
Doing the mod and buying a sound card are two different things.
If you dont have good enough card (let’s say you only use onboard), then buying a good sound card is a better option.
On the other side, if you already own a good sound card (like my case, I already have ESI Juli@, Onkyo SE90, and EMU1820M and some speakers/amplifier), I think upgrading this multimedia speaker is one of my only option 😉 I just want to know how far can I go (with tight budget off course, around US$ 40).
Anyway, doing this mod is part of (my) hobby. Just like thinking why some people will spend money to dress up their old car? Why dont you buy a new one? Well, it’s a matter of their preference, I think. Everyone could buy a new car, but perhaps your modified car is the one and only in this world. Same thought with the speaker.
My US$ 0.02 🙂
Thank you.
October 6, 2008 20:04Jimmy,
What are you saying is truth. Modification only unique in this world. I agree with you.
Besides that, I also like to modify anything, part of my hobby. As long as the part can be upgrade or add on, i also will try to figure out how to modify.
Since I am using the laptop, so the on board sound card not so good as separate sound card. I plan to apply PLYE preamp as my “sound card” since my friend gave me the pre-amp. But he problem is I need to supply 12V to the preamp. I dont know where can get 12V.
Do you have experience in using vacumn TUBE for audio amplifier? Different tube have different characteristic. So can I change it as i like.Maybe change it to warmer type.Just like changing the op-amp. as long as the pins count is correct. Is this the way work?
Jimmy Auw
October 6, 2008 20:37Hi,
You can build a power supply, with good transformer and perhaps a good voltage regulator. You can search around for that or buy a kit like the one from TentLabs or WelborneLabs. Most of them are expensive. It will be cheaper if you can build one yourself. Or perhaps you can go with “standard” power transformer (buy it from the local electronic store). Make sure you buy the one with enough Ampere rating needed by your Pyle. Then, you can learn how to build a good power supply to replace your “standard” power transformer.
Different tube has different rating, from the bias to the working voltage. They also has different socket, from the old UX, to the common Octal or Noval socket. Not all the tube are interchangeable, since they may have different working voltage or heater wiring. But if you are sure that they are the same, then you can easily interchange it. They may not sound best without changing some of the parameter. In tube world, even same tube from different vendor or build date may have different sonic signature. Only sky (and your pocket) is the limit.
Thank you.
October 7, 2008 00:13hi Vincent,
thanks for your suggestion. i’ll do that.
no, i have no experience about opening my satellite. some information i read on internet said that the satellites assembled using a sort of super glue or something, and i won’t take a risk to open and broke ’em.
yes, i’m from indonesia. gotta take a look at some local store first, then i’ll check farnell.com. anyhow, thank you.
i already have, at least i think so, a decent sound card, a audiotrak prodigy 7.1. maybe not as good as some hi-end sound cards that Jimmy has mentioned, but she’s enough for me. i only want to know how far this limited-budget-mod can change my old atp3. so it’s for fun, well, at first thought -lol.
October 7, 2008 07:30Hi Ahmad,
i think you can ask Jimmy where he order the component, may be he knows better in Indonesia. I from Malaysia. Don’t know where can get good component. I tried order from farnell which fast delivery if the component available.then need to wait 5 days for shipment from UK or US.
For budget, you can try change the op-amp 1st. Because they give you much changes in term of clearer background sound. The price of power supply capacitor 25v 10000uF is equal to 3 op-amp.LOL. i just change back to same value. Actually I wanted to change higher value to 20000uF.
but no $$$…pocket limit.haha
October 8, 2008 02:54Ok, got new info for VS4121. It has one TDA7377, one TL074C and two C4558. Last three, are powered by a voltage regulator, of 9V. When I’ve changed the voltage regulator with a 12V one, the bass speaker is excursioning. If I put back the 9V regulator, works well. But is one problem. Those op amps are made to run on 15-16V, so is weird to response so bad at 12V. The real problem is that the bass doesn’t grow if the volume is above 50%. How can I improve the sound Jimmy? Can you help me?
Jimmy Auw
October 8, 2008 20:47I think you shouldn’t raise the voltage, but changing the 4558 might help.
October 8, 2008 22:03Thanx. With what I can replace? 😀 I can’t find BurrBrown in my country (RO).
Other thing is that on BXR i have one piece of C4558, but it works perfect. The bass grows until i reach the highest volume. I assume that in VS, C4558 is not properly feed. I think that Altec’s classes are well defined. VS series maybe are not for music, or not like MX, BX and FX series.
Jimmy Auw
October 8, 2008 23:35If the bass doesnt grow at volume over 50%, then it’s the amplifier or driver limitation… not much that you can do… Changing the opamp might help a little bit, but don’t expect too much.
October 8, 2008 23:44So, changing the driver…would be an ideea. Initialy I believed that the driver is the problem. Maybe I was right.
October 10, 2008 03:39Jimmy, do you have ideea if I can replace TDA2030 from BXR, with TDA2050? Cuz this will give a significant boost of power.
October 12, 2008 16:05Jimmy can I use TL062CN on BXR and VS?
Jimmy Auw
October 12, 2008 16:39On which part?
October 12, 2008 18:58hi Jimmy & Vincent,
Already changed op-amp to OPA2134PA from burrbrown. Then change the samxon 25V 10000uF capacitor to Nichicon with same value. They cost me about $14.
Like Vincent has mentioned above, the sound becomes warm, cleaner, more open and detail than before. As for replacing capacitor with Nichicon, the bass have more muscle, solid but also softer, which is fit my taste. no more metallic sound. Somehow, i feel that the mid is still a little bit recessed, maybe because of the downfiring model on atp3 satellite. couldn’t change it. fine with me.
That’s my initial impression. hopefully during time, some good progress will happen. Now i just sit back and enjoy the new sound.
thank you.
October 12, 2008 20:22Hi Ahmad,
Congratulation. how many op-amp you changed?3 of them? Your modification total cost you $14. quite low your expenses.What type of capacitor you replace?what series?Low ESR? The mid speaker is facing downward. So we can’t do much thing.
Hi Jimmy,
For the quad Op-amp(TL074), is there any quad op-amp IC which I can replace to make the sound better? ATP3 speaker has one quad OP-amp. Maybe wanted to change the higher spec.
Jimmy Auw
October 12, 2008 21:53Hi,
What is the function of the quad op-amp?
If it’s not related with the output, I don’t think it’s a good idea since the cost is quite high.
October 13, 2008 01:21Jimmy Auw Says:
On which part?
Op amp.
October 13, 2008 02:27Hi Vincent, Thank you.
Yes, i replaced 3 of them. Sory, i don’t really know about technical specs of Nichicon capacitor i use. it just looks like a samxon 10000uF 25v power supply capacitor, but bulkier. A friend of mine had suggested me to use it. well, it works anyway -lol.
When i listen to Depapepe’s Latanta, i can hear the sound of those two guitar move a bit to right and left side from center stage, so i can hear them switch play each other from rythm to melody during the song. a little nice experience that i missed before.
Jimmy Auw
October 13, 2008 09:11@Andrian:
I mean, what function of the opamp?
Enjoy your music! 🙂
October 13, 2008 12:28It has one piece of C4558.
Jimmy Auw
October 13, 2008 21:42Hi,
4558 as far as I know is double op-amp…
October 14, 2008 01:15I’ve changed, and it works. Better than C4558. Got more bass in sub and the overall sound is warmer.
Jimmy Auw
October 14, 2008 21:13I believe so…
Enjoy your music! 🙂
October 14, 2008 23:25Well…I wish to! But NOT! In my stupidity i putted a AN6562 as a op amp. There were no sound, just bzzz and brr and prrr. Putting again TL062CN didn’t work either. Buyed today another TL062CN, but when I powered the system, the response were almost the same (brr and bzz) but on background was some music. For a couple of seconds, because the TL got smoking :)) and heated very bad. The strange thing is that the system runs without op amp (before he didn’t work without it). With interupts, but works. I think the TDA’s (3 at number, TDA2030) are broken. What do you think?
Btw, LM358N works like op amp in BXR? The configuration of pins are the same like TL062CN and C4558.
October 15, 2008 13:58hi Jimmy,
Actually what is the different of JFET opamp and CMOS opamp? In term of sound, which one is prodcuce nicer sound?
I check through the price of LME49740, quad opamp. which is around RM50. The spec is same as LM4562 , the only different is price and pin counts. I am not sure what is the function of the TL074(quad OPAMP,14pins) in my speaker. maybe it could be end stage of active filter before signal goes to power amplifier IC. Actually how do we know what is the function of the IC on the board. We know what is that component base on the datasheet.
Jimmy Auw
October 15, 2008 21:10@Andrian,
I never tried that opamp so cant give you any idea.
I think at current time, most are CMOS. For some reason, JFET is not capable to follow up the market demand for a lower cost opamp. Any other reason should be searched on Google. I’m not an expert in this IC world 🙂
You can find out the function of the part by tracing the circuit/schematic and combination from the datasheet also.
October 18, 2008 23:59Jimmy i need some help. I want to buy Altec FX4021. What do you say? I’ve read the little review you made on them. They’ve got my attention. They worth their price? Should I turn my attention on other systems?
Jimmy Auw
October 19, 2008 11:06I like thee sub, but overall they are not as good as I expected…
October 19, 2008 14:45Maybe a little mod will fix it :D.
November 9, 2008 13:32I just bought the MX5021 in India. To me, the mids are a bit suppressed and the highs and bass overpower it to some extent. I plan to start by upgrading the 4558s. Now, the 4558 is a fairly low grade dual opamp. Has anybody tried the usual suspects i.e. NE5532, LF353N, TL072 instead of this? I can get these ICs locally, but not the Burr Browns.
November 10, 2008 01:51TL062 will work. For the rest, I don’t know. You can try LM833 also.
Jimmy Auw
November 11, 2008 16:12any dual opamp should do… you can read the datasheet first to confirm…
Thank you.
November 11, 2008 19:58Btw, I’ve buyed Microlab FC530 a few weeks ago. I wanted something different, and I saw that Altec has lost their quality. Just the MX5021 worths. But, I don’t have money for him. 🙂
I’m verry impressed and pleased by the sound. Clean and natural, already changed C4558 with TL062CP. I think Jimmy wouldn’t upset if someone is talking about another systems.
November 12, 2008 23:55Thanks guys.. I am wary of voiding my warranty so soon..its not even a week since I bought it…but the DIY tweaker in me can’t resist the temptation of hot-rodding 🙂
November 17, 2008 19:14Halo Pak Jimmy, td barusan dapet caps dgn tulisan begini: For Audio ELNA 63V 12000uF(M) THAILAND CE85’C. Dimensi 35x51mm. Dibagian atas ada marking garis dgn palang bengkok, sama seperti ELNA 56V 10000uF nya pak Jimmy.
nah yg bingung kok liat di datashet elna lpo kapasitas maks 63V cm sampe 10000 saja ya, jadi takut dapet barang palsu nih.
mohon pencerahan pak jim…:)
Jimmy Auw
November 17, 2008 21:40Kalo yang gini2an sih jujur aja saya ga tau asli apa enggak hehehe… secara harganya murah, ya gpp dipake hehehe…
November 18, 2008 02:52kalo liat dari label atupun cetakannya sih udah meyakinkan bgt, kalo yg palsu kan biasanya kusam. tp kalo liat ukuran di datasheet itu harusnya 10000uF. ukuran kakinya jg lbh pendek dr datasheet… hehehe… jd meragukan…
Jimmy Auw
November 18, 2008 20:56Hehehe… begitulah…
November 28, 2008 23:19haloo mr.jimmy, BTW gede juga tuh nilai capasitornya.
gmana klo pakai capasitor bank aja yg 2 farad. kayaknya bisa di coba juga tuh..
Jimmy Auw
November 29, 2008 21:47Ga perlu segede itu bro… ndak ada gunanya hehehe.
December 3, 2008 11:14masalahnya temanku ada yg pake mas, bunyinya siip bget mas…
pkenya aja speker simb6700. makanya aku pengen coba juga sih rencananya?
mas klo ic4558 bangusnya ganti sama seri brapa ya?
trus klo ganti dari tda2030 ke 2050 harus ganti Power Splai gak?
mkasih mas
Jimmy Auw
December 4, 2008 23:29IC4558 ganti ke 2134 aja dulu murmer…
TDA-nya antepin aja… 🙂
December 5, 2008 01:38selain seri OPA apa ya mas…
susah carinya…
harco jogja aja gak ada..
tp ganti tda2050 jadi bgus tuh bunyinya..
tinggal ganti OPA2134 nya aja..
Jimmy Auw
December 6, 2008 23:34OPA kayanya termasuk yang paling pasaran deh Pak. Yang lain macam AD lebih susah dicari..
December 8, 2008 01:43mas bisa pesankan gak mas seri yg OPA nya..
d jogja susah carinya..
temanku juga ada yg cari gak dapet2..
mhon bantuannya mas..
December 8, 2008 02:10harganya brapa itu yang seri OPA mas?
Jimmy Auw
December 8, 2008 10:34Hi,
Harganya mungkin sekarang bisa 50 ribuan atau lebih.
Paling di jakarta harus cari di Glodok kali ya? Tapi masak di yogya ga ada sama sekali?
December 11, 2008 14:52iya nih mas..
toko gede aja di HARCO jogja gak punya…
ada yg mau bantuin pesanin gak nih??????
Ady Mardianto
December 12, 2008 16:33Opamp Dual “lumayan” emang sekarang langka, yang banyak itu NE553x, LF3xx, TL0xx dkk.
Marc*** juga gak punya yang OPA213x, terakhir nemu yang OP270 Dual di Leisure, 50k sebijinya…
sepekan yang lalu saya juga baru modd Simbadda CST6700 (punya kantor…)
Opampnya di replace ke NE5532,
TDA2030 nya di replace ke LM1875,
ELco PSU nya ( 2x 3300uF/50V ) di replace ke Nichicon 2x 6800uF/50V
Dioade Rectifiernya di replace ke IN5408,
Elco kecil 2x nya (1uF, 10uF, 22uF) di ganti ke Nichicon – seketemunya..
ELco Decouplenya (470uF/35V) saya replace ke Panasonic 1000uF/35V- seketemunya..
Capasitor di sinyal Input (mid-high) saya ganti ke Audiophiler 2,2uF
Boxnya di “jejelin” Glasswool + Dacron
Trafo rencana akan di ganti ke yang 3A
Hasilnya, ya jauuuh dari aslinya…
tapi biar bagaimanapun CST6700 ini khan aktif speaker multimedia, kalau memang “niat banget” dijadikan system buat denger musik kelas “Super Value”, ganti sekalian aja satelit speakernya. pake “2 Way Speaker” buatan sendiri, Speakernya bisa pake Driver lokal woofer 6″ seharga 70rb spasang + Tweeter 30 rb spasang + Box 45rb spasang. hasilnya.. lebih sip lagi…, penilaian subyektif saya, ini jauh lebih bagus dari Aktif speaker seharga 900rb-an yang di jejer di pameran di JCC sebulan yang lalu
Sebetulnya step modd saya tidak urut seperti diatas, saya mulai dari ganti satelite, baru upgrade komponen. ganti satelite Improve 65%, upgrade komponen Improve 35%.
December 13, 2008 02:26bagus tuh mas mod nya….
klo temanku di tambah cap bank ya seharga 750k sih katanya..
bunyinya nendang bgt….
klo aku lagi mood camac s 3000r, lagi jalan nih, dah ganti tda2030 ke2050, lumayan nambah nendah dari awaL..
pengen ganti OPA2134 susah dapatnya d jgja, ada yang tau gak d jogja jualnya dmana??
cap 4700uF\50v ganti ke 10000uF/50v….
pengen ganti subwoofer dalamnya malah salah beli ukurannya huuuh…..
December 14, 2008 11:56Hey folks,
I gotta problem, My precious lovely MX5021 speakers died.
The winding in the primary winding of the power transformer has no continuity.
Anyone know how I can get another transformer for 240v (Australia) have had no luck with electronics stores or Altec.
Thanks fellas.
December 17, 2008 07:27hi Jimmy,
Is the Slew rate is important in audio system?
the higher better or lower the better?
I had change the TL074 to MAX414. Comparing both IC, MAX414 low noise, and the bandwidth is higher than TL074. But the slew rate is lower than TL074.
So, I want to know is the slew rate is one of the concern?
December 27, 2008 01:09PCB ? SHEMATIC ?
January 6, 2009 20:34hi jimmy
could you please give me mx5021 controller circuit mine controller was stolen
thanks in advance
Jimmy Auw
January 8, 2009 23:30Hi,
I dont have the circuit information.
Arif Wic
January 10, 2009 01:36Hi,
I have ATP3 around 4 years. Now I have problem with this gears. When playing something it’s suddenly drop the power (the volume down) and then a couple minutes later it’s up again.
What’s wrong with this ATP3. Thank’s
January 11, 2009 17:33Hi Jimmy
I,m hoping you can help me fix my son,s MX 5021 speakers.
It seems that the A/C power transformer has died. There is no A/C voltage readings between the
yellow/white 14v wires, or the orange/black 18.5v wires.
There is also no continuity on the primary windings where the mains leads are soldered on.
I have Googled the part # of the transformer and it’s model # with no joy.
I have also had a look in the local (Queensland Australia) electronic shops, and can,t find any transformers with those voltages.
Do you know of a readily available replacement.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Cheers Simon
Jimmy Auw
January 11, 2009 23:25Hi,
I dont know where to get it on your country. Perhaps you can contact Altec directly to buy the replacement.
In my country, I can get local people to build a transformer with specific power requirements. But I dont think this is available in your country.
Sorry and thanks.
January 13, 2009 13:56Hi Jimmy,
Altec aren’t interested in supplying parts,
It is possible to get a transformer built in Oz, but the cost would be nearly as much as the speakers.
Is it like that in your country?
Do you think that the exact voltage is important, it looks like it goes through rectifiers and voltage regulators on the main circuit board?
Jimmy Auw
January 13, 2009 20:33Hi,
You can get two transformers. One for 14V and other for 18.5V.
It’s good if you can get two secondary windings at one transformer to reduce space.
The cost in here is not expensive, but the shipping cost is 🙁
January 15, 2009 19:27Hi Jimmy
Thanks for your suggestion,
Do you think that this would be able to be adapted ?
If so would I need one or two.
Jaycar have quite a few transformers that might be able to be adapted to work the Altecs, but my knowledge of how to do it is a bit limited.
If you can point me toward anything on their site that might work I would be more than gratefull
January 16, 2009 21:21Hi, Jimmy
sorry for me to here since i have Creative Inspire 5.1 5200.
pls help me.
my sattelite speakers are quite well performing and sounds so clear.but the subwoofer is my problem.
it is entirely lack of bass since some how 6 months.i have opened the woofer and studied some deails,so i can explain some here.it has TDA8510J as the main amplifier and TDA7372A as 4 x 6 Watt
amplifier ic.circuit has nearly 7 x ST4558 OP-Amps and one JRC 4556 ic.wofeer is 20 watt 4 Ohms
and the brand is printed as ‘csw’ , i dont know what is it.it is ported and has no damping material in woofer enclosure.all sattelites are 6 Watt.i have creative Sound Blaster Audigy Value sound card too.
but the bass is not much powerful and deep.i am very much upset with it, so please help me to fix it or mod to get deep and powerful bass.i again sorry to be here in altecs mod blog,but i am a newbie to mod and heard that your mods works fine,i got this by google. please try to fix mine too.sorry for my english.
January 17, 2009 12:55Hi Jimmy,
i forgot the main thing of the problem.that is the air turbulence sound from woofer.this is my main problem which comes when i increase the bass level and volume.when the bass level increases after a certain amount the turbulence sound increase too much,so if i turn the bass level down bass power and depth decreases.this is a common problem in some creative woofer systems.any of your suggestion is required and it helps most people using this model.thanks in advance.
Jimmy Auw
January 18, 2009 18:15Hi,
This is the design limitation of your subwoofer. Actually, there is nothing much you can do to fix it. You can try to change the opamp and the subwoofer cable (from the PCB to the woofer). It will help, but wont much.
I would recommend you to buy a better one as a quick and reasonable solution.
Thank you.
Jimmy Auw
January 18, 2009 18:17Hi,
I dont have the MX5021 on hand right now.
Actually the transformer on the Jaycar can be used, but I need to confirm the A rating of the current transformer used on MX5021. Do you see any “A rating” information on the original transformer?
Thank you.
January 20, 2009 17:46Hi Jimmy
thanks for your reply, if you mean amps, I think it’s about 2, but I must tell you what i have found, with the original transformer.
On closer inspection, i found that there are 4 wires entering the windings of the primary. 2 are copper coloured, and 2 are silver coloured.
The 2 mains leads are soldered to a copper and a silver wire. and the other coper and silver wire are sodered together, a bit like a center tap on a secondary.
When I tried for continuity,between where the two mains leads were connected, there was none.
When I tried for continuity,between where a mains lead was connected to a silver, and where the other end of the silver was connected to the copper, there was none, but when I tried between that silver/copper joint, and the other end of the copper Where the other mains was connected, I did have continuity!
Then I had a thought.
Maybe the silver wires are the leads of a thermal cut out, wired in series with the primary (copper coloured), and maybe it’s cut out and not reset.
So next I tried connecting mains to each end of the copper couloured windings, and to my joy, I found I had the right voltages on the secondaries.
So conviced that I was on the right track, I bought a $5 70 degC thermal cutout from Jaycar, and wired it in series with the working primary, and sat it so that its making thermal contact with the windings. Ive put everything back in the box, and the speakers work fine again.
Ollie, my son will be so pleased.
If anyone else gets transformer problems with their MX5021’s, this thermal cutout thing would be a good thing to check out first.
Thanks again Jimmy for your help and for a great blog.
Jimmy Auw
January 20, 2009 20:55Hi,
If you want it, you can write your experience with photos and I will publish it on my blog. Off course, the credit is for you. For the sake of MX5021 user, let me know if you are interested.
Thank you.
January 23, 2009 14:33Hi Vincent_ATP3,
Max414 max voltage is +-5v and i think is not good replacement for tl074.
I don’t know exactly how slew rate work in opamp, but the higher slew rate is better, for more dynamic sound.
You can try opa404 for replace tl074.
But i think you leave the tl074, because is one of the good quad opamp, since good quad opamp is rare.
January 28, 2009 20:30Hi Vincent_ATP3,
Did you try OPA4134, the higher slew rate is better, TL074 is low noise opamp, good for HiFi ,I use TL074 on my ELF (Extended Low Frequency) / low pass filter for sub woofer, no noise audible , Good result if the power supply is noise free, like hum, oscillation and other noise.
February 1, 2009 22:21hi Isal,
I found this Max414 op amp from cross refference of LME49740. the website recommend me this IC.
as the result, the bass not so satisfy compare with LME49740. Max414 gives airy bass..
Is glad to know another OP amp ic, however I never tried OPA404. how is the sound output?better than TL074 and how much is it? Do we concern the Gain Bandwidth of the IC?the higher the better? what are the parameters that we need to pay attention when doing modification.
hi Freakerkid,
I could not get the OPA4134 due to obselete. So I decide to choose LME49740 as my quad op-amp.
It is very good op-amp for audio. Between, do you have any other good, quality op-amp?
Do we concern the Gain Bandwidth of the IC?the higher the better?
February 11, 2009 21:59Hi Vincent_ATP3,
Gain bandwidth in opamp is how much bandwidth that can handle by opamp, but it depend on other parameter.
Gain Bandwidth information in datasheet is in 0db gain, the higher gain and the bandwidth will decrease, but dont worry because in audio the gain usually not to high, only 1-10 for hifi preamp. And the bandwidth need for audio is around 20hz-20khz. And in my opinion Gain Bandwidth >1mhz should be enough.
That’s only what I know about gain bandwidth.
About OPA404, sorry I dont know about the price because I got that from my friend from Jakarta, the sound is nice and clear, but I dont really like it, I prefer tl074 for quad opamp, it depend on taste, I guess.
Subwoofer lover
February 14, 2009 08:20help help, I have a short in my inspire 5200 wired remote controller, were can I get another or rewire the bloody thing, my music has no sub!!!aaaahhhh!!!!
April 1, 2009 18:31Hi!
Electronics is not my area of knowledge/expertise, so i’ll just lay down the problem and hopefully find a solution.
The 5021 sounds better than 95% of the other 2.1 systems out there, but when comparing it to my headphone-amplifier-driven Sennheiser HD650 they’re not great. The satellites mod fixed some of the problems and now the bass bugs me the most: it’s all over the place, it lacks control and clarity of the punch. I use them on an Audigy 2 Zs modded with Audigy 4 software and the source are flacs.
Any recommendations on how to fix this? Like, maybe, suggestions with what to replace the TDA7295, if it would help.
April 7, 2009 23:01Hi Jimmy,
Regarding about the modding of mx5021, the caps should change to what voltage? should i follow the exact same specs of the stock caps or change to a different one? The OPA2134 how to change and replace the current stock op-amps?
Jimmy Auw
April 7, 2009 23:18Hi John,
You can pick any caps with voltage equal or higher than original one.
You can change the opamp with most dual opamp available in the market. Most popular choice is 2134 or 2604.
Thank you.
April 8, 2009 20:00Hi Jimmy,
Okay thanks for your advice, but will changing the caps to a higher voltage than the original make it sound actually better or lousier than the original?
April 8, 2009 20:06Hi Jimmy,
One more thing, when i change the caps, must i also change to other caps with the same μF value as the original ?
April 8, 2009 20:25Hi Jimmy,
Do you happen to have a video on modding the MX5021? I wanna mod it but i’m not a electronics expert, so i need some help going about it. anyways my MX5021 is the newer version
Jimmy Auw
April 8, 2009 22:20Hi,
Some said higher voltage would sound better, so you can try.
If you dont know precisely what you are doing, then change to same value is a wiser idea.
I have no video.
Thank you.
April 12, 2009 08:12Hi,
my altic lansing 621 was in trouble according to the technician the IC is defective. the problem is there is no number indicated on IC. could you please help me regarding this problem i only need the code number of the IC.
April 16, 2009 21:21Frank, which IC ? Could you please post a link to your 621 picture with the defected IC marked on it ? I have a 621 and I can look into mine.
May 25, 2009 17:34Sorry Mr. Jimmy I want to borrow your site to ask Mr. Isal.
Hallo Mr. Isal,
I want to know why you choose the ANCIENT TL074 rather than OPA404?
Because in the datasheet OPA404 is a SUPERIOR IC and much, much higher spec than OPA4134.
Have you try LF347 and AD713? Which better compare to TL074?
June 1, 2009 07:16how 2 boost the amp by using same ic for eg tda 7295 it is mono but i want 2 make double ic mono
June 8, 2009 10:17Hi, budux
OPA404 is good in dynamic and detail of the sound, TL074 can beat easily. But the price of OPA404 is very expensive and rare too. I like TL074 because its very cheap but the sound is not so bad.
There are a lot of opamp that same performance to TL074 like LF347, AD713, OPA4131, TL054. But again, those IC is hard to find and if you can find them, the price is not so friendly.
Thats why I choose TL074 its cheap, good sound, and can install for many preamp and input filter design without getting headache because of oscilation or modifying power supply.
June 15, 2009 21:30Hi Jimmy,
My Mx5021 does not produce any highs at all. I have kept the treble at maximum .till unable to hear any strings.my headphones plays it well.when i hear it over the headphones i realize that there are some high ends in the music.Low and mid are quiet ok.I haven’t modded anything yet.Is this could be the problem with TDA7265?Please advice.
Jimmy Auw
June 16, 2009 20:50Hi Mark,
Well, it’s little bit difficult to define “highs” since we may have different standard. Have you ever compare with other speakers?
June 16, 2009 22:37Hi jimmy,
BY highs i meant there is not treble at all .All i can hear is bass and mid .If i connect the headphones i can hear the trebles (high tones).Yes i did compare with other speakers which are less expensive than Mx also with the base altec BXR 1211.These speakers did produce the highs like guitar string sounds. but my mx did not.
June 19, 2009 16:44Hi Jimmy,
Recently I openned Sonic Gear A6, I found the tube is 6N3-T. Here some question to ask u;
1. Can I replace the better tube?any suggestion?
2. There are many type of tube from different country. Which country produce better tube?How I know the function of the tube? some tube are bigger and smaller, all are the the same spec?
3. There are two 450V 100uF capacitor beside the tube. I guess is the smoothing capacitor. But my concern is , can I replace the bigger value of capacitor? would this affect or damage the function of the tube?Because I am new on tube world.
Appreciate your soonest reply
Jimmy Auw
June 19, 2009 21:32Hi,
1. You can check to 5670 tube. This should share similar specs with 6N3 but with better quality. Try to get NOS (new old stock) one, like from JAN, GE, etc.
2. You need to learn the basic of tube operation first. Newer production tube, most of the time, sounds inferior than the old one. That’s why old tube (NOS), priced higher than newer one. Different tube has different specialty, but famous brand like RCA, JAN, Telefunken, Mullard, etc usually priced higher than other brand. But once again, it depends on the tube model itself.
3. It should be smoothing caps, you can replace with better one. 100uF should be enough actually, you can change to 220uF if you really want to, but I prefer to keep 100uF but with better quality one.
June 23, 2009 01:48Hii..
Is there any way to gain the output of MX5021 for headphone port on the controller?
Jimmy Auw
June 23, 2009 09:02Hi,
I dont think so, without changing the circuit.
June 23, 2009 17:05Halo Pak Jimmy
Saya memakai Sound Blaster Live! (bisa 5.1), dengan speaker altec Lansing i151.
Beberapa hari yang lalu ic op-amp UTC4558 saya ganti dengan TL082 dari Texas Instrument.
Hasilnya : Suara tidak terlalu nge-bass, sudah bisa mereproduksi suara-suara yang tinggi (treble-nya keluar)
Tapi ada permasalahan, yaitu suara rear dan center lebih kecil daripada front (sebelum diganti semua suara pada level yang sama).
Saya sudah pernah mengembalikan dengan op-amp aslinya (UTC4558), tapi hasilnya sama saja.
Bagaimana menurut Pak Jimmy, apa yang harus saya lakukan?
Di PCB juga ada IC dengan tipe SJ3358. Tapi saya tak tahu kegunaannya (saya cari datasheetnya tidak ada), ada yang bisa bantu?
Terima kasih
June 23, 2009 17:06Maaf pertanyaannya di luar konteks
Jimmy Auw
June 23, 2009 23:49Sepertinya ada problem di soldering yang mungkin keangkat saat proses replacement. Soalnya sound card ginian PCB-nya multilayer.
June 24, 2009 01:54how is the capacitor performance between stock Samxon, Nichicon HE/VR and Nichicon FG? Thinking to replace with HE/VR for temporary because I could not find any Nichicon FG withing my city in Malaysia. Going to buy from ebay or….
Jimmy Auw
June 24, 2009 09:02Samxon is definitely avoided. I think you can just upgrade to FG, since the price is not much different.
June 24, 2009 16:35op-amp NE5532P produce brighter sound?
i also replace the cap around op-amp to higher polarity..nw sound brighter. so is the op-amp or cap polarity too high?
June 24, 2009 17:50its quite bright n airy nw..making my ears pain..
June 24, 2009 19:46Op-amp yang diganti berada di dalam subwoofer altec lansing i151. Op-amp yang ada di Sound Card tidak diutik-utik (maklum tidak bisa nyolder yang hanya sebesar jarum.
Tolong pencerahannya Pak Jimmy.
terima kasih
Jimmy Auw
June 24, 2009 21:14@Cent88:
Changing caps to higher voltage wont make your opamp sound brighter. I think this is opamp problem.
Mesti diliat dulu bro. Sulit kalo analisa jarak jauh.
June 24, 2009 21:36hi Jimmy,
I already post out the photo what exactly inside a sonic gear A6.Kindly advise if you found anything that can replace or modify.
June 25, 2009 13:13what player u use to play music? any better player to recommend for pure output? windows media player, winamp and creative player all totally different sound.
Jimmy Auw
June 25, 2009 22:07@Vincent:
You can start with the high voltage capacitors.
Foobar and WaveLab are both the best.
June 26, 2009 06:17hi Jimmy,
Which capacitor?the one 35V?Replace with higher voltage?or higher value?any suggestion of capacitor?
hi Cent88,
Foobar not bad.currently I am using it. It can auto adjust the gain so that the song would not to “loud”.
Jimmy Auw
June 26, 2009 09:07Hi Vincent,
I think you can change the 100uF/450V with a better one.
June 26, 2009 13:46Thx…Foobar really sound better…
Can I have the satelite crossover schematic diagram or picture of older version MX5021. Mine is new 1 and heard that older version is better.
June 26, 2009 16:42which is the best speaker for pc as u know so far? any to recommend pricing between USD $150 – $450? quite dissatisfy with mx5021..especially the crossover, quality of amplifier mainboard and sound not warm enough. i had a friend using logitech z5500, the bass quite nice..but poor high/mid-range.
Jimmy Auw
June 26, 2009 17:18Hi,
I dont have the speaker any longer, so I dont have the schematic. For up to $450 budget, you better pick a bookshelf with and integrated amplifier. Definitely better than any multimedia speaker.
June 26, 2009 18:01Hmm..i see..
Is class D amplifier expensive and hard to build?
Thinking of replacing the whole circuit of mx5021 and all of the drivers, hope can fit it all in.
Is it ok to put silicone in the satelite casing as insulation,since theres some echo from satelite casing?
Jimmy Auw
June 26, 2009 21:36Class D most of the time will sounds worst, even compared with your MX5021 amplifier (which runs in AB Class).
June 26, 2009 23:43So nw i just stay with mx5021 for temporary..what i can change for warmer sound?
How much u spent on ur DIY speakers that with vacuum tube amplifier? vry interested with vacuum tube amplifier…is it the best for high-end amplifier?
Jimmy Auw
June 29, 2009 21:37Hi,
You can change the cable and the sound card to get warmer sound.
Vacuum tube could spend from few hundreds to few thousand $. It depends on the design and specification.
July 2, 2009 10:51Dear mas Jimmy,
saya punya Altec ACS45.1…pertanyaan nya;
kira2 worth ga klo speaker ini di mod seperti mas jimmy lakukan diatas? saya pengennya upgrade speaker itu bertahap mas.
terima kasih atas response nya.
Jimmy Auw
July 2, 2009 20:53Hi,
Kalo ada extra waktu (dan dana), boleh saja. Kalo tidak, mending beli langsung yang lebih bagus.
July 2, 2009 22:31Hi Jimmy,
Sharing out my modification on my ATP3…finally i can post it out for sharing….hehe..
Can I replace with tube 5670 for my sonic gear A6?
Would the tube suitable to replace 6N3-T? Just pug n play? what is the different between 5670 vs 6N3-T?any big changes?
Hi Whiki,
Inside ACS45.1, there have 5 op-amp…is not mistaken…maybe you can change the 5 op-amp 1st..
Jimmy Auw
July 3, 2009 21:17Hi Vincent,
Yes you can change 6N3 to 5670 directly.
5670 should be better quality compared to 6N3, especially if you can get NOS 5670 tube.
July 9, 2009 18:26Jimmy,
Can u help me with modifying Altec Lancing CS21?
I feel that the treble is in the lower side. Will upgrading the tweeter work?
Jimmy Auw
July 9, 2009 21:34Hi,
You can open the satellite and change the high pass capacitor. This will work most of the time.
Sajan Joseph
July 14, 2009 14:08hi Jimmy,
Gone through ur MX5021 Mod sesion. Do u have any suggestions to improve Altecs VS 4121’s weak mid range problem. Is it possible to change in the OPAMPS in this? Since its a downfiring mid, it has to be improved a lot. any news about someone did this?
Jimmy Auw
July 14, 2009 21:27Hi,
The mid problem due to woofer placement is hard to be solved by changing opamp. You can try, but I doubt it will improve a lot.
August 16, 2009 01:00Hi there,
i’m currently using edifier C3…need some help on knowing which component to change other than the capasitor. i got the datasheet with me, but don really understand. 😛 can u help? thank you.
Jimmy Auw
August 16, 2009 09:52You can change a lot, like opamps, diodes, etc. Hard to explain without checking the internal by myself.
September 1, 2009 03:32Hello Jimmy,
could you please tell what caps you used near TDA7265 (those red ones), their voltage and capacity?
Jimmy Auw
September 1, 2009 08:46It should be Elna Cerafine. Just use the same value with the original one.
wednes yuda
September 2, 2009 17:22hi jimmy,
i have altec lansing 2100 and would like to mod a bit for having a better sound.
this speaker have a LM 324N (i guess for the subs), TDA7375 (i guess for the satelit) and have MC4558 CN (which i do not know what this part for).
if i want to have better mid, could you tell me which part I should change ?
i am wondering which part is the op-amp.. is it the MC4588CN ? because this speaker has 4 of it.
could you help me on this ?
thank you in advance.
Jimmy Auw
September 2, 2009 22:03Hi,
Try to change the 4588 first. This is the opamp.
Benny Benyamin Mulky
September 4, 2009 06:57197 Modding the Altec Lansing MX 5021 for dummies!! – Guides and Tutorials – TechEnclave Says:
March 8th, 2009 at 20:21
[…] floating on the web (Eg. Jimmy from Malaysia has put up an article on his blog; read it here: Jimmy�s Junkyard Blog Archive Inside Altec Lansing MX5021: Amplifier Mod , our own TE member Sangram has compiled an article which prompted me to go ahead with this mod! […]
Sorry om Jim…ada yg ngeklaim klo om Jim dari malaysia nih, masa om Jim diklaim juga..? bener2 nih… 😀
Jimmy Auw
September 5, 2009 18:26Biarin aja hehehe…
September 8, 2009 16:31Jimmy,
you swamped only one stock ST 4558 to the BurrBrown OPA2134PA as I got it. Is there point of replacing all opamps, what do think? Would it be an improvement for the cost?
Thanks for helping us!
Jimmy Auw
September 9, 2009 22:59Yes, you can swap all of them – if you have extra budget.
Jimmy Auw
September 9, 2009 22:59Yes, you can swap all of them – if you have extra budget.
September 23, 2009 19:36here i have my thread regarding modification of Edifier C3…still a newbie…therefore i really hope to get some useful advice from u. 😀
here is my thread. http://forum.lowyat.net/topic/1131681/+20
with photo attached.
thank you 😀
Jimmy Auw
September 24, 2009 00:47Hi,
From my brief observation, I think some ppl already gives the good suggestion. I will check it again later.
October 1, 2009 14:21what ampere fuse is used in mx5021. mine blew up.
Jimmy Auw
October 2, 2009 00:49You can open the original and see the markings.
October 3, 2009 12:40what are three coupling cap spec?
Jimmy Auw
October 3, 2009 21:14The same with original will do.
October 19, 2009 02:06Hi, Jimmy.
Today I have the Logitech Z2300 and they are OK, but the bas is to much. And ofcourse I would like to have a more audiophile sounding speakers 😉
My main question is:
I have a chance to buy a set of MX5021, but it´s the new lot. The one that has been cost cut. How much worse is the new to the old and can I still mod it to make it better?
Would only changing the opamps make a signifact difference? I was thinking Burr Brown OPA2134 or NE5532 or LM4562.
Jimmy Auw
October 19, 2009 21:05Hi,
I dont think moving from Z2300 to MX5021 is a good choice. I mean, they are both on near same level. Unless, you can sell your Z2300 first.
Never tried the new one though. So cant comment in detail.
Changing opamp off course makes significant improvement, since the signal will pass through this chip.
October 20, 2009 11:23hi people,my good old Altec ACS 48´s left channel died and i need the service manual can anyone help??
it is based around TDA 7294.audio section seems ok.
trouble seems to be the logical controller
i went shopping for a new system got dissapointed on what i could find and decided to repair the old box.
thanks a millon.
November 11, 2009 17:47Hey Jimmy,
My 5021s have a blown fuse from the looks of things and Ive been trying to remove the power supply from the sub of the mx5021s to change the fuse, removed the bottom 4 screws but the damn transformer wudnt budge, its actually mounted on a plank and the plank in turn was mounted on the subwoofer, i thought it was mounted by means of those 4 screws but looks like it was glued on or something, any idea as to how I can remove it?
Jimmy Auw
November 11, 2009 22:29Hi,
I think the main transformer is glued to the wood inside the subwoofer. The only solution is to remove it with “force”. Never done this before though.
November 12, 2009 08:12Jimmy
Where can i get a replacement board from? I love my AL and don’t want to give it up. I have some pictures, but don’t know how to put them on here. I can send them to your email.
November 12, 2009 20:392 RedHat
I think you can actually reach that fuse with you fingers blindly and put the new one back.
If you remove that old buzzy original trans you likely won’t get it back (wich is a great reason to swap it to new toroidal one).
November 12, 2009 20:402 Jimmy
Jimmy, what do you think is there point in swapping resistors on sub’s board to precise ones?
Jimmy Auw
November 14, 2009 19:08Hi,
Replacement board? Sorry can’t help. Perhaps you can contact local Altec rep in your country?
Jimmy Auw
November 14, 2009 19:09Hi Sergey,
I think upgrading to a precise one is not really necessary. I prefer to upgrade it to a better sounding one 😉
November 17, 2009 17:32Hi, Jimmy.
Your advice is needed more then ever
I’ve just finished my MX-5021 mod.
1. The Sub:
– I swapped all EL caps to Nichicons (the big ones changed to bigger) and C61, C54 to 0,33uF MKP’s. – Swapped all opamps to OPA2134PA’s.
– Changed sub’s cable.
– Changed transformer to toroidal one.
2. Speakers:
Swapped two EL caps (4,7 and 6,8uF) to same value MKP’s and EL cap 47uF swapped to better EL bi-polar cap.
The sub is connected but not sealed, anyway I can make some intermediate suggestion.
The hiss from sattelites still available (when turned on, no music). The worse – when turned on, music off, the sub makes low buzzing-hissing noise, which is absolutely unacceptable and was not before.
Please advice, what would you do, being me.
Thanks a lot.
Jimmy Auw
November 17, 2009 22:52Hi,
Try to return your transformer back first.
November 18, 2009 03:36I’d like to but i cannot. But it is a good toroidal one.
My friend, a radio-engineer told me looking at sub’s board photo that he couldn’t see any low-pass filter at the board so that hiss can be because of that, and the hiss could could be there even before the mod 🙂 I don’t know…
Jimmy Auw
November 18, 2009 18:18If it’s no hiss before, then should be no hiss after upgrading. If you got hiss after upgrading, then something must be done wrong. Just revert back your mods one by one to find the source. I think you simply can’t blame the absence of the low pass filter.
November 27, 2009 22:14Hi Jimmy !
I was wondering jimy, i’ve done my homework and did a “shoping list” (on ebay)for the capacitors but the final budget is too high. What i would like to know is, having the speakers and sub in mind, what capacitors including the 3 that suport the opamp, the 3 on the PCB(sub) and the 3 on the speakers(each) , wich ones are realy recomended to be high performance capacitors ? Because i can get cheaper capacitors here in my town’s shop but i want to buy some ELNA capacitors from ebay. i just dont know wich ones i should get high quality and wich ones arent that important.
Im sory for my english, and thank you very much. Nice moding you got here 🙂
Jimmy Auw
November 27, 2009 23:54Hi,
I think at first, you can try to buy “cheap” caps first. I assume, even your cheaper caps should be better than the standard one. Later you can “upgrade” one by one.
Enjoy it man!
November 28, 2009 01:25lol yeah thats one possibility, but i would like to mix cheap capacitors and high quality ones, i just dont know wich one’s are the real important capacitors to switch them to high quality
Jimmy Auw
November 28, 2009 22:41Hi,
You can try 3 caps near the op-amp first.
November 29, 2009 19:05Thank you very much Jimmy:)
Jimmy Auw
November 29, 2009 19:16Hi Cuni,
Please update your result here later, OK?
December 1, 2009 18:18Hello, Jimmy and everybody!
Can you help me with amplifier electric scheme – my MX5021 doesn’t work anymore. It worked two weeks after mode but suddenly stopped. It turns on/off, leds are on but no sound but that dam hiss which always was there -before and after mode.
Any ideas and leads highly appreciated.
December 2, 2009 08:13Hi,
I did the mod and change the Power Supply caps with some Rubycon Caps. Problem is evetything works excerp that the subwoofer has no bass. It just doesn’t work at all. I tried listening to the headphone output and there is bass but from the speaker, the subwoofer isn’t moving at all even when there are bass heavy music playing. Any suggestions to troubleshoot?
December 2, 2009 10:04Just some further info: everytime I power on the speakers whle audio is playing from source, I can hear the bass sputter a bit then it quiet down and no bass at all.
Jimmy Auw
December 2, 2009 21:39Hi,
I think you have accidentally remove some connection. Please check it again.
December 8, 2009 10:40maw tanya…
klo mau cari tweeter bwat satellitenya AL2100 d mana ya?? coz pnyku rusak..
Jimmy Auw
December 8, 2009 21:24Rasanya ndak ada yang jual bro…
December 11, 2009 18:26Does anyone have a schematic for Altec Lansing ATP-3?
December 11, 2009 18:28If anyone does have a schematic for the ATP-3, could you sent it to [email protected]?
December 12, 2009 16:01hey jimmy .great guide here.. need some help from you.
Ohk I performed the capacitor replacements today (main stage ) .C61, C54 ,C50, C52 ,C45, C34,C41, C46 .
There is totally no sound / slight muffle from the left channel output .
The sound from the right channel is perfect and I can already notice the difference.
But the left channel has gone mute .any idea which replaced capacitors should I be checking from the following ?
C61, C54 ,C50, C52 ,C45, C34,C41, C46 ?
I have a feeling the C61,C54 which are used as coupling capacitors for the separate channels could be the culprit .
any help would be appreciated. will be opening up the sub again to check.
December 12, 2009 16:55^^ ohk solved the problem . it was indeed one of the coupling capacitors. sound is totally blissful right now. 😀
thanks Jimmy for the guide.
Jimmy Auw
December 12, 2009 19:44Hi Altair,
Nice you can enjoy your mods now.
December 21, 2009 10:24Ill come back and post the results. ill go on erasmus so no ear from me on the next 6 months byebye
December 31, 2009 12:54Hi, may i ask if its possible to use blackgate caps for all the circuits ( crossover, amp)? Any idea where i can get BurrBrown op-amp?
Jimmy Auw
January 1, 2010 22:27It depends on the circuit.
Burrbrown opamp is quite easy to get. Where is your location?
January 19, 2010 20:53Hi,very nice post,one question:what are the values of the capacitors for the sattalite speakers?
January 25, 2010 02:51Hi! Can somebody pls help me?I have an altec lasning vs4121 and the problem is that i can hear in the subwoofer a constant hum (50Hz probably)and this happens wether or not the cable from the soundcard is conected.Another thing that is very annoying is a lound popping noise when i turn on/off the system.
Any help would be apreciated.
February 10, 2010 22:22Hi Jimmy,
May I know what sort of diode suit to replace the original diode?any different?
What kind of diode suit for rectifier?ultra soft recovery? what is the diode show in your photo?
Jimmy Auw
February 11, 2010 21:45Hi,
You can try MUR860 or SF5407. Any fast recovery diode should bring improvement.
February 12, 2010 10:49BRP VALUE dr caps yg besar itu ya 10.000 uF/ voltas nya 50 or 56 V pak??? thx
February 12, 2010 20:41pak Burr Brown OPA2134PA kira2 hrg brp ya per pcs nya??
Jimmy Auw
February 12, 2010 23:12Hi,
Silakan gunakan 5600 uF atau lebih besar, voltase di atas 50V mestinya lebih dari cukup.
Jimmy Auw
February 12, 2010 23:15Hi,
2134PA saya ga inget harganya, harusnya di bawah 50rb.
February 13, 2010 11:21XO DI SATELIT itu apa ya pa? hehehe.. 😀
Jimmy Auw
February 14, 2010 00:30Cross-over Pak.
February 14, 2010 18:55Hi JIMMY,
I badly need your help… I have ruined my MX5021… i have scratched the PCB on the OPAMP at PIN #7 at U6… PLS CHECK LINK BELOW TO SEE PICS.
HERE IS THE OPAMP DIAGRAM: im not sure if PIN # 6 and 7 are connected at U6…. PLS GIVE ME A A GUIDE.. ELECTRONICS ISNT MY FIELD and i have a bad soldering iron that ruined this whole mod…
i dont know where it is connected. thats why i need your help or anyone who could give me a close photo of the circuit at the back of U6 would gladly appreciate that.. really need your help… the TDA7265 burnt and the technician where i sent my mx5021 said it was definitely shorted coz the fuse on the transformer also gets busted.. really had a hard time replacing the fuse since too little space inside and the transformer was somewhat like glued… now it is running again but the woofer is not doing well it was somehow bypassed by a jumper and the ST074C was suspected to be also burnt.. so i ordered a replacement but the available is TL074C.. would that be okay?
February 15, 2010 18:22pak jimmy sy juga udah membuka subwoofer sy, disana opamp cm ada 5, dimana skema & layout komponen jg pcb adalah sama dgn py anda, pada pcb sy posisi U14 tdk ada opamp nya, cuma ada tulisan U14 dan tempat lubang kaki U14 aja.
1. Apakah benar tetap OPamp U9 (4558C) sy ganti
dengan opamp BurrBrown OPA2134PA ???
2. Apakah 3 caps yg dekat dgn U9 diganti dr caps
polar (+/-) ke caps merah yg non polar dgn
value uF yg sama???
3. Untuk 3 caps merah pake min brp volt ya pak???
NB: posisi U9 sama persis dgn pak Jimmy
Jimmy Auw
February 16, 2010 13:26Hi,
1. Basicnya, 4558 bisa diganti 2134. Cuman efeknya seberapa, tentu relatif juga.
2. Silakan, basically angka di atas 22uF mestinya sudah cukup untuk elco.
3. Mestinya kalo elco sih 25V udah cukup banget.
February 16, 2010 13:58KALO menurut anda dlm woofer mana dulu enaknya yg di ganti pak?
opampnya ke 2134, ato kapasitor2 dulu pak?
February 16, 2010 14:19CAN ANYBODY HELP ME? PLS READ POST #308-309
Jimmy Auw
February 16, 2010 14:39Capacitor di satelit dulu kali yah?
Jimmy Auw
February 16, 2010 14:40Hi Ray,
It’s very difficult because your picture is not clear enough. Basically, if you screw the PCB lines, at least you should check the remain lines which are not very clear on the picture.
February 16, 2010 17:22Maksud saya, setelah
Ganti caps di satelit, terus kan modif woofernya pak.
Itu ganti caps di wofer ato opamp di outputnya? Hehhee
Thx so much
February 16, 2010 18:53Hi Jimmy,
I managed to trace back the circuit and made a jumper on a certain huge copper trace below that without any short circuit… someone emailed me a detailed PHOTO of the PCB… but still my subwoofer wont work… no woofer functioning.. but when the technician bypassed it using jumper with 22uF to one sattellite it sounded but too dull and too bad as a woofer… the technician suspected my ST074C is damaged but i cannot find any replacement here locally… although there is TL074CN.. i dont know if this can be a substitute for that.. its is DIP while the ST074C is SO… pls advise me on what might be damaged…
February 16, 2010 18:56for info, my TDA7265 was already replaced because it melted down… my 5 opamps were already replaced with opa2134PA becuase i suspect that the re-used ST4558C with remaining solder did the damaged by not having good contact with the socket i installed… as of now the sat work perfect but no woofer… but if i use the jumper the woofer will function but is no good at all..
Jimmy Auw
February 16, 2010 21:11Di dalam woofer, mending ganti opamp dulu deh. Sama internal wiring amp -> woofer.
Jimmy Auw
February 16, 2010 21:12Hi,
I dont know the ST074C. But if my guess is correct, they are replaceable with TL074. But remember, the risk is on your own hand!!!
February 17, 2010 06:09Can anybody with stock board for mx5021 verify that PIN#6and7 for U6 and U12 are indeed connected?
photo sample: (the two pins #6and 7 are facing C33)
February 17, 2010 06:54Thanks a lot pak jimmy atas saran2nya… 😀
February 18, 2010 11:21oh ya satu lagi 😀
kalo mau ganti kabel dr pcb ke speaker woofer nya, gmn ya cara buka box woofernya>????
soalnya kalo buka hy lewat box yng nempel dgn pcb woofernya susah skali untuk mengganti kabel ke woofernya.. thx
Jimmy Auw
February 18, 2010 18:04Hi,
Buka sekrup di sekeliling woofer-nya dan tarik aja. Ada semacam lem-nya.
February 19, 2010 21:07Pak, nilai 3 caps merah yg pak jimmy pasang di dkt opa2134 valuenya brp pak? Apakah 220uF?
3 caps itu non polar ato polar pak?
February 22, 2010 15:02Pak jim, sy muter2 di genteng susah cari 3 caps di dkt opamp yg value 2.2uF 50v..
1. Nemunya sanyo 2.2uf 16v, gmn mnurut anda pak kalo voltnya lbh kecil??
2.Ato ada saran utk ukuran yg lain pak?
February 22, 2010 16:06Oh ya caps yg sy temukan itu sanyo oscon biru 2.2uF 16v pak.
Jimmy Auw
February 22, 2010 18:22Pake nilai yang sama dengan aslinya aja Pak. Pake Non-Polar tentu lebih bagus.
Jimmy Auw
February 22, 2010 18:23Sanyo oscon sih tidak begitu direkomendasikan untuk sinyal pak.
Saya lupa posisinya sebagai apa, tapi kalo mau aman cari yang di atas 25V.
February 22, 2010 19:18kalo menurut uraian pak jimmy diatas, 3 caps yg ganti ke merah itu sebagai two coupling capacitor and one supply capacitor pak/….
1. kalo coupling n supply pake oscon 2.2uf 16v gmn?
2. sy cari2 value yg sama 1uf n 2.2 uf 50v cerafine ga dapet2 pak 🙁 ada recomend selain cerafine pak utk non polar tsb?
3. kalo cr cerafine non polar yg wrn merah diatas, cari dimana pak? ada referensi?? tlg diemail ke [email protected]
thx before
February 22, 2010 20:11mau sharing, sy udah mod my 5021, dgn spek:
1. di satelit 4.7uf 50v -> solen black 4.7uF 250v
2. di woofer:
a. opamp st 4558 -> burrbrown2604
b. 4700uf 50v -> 4700uf 63v nichicon Gold tune
c. 2200uf 35v -> 3300uf 35v panasonic FC
d. 1000uf 16v -> 1000uf 50v Sanyo Gold
NB: sy msh mencari2 3 caps di skitar opamp2604 🙁
kabel woofer blm diganti, karena bingung masang kabel di woofernya heheh..
1.suara detailnya sgt kerasa, suara renyah,
instrument alat2 musik mengesankan. heheh….
2. Udah ga cocok lagi ini speaker buat lagu house music… heheh..
terima kasih atas panduan n saran2 yang pak jimmy berikan…
thank you
Jimmy Auw
February 22, 2010 21:44Hi,
1. Saya lupa-lupa ingat, aslinya 2.2 atau 22uF ya? Oscon sih saya ga demen pake di coupling. Tapi silakan coba.
2. Dulu sih boleh nemu. Keasliannya juga diragukan koq itu. Tapi ya dipake aja lah karena ada hehehe.
February 23, 2010 06:282.2uf 50v pak. Ada alamat2 toko part elektronik online pak?
Sy mnt alamat n telp bisa pak?
February 23, 2010 17:29udah dapet pak yg 2.2uF 50v cerafine di bella audio..
Jimmy Auw
February 24, 2010 00:31Sip, di Bella memang lengkap.
February 27, 2010 13:18Pak Jimmy, saya mau tanya pengaruh besar kecilnya uF pada caps elco utk jalur PSU diatas…(4700uF)
1. nilain uF pengaruh pada apa pak?
2. kalo semakin besar uF, anggap sj sy pake yg 15000uF 70v, kira2 gimana pak?
thank you
Jimmy Auw
March 1, 2010 22:54Hi,
1. Pada dasarnya, dibutuhkan sekitar 2000-4000uF per A arus yang lewat. Namun nilai yang lebih/kurang akan mempengaruhi karakter suara (tergantung uF dan kualitas caps juga).
2. Karakter suara pasti berubah, namun tergantung merek/jenis caps yang dipake.
March 3, 2010 01:10mas jimmy setelah baca2 jadi tertarik mod mx5021 saya nih ..
bisa tolong kirim email apa aja yg harus dibeli, soalnya saya newbie soal ginian ..
maksudnya biar skalian dibawa ke tempat elektroniknya ..
soalnya saya nyolder aja ga bisa :-p
hehehehehehehehehehe ..
tolongin ya mas .. :D:D:D
emailnya [email protected]
thx b4 :D:D
March 3, 2010 01:17oh iya mas satu lagi ..
saya suka karakter yg bass nya dalem ..
apa yg mas mod itu bikin jadi bass nya lebih dalem .
makasih ya mas :D:D:D
Jimmy Auw
March 3, 2010 18:01Halo Pak,
Kalo kurang yakin dengan solder menyolder, baiknya minta bantuan ahlinya saja Pak (mungkin ke Glodok). Karena kalo sampe gagal, risikonya tinggi loh. Sayang banget. Mod ini tidak membuat bass-nya lebih dalam karena itu keterbatasan desain speaker itu sendiri. Paling lebih OK aja suaranya lah.
March 3, 2010 19:53iya makanya mas mau saya bawa skalian ke glodok ama speaker2 nya ..
hehehehehehehehehe …
soalnya suara si mx5021 sedikit kurang renyah ..
thx b4 ya mas ..
hehehehehehehe ..
March 4, 2010 13:19hi jimmy, a few things i notice about the hiss.
1) not present when i plug in headphones
2) satellites and subwoofer both have
3) independent of volume control
i don’t think its the tda7295 or tda7265 causing it, more likely one of the opamps having too high gain? but im not sure. any way for you to confirm?
March 4, 2010 20:11mas jim kalo yg merah 3 biji itu nilai nya brp ?
Jimmy Auw
March 6, 2010 15:19Hi,
It’s difficult to be traced, unless you really trace it inside the unit.
Jimmy Auw
March 6, 2010 15:19Yang merah 3 biji itu samain ama aslinya aja bro.
March 8, 2010 15:37mas jim saya nyari2 2,2uF50V ga nemu2 ..
misalnya saya pake yg 2,2uF160V bisa ga ? terus ngaruh ke apanya ?
Jimmy Auw
March 8, 2010 22:20Bisa bro.
March 8, 2010 23:59mas jim kalo merk silmic ars bagus ga ?
kalo mas jim tau karakter suara nya kaya gmn ..
maaf ya mas jim banyak nanya bgt ..
hehehehehehehe …
Jimmy Auw
March 12, 2010 22:45Silmic ARS bagus koq… Secara grade malah di atas Cerafine seingat saya.
March 13, 2010 20:39Mas Jim, saya kagum sekali dengan skill anda. Saya punya Soundblaster live CT4830 dan Live!DriveII. Penasaran apa sc in pantas untuk di Mod ? Kalo pantas ada tips? atau sekalian dicobaiin hehehe.
Jimmy Auw
March 13, 2010 22:55Halo Pak,
Sound Blaster sih kalo mau di mod ya palingan bagian opamp dan capacitornya. Tapi kalo boleh saran, mending beli sound card bagusan aja, daripada duitnya kebuang buat mod hehehe.
March 14, 2010 12:13O okey, Thanks.
March 22, 2010 12:22Pak Jimmy mo tanya nih, saya ada Altec Lansing ACS 45.1, rusak digital volumenya pake IC PT2256, dimana ya cari model gitu, ato ada solusi lain tuk menghidupkan kembali digital volumenya ??
ray floyd
March 26, 2010 20:53hi jimmy,
i just got a replaced PCB since i ruined mine during the last mod… good i got one from ALTEC service center(i think this is also surplus)… i now replaced all the opamps with OPA2134… sometimes i heard bad sound at the satellites(something like bass sound at the midrange when i turn up the volume).. i havent replaced the caps yet… do you think replacing all the opamps is the main cause for this? i already throw my old ST4558… they got plenty of solder around the pins and im using socket-type so i didnt mind keeping them.. as of now i used 5 OPA2134.. and nothing more… i paln to buy the CAPS tomorrow and try it…
ray floyd
March 27, 2010 12:56for those who have blown up fuse at the transformer, you can replace it without having to detach the transformer inside. i think you cannot detach the whole thing coz no matter how i try i couldnt.. somewhat like glued inside…instead, i just used a tweezer and carefully get the busted fuse then i bended the fuse holder and i have successfully placed it in its socket.then i carefully bended the holder back to seat it in place again.. it takes a little patience though… u may have several attempts doing this.. coz its really frustrating with the little space inside…
ray floyd
March 27, 2010 13:02may i ask whats the normal operating temp around the heatsink? coz when i opened my sub and touched the heatsink, kinda burn my skin… i havent replaced any caps yet but i have replaced all opamps with OPA2134PA.
I have 10000uF Nichicon but its 63V unlike what you posted which is 10000uF-50V. will this add more burden to the sub amplifier TDA7295 causing more heat? is it okay to use ordinary Electrolytic capacitors for the midrange and tweeter ( there’s no available Nichicon and PAnasonic here in my place for the 2200uF and 1000uF)
also for C61, c54 – can i use film capacitors for this instead? in other forums they use 1uF 250V film capacitors?
Jimmy Auw
March 27, 2010 19:04Hi,
Normally it wont burn your skin (but it depends on your skin “durability” also). I believe it will be less than 75 degree of Celcius.
Caps of higher voltage you always can use without any side effect (except the cost is more expensive).
Film caps is OK.
ray floyd
March 28, 2010 12:25thanks.. i used 6800uF 50V now.. seems ok.. i will try to check if theres a big diff with the 10000uF 63V..
thanks again…
Jimmy Auw
March 28, 2010 16:13Glad to help!
elex ken
April 5, 2010 17:02hi jimmy did u mod ur sound card? thx~
Nico E
April 12, 2010 13:49sudah dua tahun ini saya bookmark blog ini..eh sekarang dah jadi web yah…bro Jim
disini gudang ilmu audio..siap2 aj keracunan… :))
pokoknya bro Jim ini layak jd kiblat audio DIY…
nah saya mo tanya .. ada bbrp pcb spk MM (altec VS4121)kok ic OP amp ada di bag belakang…PCB…ada dia pakai
2layer ? karena saya lihat kok kaki2 gak ada tembusannya di depan..? trus bisa gak dilepas dengan cara solder konvensional…
thx atas pencerahanya..
dan sukses selalu…
nico e
Jimmy Auw
April 12, 2010 18:13Hi,
Mungkin maksudnya opamp jenis SMD? Kalo iya, benernya sih bisa aja dilepas pake solder biasa, asal sudah cukup pengalaman megang solder. Kalo belum terbiasa, mungkin lebih gampang pake solder uap.
May 1, 2010 12:06mas jimmy, mau nanya nih…
aku punya speaker altec lansing VS4121 black
speaker satelit yang sebelah kiri sering bunyi kresek-kresek walaupun volume speaker dikecilin ataupun input ga disambungin ke laptop…
suara kresek2 satelit sebelah kiri udah aku rekam pake hp nih
dengarkan terutama setelah detik ke 30 tuh…
kira2 rusak apanya ya? apa yang harus diganti….
makasih sebelumnya 🙂
May 1, 2010 12:32oh iya… kadang speaker sebelah kiri itu selain kresek2 juga mati sendiri… padahal semua konektor masih bagus ga ada karat… baru beli 6 bulan soalnya
Jimmy Auw
May 3, 2010 20:38Mesti dicek dulu pak Cahya. Susah kalo hanya ditebak2. Mulai dari solderan kendor sampai ada parts yang perlu diganti.
May 3, 2010 23:44hmmm…
akhirnya nota pembelian ketemu dan ternyata masih garansi, akhirnya sekarang dikirim balik ke distributor deh…
makasih banyak mas Jimmy…
btw ga pernah ol YM ya? aku dah add tuh….
May 13, 2010 23:07Hi,
My MX5021 have no power and found out the power transformer is the issue. Kindly advise where I can buy or order a replacement online?
Jimmy Auw
May 14, 2010 20:29Hi EJ,
Better contact your local Altec distributor.
May 22, 2010 22:23Pak Jimmy, beli BurrBrown OPA2134PA-nya di mana yah? Kemaren sempet ngubek2 glodok tp gak nemu 🙁 bisa kasih referensi toko mana yg jual.
Oh iya, BurrBrown OPA2134PA itu harganya berapa yah?
Thank atas jawabannya.
May 30, 2010 06:56Hi,
I bought the mx5021 two years ago in India. Now the Left channel satellite makes a crackling sound over the music heard (just like when you switch on a fluoroscent light and hear the noise in some low end speakers). This crackling sound is continuous. I tried swapping the left and right satellite but the same problem persists. So I think the problem is in the main PCB. Can anyone please help me. I have already changed the TDA 7265 and the capacitors.
June 2, 2010 22:47pak jimmy.
apa esi@juli support speaker 7.1?
bagaimana cara optimalkan outputnya buat dengar musik klasik, musik rock, dan jazz. dengan sc esi@juli dan speaker creative T 7900
Jimmy Auw
June 3, 2010 21:53Esi Juli@ hanya stereo untuk analog out-nya.
June 3, 2010 22:11oh gitu. jadi kalau muter dvd live music yang ada fitur 7.1 chanelnya esi juli@ nggk bisa support fitur itu yah pak? cuma stereo aja yah.
Jimmy Auw
June 4, 2010 09:11Yap tidak bisa pak. Kecuali kalo pake digital out-nya, tapi mesti tambah decoder lagi jadinya.
June 4, 2010 09:54berarti sebenarnya sc juli@ bukan pasangan yang tepat untuk speaker creative 7.1? seharusnya pakai sc creative yang support 7.1 juga. karena dengan begitu fitur tersebut akan keluar.
SC juli@ lebih cocok untuk profesional yang lebih sering memakai speaker seperti misalnya speaker behringer yang terdiri dari 2 speaker itu yah pak?
Jimmy Auw
June 4, 2010 21:25Betul sekali Pak.
June 16, 2010 22:01Hey Jimi, been away six months thats why i didnt send any news !
Now that i have arrived i had time to mod my sub-woofers , the capacitors for the speekers are coming but i already had the ones for the sub-woofer and the OP 2134 too : )
So today i’ve done, i can say i still dont know the difference ( 10 mins of music only ) but i can defenetly notice something, i just still dont know what it is : ) but it feels good: ))))
Thank you very much for your ideas and support , keep going like this man 🙂
🙂 bye bye
Jimmy Auw
June 18, 2010 22:34Thanks! 🙂
June 24, 2010 17:38Hey Jimi
Elna capacitors just arrived :
0.22uF / 50v
1uF / 50v
I was wondering which capacitors should be replaced by this ones…i cant remember why i bought them..fuck.
Anyway i would like advice on that and also that i have already replaced the U9 op amp and i still have another OPA2134PA free and i dont know which one should i replace…
Help, thanks man : )
June 24, 2010 18:03BTW i have 10 of each capacitors
Jimmy Auw
June 24, 2010 22:02Hi Cuni,
Not quite sure since it’s been a long time.
You can trace back from the original parts value to check the correct replacement.
June 25, 2010 00:14Hey Jimi….
Im realy to bother you again with is but maybe if we work together maybe i can fit in this OPA 2134 somewere…
I would like you to read this, i found it in a forum where a modder made this description:
U6 = Effects the Sound stage Significantly, you can operate the sub without this but the sound will get concentrated on the center, this also effects the mid range quite a bit, very Important Op Amp in my opinion, Use a Op amp with a Wide sound stage here, Im currently using OPA2277 but I think OPA2111 will do better here.
U12 = This one is Tricky It Effects the Overall Gain of the system, its probably the Gain for the Tone Control Stage, OPA2277 fits Perfect for this application
U5 = This is the input Op Amp for the Sub, Use a Op Amp with tight and Accurate Bass here, like OPA2107
U7 = This Op slightly effects the Tonality and Clarity, Im not sure of its Purpose but Things work Fantastic when I use a High quality Op there, like OPA2111
U9 = This is the Input Op Amp for the Satellites, use a Quality op here also, OPA2111 is my Choice
here :
I know you worked on this longtime ago , but besides you i got no one to go…thank you so much for your time 🙂
June 28, 2010 10:25Hi Jimmy,
Do you have any idea to change this MX5021 to RCA input?
Jimmy Auw
June 28, 2010 22:18Hi Cuni,
You can convert those opamp into a slot design and try yourself.
Jimmy Auw
June 28, 2010 22:22Hi,
Yes, just convert it and drill some hole on the back plastic case. Easy as a-b-c.
July 12, 2010 16:00Hi Jimmy,
I’m choosing between this two sound card Asus Xonar D2X (Burr Brown PCM1796)and Asus Xonar Essence STX (TI PCM1792), which one will produce better sound quality for MX5021?
Jimmy Auw
July 12, 2010 22:03Hi,
Both should be fine, but I think the STX is newer one?
July 12, 2010 22:12Hi,
yes. the STX is newer one, inside all using Nichicon fine gold caps but not sure for the D2X.
July 17, 2010 07:14Hey Jimi
So i made the alteration to the U6 op amp for the OPA2134A , and replaced all the capacitors 1 uf and 0.22 uf for Elna….i can notice differences but i canot realy tell if its and improvement…i think the overall volume is lower and i feel that the highers are much more loudable, can realy hurt ears! the bass is awesome very confortable and soundfull i like much more now to be honest. I also added some rubber between the screws of the speakers and the plastic to avoid vibration sounds, sometimes i can hear the plastic go rbrbrbrbrbrrrr….weiird, but now its fixed. Thats that, my 2 cents, thanks so much for your time and always helpfull, without you i couldnt made this mod
Cheers mate : )
July 17, 2010 07:16I dont know if the high range is too loud because U6 ampop, but if someday i change it to the original amp op and notice the difference ill post!
July 18, 2010 21:11Hi,
I had OPA2132PA, OPA2111KP, OPA2107AP and OPA2277PA.
Is OPA2132PA sound as warm as OPA2134PA? I don’t have OPA2134PA so don’t know how it sound like.
Among OPA2111KP and these two which produce warmer and clear for high?
Jimmy Auw
July 19, 2010 22:51Hi,
Go with a newer one then…
July 21, 2010 11:38Good day!..
Do you have the steps on how to modify my Altec Lansing VS4121…?
[email protected]
Jimmy Auw
July 23, 2010 22:50Hi Vinz,
Sorry I dont have.
July 25, 2010 23:14hi,
my friend give me only the subwoofer without he satellite speaker and the controller. I find service manual nor the wiring diagram in its DIN socket and found nothing if you dont mind please share to me if you have a servie manual for this or even the wiring diagram for the DIN
thanks a lot
Jimmy Auw
July 26, 2010 18:06Hi,
Sorry I don’t have the manual.
July 29, 2010 15:50..maaf ya oot,minta rekomen soundcard eksternal berkualitas utk pasangan edifier c3, saya menggunakan laptop (asus a8sc) lebih prefer musik pak..(untuk kabel interkoneknya/perkabelan + jack’s rekomen jg ya pak)
artikel2-nya bermutu n nambah wawasan sy yg newbie
thx pak
Jimmy Auw
August 2, 2010 20:57Hi,
Sound card external ada banyak pilihan. Intinya dibagi 2, mau main consumer atau pro.
Di consumer ada Onkyo, Audiotrak, Creative, etc.
Di pro ada ECHO, Terratec, M-Audio, etc.
Kabel dan jack merupakan bagian akhir dari investasi audio. Setup dulu speaker dan perangkat lain secara optimal, kabel menyusul.
August 4, 2010 12:35…sy akhirnya fokus ke consumer aja (pilihan onkyo,audiotrak n creative…dbE?)
thx pak
Jimmy Auw
August 4, 2010 18:21Onkyo kayanya cukup Ok Pak.
August 7, 2010 15:37Hi Jimmy,
Do you know which one is active crossover in mx5021?
change the opamp and capacitor of active crossover will improve the sound?
Auw Jimmy
August 7, 2010 22:37Hi Chang,
basically, the crossover inside the satellites are passive one, not active.
Only to separate the low (sub) and the mid-high (satellite), they use the active one.
Changing Opamp and Capacitors definitely will improve the sound.
August 8, 2010 11:01Hi Jimmy,
For low and mid-high active crossover, the components used will be the same?
There are 1 for treble, 1 for bass, 1 near to the 3.5mm jack input and another 2 seems like to be 1pair(both of their components and placement almost the same in the circuit).
Active crossover use the large uF like passive do or just the small nF/pF only?
Auw Jimmy
August 8, 2010 14:41Hi,
For the tone control (bass and treble), yes they use opamp. But this is not so called “crossover”.
Active crossover uses opamps.
August 8, 2010 16:33Hi,
I know active crossover uses opamps but I couldnt trace which opamp in mx5021 is active crossover.
there are 1 for treble as u modified, 1 for bass near the biggest capacitor 4700uF, another 2 opamps(like pairing to each other, the components used around both of the opamps are almost the same) then 1 opamp at the 3.5mm jack input.
the opa2134 that u changed is active crossover for mid-high?
Auw Jimmy
August 8, 2010 22:22Hi Chang,
I think you can trace the stage before the power amp chip.
The power amp chip itself should be fed by the signal which has been crossed by the active crossover.
August 8, 2010 22:50Hi Jimmy,
So the active crossover is right before power amp chip? I’m little confuse with the other opamps function, want to change more accurate opamp for crossover and if there are tonal control opamp, then I’ll change the opamp that I like since I got plenty of opamp with me.
Auw Jimmy
August 8, 2010 23:19Hi Chang,
Most likely, the stage before the power amp chip is the crossover (normally just like that).
Or you can trace it one by one to confirm (from the input to the output).
August 9, 2010 10:22Hi Jimmy,
After tracing around both of the power amp chip, I think all of the opamp is High L/R channel and Low active crossover. The TDA7265 is seperated input L and R. Normally input of every amp is built with coupling cap? The 22uF beside TDA7295 and 22uF at the center of the board together with another 3 2.2uF caps are coupling for TDA7295?
For opamp, I better leave it to be the same opamp for all. With combination of different opamp, I feel that mx5021 amp is getting hot faster may be due to blur feedback from different opamp.
Auw Jimmy
August 9, 2010 21:19Hi Chang,
Yes normally they will have input caps.
Most likely, all the opamps are interchangeable, except for some which use specific voltage range.
September 7, 2010 10:46hi Jimmy Auw,
i need your help; i have 2.1 Altec Lansing MX5021 speaker system. It works for 2 yrs but last week i found out when i switch on the power button, no power at all. What would be the solution of this, i already checked the cable connection to the outlet and its okay.
Auw Jimmy
September 7, 2010 16:58Hi Rey,
Usually the faulty transformer.
September 11, 2010 18:15Hy all… first: my english is not so good but i`m trying to write correctly to understand my problems… so Jimmy i found that op-amp OPA2134PA, from SONY, to replace but his price is VERY high (aprox. 60$) i can’t believe it… can be posible? and i found the OPA2604AP from Onkyo at aprox. 25$… i will try to find the capacitors with the same values like the capacitors inside of satellites and subwoofer… i found them but are made in china at a very low price… do i buy the chinesse capacitors or trying to find some capacitors from other brand like onkyo, akai, panasonic, etc.?
Auw Jimmy
September 11, 2010 21:26Hi Michael,
Just make sure you buy from trusted source. Those brands are easily relabeled. Hard to know they are real or not – especially without proper knowledge and experience.
September 19, 2010 15:16hy again Jimmy.. thanks for your answer… i looked for needed components on the internet… i found at a good price the op-amp OPA2134PA and LM4562…but, on my amp board are missing 3 component… an op-amp and 2 tranzistors.. it is any problem if i put myself these components on the board… this is missing only from my board comparissing with yours… after you will help me, course if you can help me, i will write you again for some advices… thanks
September 19, 2010 15:21sorry i forgot something… where can i send you a photos with the amp board to see the difference? and if can put myself the missing components can i put directly an OPA2134PA or the same like others op-amp on the board? thanks again
Auw Jimmy
September 19, 2010 17:52Hi Michael,
You can upload your image on free image hosting like imageshack.us then come back with the links.
September 19, 2010 18:53so i put 3 photos on http://yfrog.com/5xdsc01957rj and i marked the places where the components are missing… one of them are unmarked to see if exists any other difference but i didn`t see others… thanks
Auw Jimmy
September 19, 2010 21:48Hi Michael,
If you don’t have the parts on your PCB, then don’t add it. This could be revision issue, so yours might not be the same with mine.
September 21, 2010 02:53so you think i don`t need of that missing component… but i can replaced the other components write?… the capacitors and the op-amp…
Auw Jimmy
September 21, 2010 09:09Yes.
September 22, 2010 03:00good… thanks for your answer… i have some problems… i found some german capacitors but the voltage are biger than yours… 100v or 60v or 63v… is this a problem? can be with voltage more than 56v and 50v at the capacitors with 10.000uF, 3300uF and 1000uF or not?sorry but i’m a beginner and… thank you verry much for your help
Auw Jimmy
September 22, 2010 09:32Hi Michael,
No problem if higher, if lower that’s problem.
October 7, 2010 03:18hy again Jimmy… i didn`t have enough time to begin the replacement of the op-amp and capacitors… i found the LM4562 op-amp at e good price from NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTORS and i will replace it but for capacitors i have a question: can i put the 2200uF/50V capacitors instead of 3300uF/50v? to find the 3300uF capacitors is verry hard from Elna, Rubycon, Nichicon, etc. i found these 2200uF from Elna and i want to ask you before make the replacement.. thanks
Auw Jimmy
October 7, 2010 09:23Hi Michael,
yes 2200 should be fine.
October 9, 2010 19:26Hi Michael
putting in LM4562 will makes your TDA7265/7295 run hotter, personally using OPA2111KP sound as good as LM4562. LM4562 will be little bright and harsh.
for power filter capacitors 4700/2200/1000uF, use normal grade(low resistance or high ripple) will do like Nichicon, Nippon-chemicon or Rubycon; it will do better with higher capacitance. The green poly capacitors(2A104K)0.1uF quite important too, you can replace it with WIMA/Vishay MKS/MKP.
I changed all of the small electrolytic capacitor to Nichicon Fine Gold but it doesnt make any difference(seems like no difference) until I change the coupling capacitor with Vishay MKP.
you will feeeeeel HIGH!
Confirm what capacitor and opamp 1st before you start the modification, the PCB tracing will be teared off easily if keep solder and desolder due to the max heat it can withstand. don’t touch the tiny surface soldered components with hand(electrostatic will damage it).
changing parts in the signal path like resistor, opamp, capacitor and coupling capacitor will improve the sound and change the sound characteristic. power capacitor just like food for the amplifier.
October 17, 2010 04:31I’m trying to locate a capacitor for my amplifer, its 10000uf 120v. thanks for an early reply
Auw Jimmy
October 17, 2010 10:47Hi Verna,
10.000uF with 120V probably not easy to get. Have you tried eBay?
October 28, 2010 00:36bro.im chg the 6 opamp n the 2 tda ic.
but left no sound…just got sum crackling sound.
n i found out a resistor burn,wil i affected?can u give me a view or the vale of the resistor?c94.
and the opamp leg izit some is 2 stick two gether?
Auw Jimmy
October 28, 2010 10:03Hi Tan,
Sorry I dont have the Altec near me. Can’t upload the photos for you. Also maybe your PCB version could be different with mine.
I think you have some short circuit on the opamp, so it blew the resistor. Try to trace this issue first to solve.
Auw Jimmy
October 31, 2010 01:57Hi Haseeb,
You can try to change the TDA IC first. It seems not to expensive. There are a lot of possibilities of problem though – hard to be judged remotely.
November 11, 2010 17:21Thanks Jimmy, Tried the IC replacement option but the problem continues. Have checked the capacitors as well and they are ok too…what is the next logical step? Am missing my MX 5021 already.. really don’t wanna loose them. rgds Haseeb
Auw Jimmy
November 11, 2010 21:16Hi Haseeb,
Sorry to say, but if you have changed but the problem still there, I think you have to trace them more deeply. Some resistor may be faulty and or other section. Really want to help, but this is not a simple case without seeing the goods itself.
December 6, 2010 13:47Hi Jimmy,
I have the problem with my Altec Lansing 121i speaker. the left satellite is not working anymore.
Looks like the problem cause is Driver IC (YW UTC2030 is died). Could you inform the compatible part/another manufacturer for the UTC2030?
I also put my attention on the OpAmp UTC4558, is it possible to be the root cause?
Thanks and REgards,
Auw Jimmy
December 7, 2010 10:12Hi,
Not quite sure what is UTC2030, but I believe it’s a TDA2030.
UTC4558 should be standard 4558 opamp, you can use most opamp on the market.
December 10, 2010 18:00Hello.
Looks like you guys know your way round the MX5021’s. A local school has a set, but they have failed, and Altec don’t repair them anymore, so either I find someone in the UK (any suggestions) to repair them or set about them myself. I’m handy with a soldering iron but not into electronics so a bit of help would be appreciated as I can’t find even a circuit diagram.
Symptoms, no noise at all, only the Bump when power is removed. Where do I start? Thanks
Auw Jimmy
December 12, 2010 23:38Hi Sunhill,
Start by checking the main transformer whether the secondary tap outputs are correct or not.
Later, check the other components for any sign of damage/melted/etc.
December 21, 2010 18:51hey dion =) UTC is an inferior chinese brand
i found them to sound lousy and the sound breaks when you crank the volume up
anyways, i do some mods for altecs too =)
heh, enjoy!
December 21, 2010 18:56hey Sunhill59 =)altec’s trace is flimsy!
this is a common problem for 5021 that i’ve encountered when my friends bring their faulty sets to me.
you should check for dry solder and re-flow the solder especially where the powerfilter caps are.
January 19, 2011 06:08Does anyone on here have a schematic for the circuit board in the woofer
March 1, 2011 13:54Which watt soldering iron did you used modding MX5021?
Auw Jimmy
March 1, 2011 19:2425W or more will do.
April 13, 2011 17:01want to ask, how the characters opa 2134 compared to NE5532 if you want to make clear detail speakers get good and staging?
Auw Jimmy
April 15, 2011 00:15Hi Savi,
I think 2134 should be better than NE5532. But if I were you (and thinking for a serious upgrade), I would avoid both.
April 26, 2011 06:33Hi,
I have the subwoofer/amp section of an atp3, and want to use it just for the bass. I am missing the satellites. How can I find out how to rig it to turn on/ change volume? I would appreciate any advice you have to offer!
Auw Jimmy
April 26, 2011 22:14Hi Wuntun,
Without the satellite, it’s almost impossible to control.
May 9, 2011 17:57Bang…
Punya wiring diagram buat Altec Lansing ATP3 ga? soalnya speaker satelite nya kecebur laut, mau ngakalin control connector nya, sayang kalo sub woofernya nganggur…THX…i love this site….
Auw Jimmy
May 10, 2011 00:02Ga punya Pak. Info ini pasti confidential Altec, susah buat dapatinnya.
May 12, 2011 00:20[IMG]http://i563.photobucket.com/albums/ss74/Tim_HKG/SAM_0223.jpg[/IMG]
Recently, I have had my ACS45.1 the right & left independent channels rebuilt as well as all the capacitors replaced with ELNA’s except the o.1uF one. Now I’m hesitating about the final mod, shall I go replacing the remaining 5 dual op-amps(JRC4558D), 1 qual op-amp(KIA324P), voltage regulator(JRC7812A)…etc.?
1. Will the result be obvious after the replacement of all the op-amps, voltage regulator?
2. What will be the most cost-effective replacement models to make the sound to be more clear & warm?
3. Is it possible to replace the TDA7370B with another model to get a little bit more wattage output?
Thanks in advance!
May 12, 2011 00:32[IMG]http://i563.photobucket.com/albums/ss74/Tim_HKG/SAM_0223.jpg[/IMG]
Auw Jimmy
May 12, 2011 08:37Hi Tim,
1. Definitely there will be a different, but whether it’s enough to justify the cost is another story.
2. Almost all newer opamp should be better than the JRC4558. You can start with the popular 2134.
3. I havent tried the TDA7370B, but I think changing the amp would take some more understanding with other spec of this system (especially the power supply rating). I would rather leave it as-is, unless I got the clear view of the system.
May 21, 2011 01:13If there’s difficulty of replacing the amplifier IC TDA7370B, so in better-than-none way, would it be advantageous to replace the original voltage regulator JRC7812A as well as the PSU to have “another form” of improvement of power supply, or just leave it as it is?
Auw Jimmy
May 22, 2011 07:56Hi Tim
I think most 7812 regulator would perform similar. If you really want to change, probably 317 would be a good direction, not without extra effort though.
June 20, 2011 22:14Finally, I’d decided to have all the op-amps to be replaced. Now the stuffs are ready, hope I won’t ruin it!
Thanks for your opinions, Jimmy!
Auw Jimmy
June 20, 2011 22:32Great job Tim!
Austin Teater
July 12, 2011 11:03Undeniably believe that which you stated. Your favorite reason appeared to be on the net the simplest thing to be aware of. I say to you, I definitely get irked while people consider worries that they just don’t know about. You managed to hit the nail upon the top as well as defined out the whole thing without having side effect , people can take a signal. Will probably be back to get more. Many thanks Austin Teater
August 12, 2011 17:39Hi Jimmy
Great Website,
would like to ask u … my mx5021 has a very weak bass, may i know what is causing this? the sub is fine.
Auw Jimmy
August 12, 2011 22:30Hi Augustine,
If the sub is fine, why it has weak bass?
Sorry I just dont get your point…
August 15, 2011 12:10First of all, I would like to say thank you for taking your time to reply,
about the weak bass, I am referring about the subwoofer that is producing out a very soft and faint bass even when I set the control pod bass to the max. Satellite speakers are fine. I had tried taking this subwoofer cone and test it with another working system, and it works fine, so i deduce it maybe the internal circuity giving problems.
Auw Jimmy
August 15, 2011 21:01Hi,
I think there is something wrong on your circuit, but ‘remote’ examination is impossible. I only can suggest you to find local repair shop in order to check the problem.
September 27, 2011 16:31Hi,
Having problem with my Altec Lansing MX5021, when I play it for 1 and a half hour and increase the volume, the mid-range is distorted. Any advise from your side?
Auw Jimmy
September 27, 2011 21:48Hi,
Mostly caused by power supply problem… You better check the voltage and the capacitors there.
September 28, 2011 15:06OK thanks for the advice additional question when i increse the treble midrange is distorted. Do you think the power supply and capacitor is problem. some of technician say the IC is the problem?
September 28, 2011 15:07oops!!!!Thanks
Auw Jimmy
September 28, 2011 21:31Hi Rey,
If you have access to the technician, why dont let them to fix it for you?
In your case, I’m quite agree that the problem could be from the IC.
October 2, 2011 10:38Dear sir Jimmy,
Thank you sir jimmy for your advice hopefully will fix my unit soon.
Best regards,
October 31, 2011 17:29Hello Jimmy and everyone!
Hope to get your help on my issue with AL-5021.
I’му done the sub mod as it’s explain here:
– replaced opamps to OPA2134
– replaced capacitors to better quality ones (and some of them with biger capacitance as recommended)
– used film caps for signal path
– replaced power supply to torroidal.
A few days or a week everything worked fine but then suddenly I lost timbre and volume control via remote unit of sub. In another one day the music has gone completely.
My friend -technisian diagnosed the TDA7433, basic audio-processor chip wich is used for volume/tone controll is dead.
I’ve found that rare TDA7433, we replaced it and my sub revived! Everything worked fine but not for long…
In a day or two I lost tone and volume control via remote (though light indicator of tone or volume level was working) and finally all the sub has shut up.
So I suspect the problem lies diper then just that chip. Probably I did something wrong in my mode, maybe bad soldering, shorting some leads or something wich causing TDA7433 to die.
Please advice, what would you check and test before replacing TDA7433 one more time.
Hope to get you replies,
Thank you
October 31, 2011 20:49hello
the problem is that i get sound from the sub woofer but not sound from the satelites when i rise the volume i hear some clik sounds but nothing from the satelite even not a hisss sound
if the tda7265 is good would i hear a hiss sound ?
thank you
Auw Jimmy
October 31, 2011 21:59Hi Romper,
Check for all solder join for short, all cables/connectors.
Check the power supply to power the TDA.
November 4, 2011 20:52Hello jimmy….
Do you have the circuit schematic diagram or 7pin mini din pin out diagram of Altec Lansing ATP3 subwoofer?
i’ve got that woofer without satellite speakers
so…. now i wanna make a DIY controll pannel for ATP3 woofer.
Auw Jimmy
November 4, 2011 22:02Hi Yasan,
Sorry I dont have it.
November 5, 2011 22:03oh… Okay..
ThanQ bro
November 10, 2011 12:23I have a similar problem as some others: a ~50Hz hum coming from the subwoofer of my ATP-3 system. Unplugging the source, switching outlets, etc., don’t help.
The twist is that for their first five years or so, they didn’t hum at all. So something inside must have “worn out” over time. Any idea what?
Auw Jimmy
November 10, 2011 20:59Hi Jake,
It could be the power supply capacitor or the main transformer itself.
November 11, 2011 03:22I know that caps can deteriorate over time, but barring some external damage (which I don’t think occurred), do transformers deteriorate?
Auw Jimmy
November 15, 2011 00:31Yes, transformer does…
November 16, 2011 18:512Jimmy
Thanks a lot for a reply.
My problem seems to be connected with power supply.
When I changed transformer to toroidal I asked about its values on the other modder’s site and got these:
INPUT: AC 230V/50hz (BLK-BLK)
I have no idea if those were correct.
The man who had inspected my doble-dead sub told me there were two “big” a bit swollen caps which is obvious evidence of power problem. Unfortunately nobody hav electrical cheme 🙁
Would you advice something, Jimmy?
Thank you.
Auw Jimmy
November 16, 2011 21:16Hi,
You can check the original transformer first. Probably just capacitor leakage problem.
November 16, 2011 23:402Jimmy
I would like to but I got rid of the old buzzy trans (stupid, i know 🙂
If somebody check outputs of their original trans it could be a God’s hand to me!
Auw Jimmy
November 17, 2011 21:21Hi Romper,
You can googling around. If I could recall my memories correctly, there are some website showing the transformer output voltage.
Dr. Charles
December 15, 2011 22:47Hello,
I baught a speakers system (Altec LANSING mx 5021) in 2006. The wired contrôler is out of order, meaning that there is no more controle of the volume from there or any settings controle, only “on-off” cvontrole is availlable. The system works, but with a very low sound level that you can control from the computer:
very low, or very-very low…
By opening this wired contrôler I’ve seen that the connectors of the Infra Red Receiver were a bit burny, I mean light gray cloud all around…
Is it possible to change the compleate card, and what can be your best price for it ?
Or can you tell me where I can Find it?
The ref. written on the card is: SDA ALTEC LANSING MX5021U05_A Modify: Jason A8766
Thank you fou you attention and attentive response.
Nice day to everybody.
Dr. Charles
December 16, 2011 00:25Hi,
my situation has changed a bit, now there is no more sound at all! I will try to remove the inside card to check capacitors, but the cables are so short…
If you have any idea, it can maybe be helfull…
Dr. Charles
January 5, 2012 14:57Hi,
I have the mx5021. Now the Left channel satellite makes a crackling sound over the music heard. This crackling sound is continuous. I tried swapping the left and right satellite but the same problem persists.
Auw Jimmy
January 5, 2012 22:45Hi,
Could be from your TDA chip.
January 6, 2012 13:55TDA 7265 ya Om Jimmy…tapi ada di post no.372, dia sdh ganti TDA 7265 dan kapasitor nya, tetapi problem nya belum selesai…kmrn coba ganti 7809, tapi klu sdh panas dia bunyi lagi…
Auw Jimmy
January 6, 2012 21:59Waduh kalo gitu mesti dicek semua Pak… enggak bisa ‘telepati’ gini he he he…
January 9, 2012 21:46karena bunyi kresek2 terus mengganggu, akhir nya saya putuskan mengganti kapasitor yang dekat dengan TDA 7265 dengan Kapasitor merk rubycon (nggak tau asli atau palsu karena saya memang benar2 buta dengan parts elektronik, cuma bisa nyolder doang)trus 10.000u 50v Elna Onkyo for HiFi, 3.300u 50v (merk nggak jelas) dan 1.000u 50v (merk nggak jelas)…setelah nyobain hidup sekitar 4 jam an bunyi kresek2 nya nggak ada lagi…Thanks for your guide…tetapi untuk Op-amp nya saya belum ganti karena nggak ada stok 2134pa nya…klu cuma sampai disini modding nya kira2 apa nilai tambah nya di banding sebelum di modding…kecuali bunyi kresek2 nya hilang…?
January 23, 2012 08:58jrc 4558 replaced by op270 is this bring a lot of improvement in the term of sound quality??
right now my satellite is sibillance n to bright.
it’s sound to sharp.
my speaker is DBE SP88
i’ve substitute all the caps on control tone by elna silmic2 but have same value, default caps is yungli
is this cause by the elna caps????
i’ve checked the power use TDA2030a if i intend to substitute it to LM1875 is there will be any trouble???
the power use 1,3a CT 12V non toroid Trafo
and there are 4 TDA, 2 sub, 2 for each satellite i intend to change all of it to LM1875, are LM1875 bring an improvement to the sound quality compare with the stock TDA????
the satellite use Solen MKP 4,7 400V caps
klotz LY215 cable n macrom gold RCA connector.
monster stereolink interconnect cable
Auw Jimmy
January 23, 2012 19:01Hi,
Maybe you can try Elna Cerafine, instead of Silmic.
LM1875 is just fine, as long you have correct voltage and current. The 12VCT/1.3A used to supply one TDA or for all 4 TDAs?
January 24, 2012 11:39all of it supplied by non toroid trafo 1,3a
it’s lack of power isn’t it??
i’ve changed the opamp to op270 it’s sound good, but sibillance still present n still sharp
but it’s have better separation, detail n sweet mid. also i’ve change all TDA to LM1875.
it’s give more power.
bass is now more powerful than ever but a little to boomy. sweet treble n mid, but still sibillance n sharp
i’ve try Simbadda CST 6100 satellite to my speaker n it’s sibilance too, but better than the DBE SP88 satellite.
maybe i could substitute elna silmic caps
is cerafine have warmer sound??
or i just need to change trafo with more power???
say 3a 12V CT ?
or even toroid trafo???
what is the difference in sound quality between toroid n non toroid with same spec, say 3a 12V CT
what caused sibillance???
January 24, 2012 16:17what is happen if speaker don’t have enough power to powering it self?
my friend said, bass will sound boomy n hollow
i’m still curious where sibillance came from?
is this cause by lack of power to????
or something else???
Auw Jimmy
January 24, 2012 17:41Hi,
Mostly sibilant is contributed by the speaker. Then could be emphazised by a lot of factor during the transmission from original signal to the speaker.
Upgrade the transformer could achive better sound. Also changing to the Cerafine probably could help.
But definitely not easy to start guessing without even hearing what is the sound by myself…
Auw Jimmy
January 24, 2012 17:41Hi,
If not enough power, you can see the sound is slighly lighter, not enough punch, and if you force it, it may damage the speaker.
January 24, 2012 19:09ehm,
i think i gonna need a new trafo
where i can find toroid trafo???
it’s quite rare
have you compare silmic 2 n cerafine what’s the difference in sound production???
Auw Jimmy
January 24, 2012 20:54Hi,
Any transformer with sufficient rating will do. No need to go with Toroid.
Cerafine got warmer sound, instead of Silmic which tends to have transparent type.
January 24, 2012 22:07mas jimmy maaf newbie soal mod speakers,ane ada spekear altec lansing acs45 ne kira2 partnya di ganti yg apa yah?
1 buah 4700uf 25v ->
3 buah 1000uf 16v ->
8 buah 100uf 16v ->
op amp KIA6210AH ->
op ic TA8248K ->
opa KIA358P ->
NE572N ->
January 27, 2012 19:00sorry to bother you
can you be more specific about difference in sound reproduction between EI trafo n toroidal???
or disadvantages of toroidal trafo compare to EI trafo.
if i intend to change caps in power supply will it improve sound a lot?
default is yungli, what caps you suggest to replace yungli??
is elna cerafine good for power supply?
i’ve heard OP270 has good mid n a warmer sound. but not in my system. it’s still a little too bright.
Auw Jimmy
February 2, 2012 22:53Hi,
Both toroidal and EI are good as long well manufactured.
Cerafine is also good for power supply.
February 6, 2012 17:29i’ve substitute stock trafo to toroidal with 5a/18v
diode also use 6a (2a stock)
but satellite sound is terrible. it’s sound “ciiiit”, when it hit a high treble
what caused that??
was the opamp over voltage?
February 6, 2012 17:30my opamp is OP270 max voltage 18v
Auw Jimmy
February 7, 2012 11:24Hi,
Perhaps your circuit got some oscillation.
February 7, 2012 18:05the terrible sound suddenly just gone.
(i’ve done nothing )
i don’t know what causing that.
but if trebel max n volume max it occurs again
may the pcb is not support for 18v??
maybe i just going for stock 12 v
18v just to boost LM1875 output power.
but satelite just overwhelmed the sub
THnX jim U really helping me……
Auw Jimmy
February 8, 2012 21:10Hi Draco,
PCB has no relation with maximum voltage, but you have to check if your circuit (opamp/amp/etc) support 18VDC or not.
February 11, 2012 17:00LM1875 support from 16v up to 60v and OP270 max 18v
i’ve changed to 12v and it sub not produce any sound, satelite sound like a radio
then i go again for 18v and installed turbo bass again,
and the result is outstanding
satelite n sub has balanced power with turbo bass
no more problem
loved it so much
thnx jim
Auw Jimmy
February 13, 2012 21:57Hi Draco,
Good then! Enjoy your music.
February 29, 2012 17:50hey jim have you ever try SATA3 as interconnect cable???
they said it great
Auw Jimmy
March 1, 2012 23:02Hi Draco,
Not yet.
Feel free to try them first…
March 15, 2012 17:30Hi jimmy…
I have problem with my speaker…
There is no sound from the satellites but i can hear the bass..
What u think the problem is?
MX 5021 newbie
April 10, 2012 06:42bro jimmy, saya mw tanya. Saya kan baru beli mx 5021 mod spesifikasinya gini :
1. 6 capasitor d bagian power amplifier (elna gold)
2. 2 Pcs kapasitor MKP XO d satelit
3. Kabel interkonektor canera 2S9F
apakah sudah termasuk cukup mod seperti it? atau ada yang perlu d ganti lgi supaya tambah suip 😀
mohon pencerahannya bro jimmy
Auw Jimmy
April 10, 2012 13:31Hi Bro,
Sejauh apa mod ya tergantung dana dan kuping juga 🙂
Jadi saya tidak bisa dari jauh memperkirakan “apa yang kurang”.
MX 5021 newbie
April 14, 2012 10:59hahaha, bener juga seh… satu lagi bro jimmy, kabel jack (dari speaker k LCD 3D) untuk lihat movie n music paling bagus ap? rencana mw buat mini bioskop d rumah 🙂
Terimakasih untuk jawabannya
Auw Jimmy
April 15, 2012 13:11Hi Bro,
Kabel dari speaker ke LCD? Maksudnya gimana ya?
April 20, 2012 09:00I’ve tried SATA3 interconnect cable
good for vocal….
my speaker got new problem
sub sound suddenly just gone…….
restarting is the only way to recover it
is there something wrong with my speaker???
Auw Jimmy
April 21, 2012 17:07Yes Draco, definitely something wrong with your speaker.
April 23, 2012 16:57Hi Jimmy,
My MX5021 left speaker starts to have random crackling noise recently..
Any ideas what might cause it?
I have changed all the electrolytic caps and opamp ICs to OPA2134 on-board..
Is it possible caused by faulty TDA7433 audio processor chip?
I have tested the TDA7265 power amp IC by connecting both inputs to right channel output from opamp and I noticed no crackling noise at all on both channels.. 🙁
I have also added few 0.1uF bypass caps around few opamps which have missing bypass caps but the problem still persists..
So anyone has this prob before and manage to solve it?
Auw Jimmy
April 25, 2012 22:10Hi John,
Not easy to check, but if you output is considered fine, then you have to start checking the front side.
Can start to play guessing game, by changing the connection from left-right and vice versa. Could be easier if you have good equipments, though.
John Ding
April 30, 2012 22:51Hi Jimmy,
Thanks for your reply.
Now it seems that the crackling noise has disappeared totally.
I have been listening to the MX5021 for the past few days and so far still no noise yet. 🙂
I didn’t really do much to the overall circuit except that I did try to reflow or resolder many on-board components and even the SMD components.
Maybe that solved the noise problem.
Auw Jimmy
May 1, 2012 16:49Hi John,
Could be the cold join is the problem.
Congratulations for the result then.
May 13, 2012 23:48Hey Jimmy,
it’s me again man, hope everything is ok with you i just remembered when i was making this mod and all the doubts i had you helped me every time : ]
Just want to tell how good it feels after all this time, two years, my speakers keep the quality top notch.
Apart from taking Jimmy’s time with all the doubts 🙂 I recommend everyone(with some skills of soldering) to do this, not only will you have your speakers with better component quality as it will make you feel very very good doing this projects : ]
When i did this i bought some not so expensive components and believe me, it feels good knowing that your beloved audio system has new components inside, it’s like a revival of something you really like : ]
Well this is more of a love letter than anything else, just wanted to share some love with all of you.
Again, hope you are well Jimmy and kudos to you for all the support.
Best wishes,
Diogo : )
Auw Jimmy
May 14, 2012 00:08Hi Diogo,
Thanks for your feedback! Glad to hear that you can have a good use of this article.
Siti Nurhaliza
May 15, 2012 22:48Pak Jimmy Yang Terhormat dan Baik Hati
Saya punya Speaker Altec Lansing ATP3 sudah 5 tahun lebih. Kini speaker tersebut rusak karena ada pin dari conector 7-mini din nya putus dan kabel audio utamanya yang dari sub-woofer ke Satelite(yang ada potensio on/of, volume, bass, treble)terkelupas karena digigit tikus. Yang ingin saya tanyakan, apakah Pak Jimmy tau toko yang jual conector dan kabel tersebut..? Dan apakah Pak Jimmy tau jalur/urutan kabel tersebut tersambung ke conectornya, karena rencananya saya akan sambung langsung di board PCB-nya yang ada di dalam box sub-wofer. Terimakasih Pak atas bantuannya
Auw Jimmy
May 15, 2012 22:57Hi Siti Nurhaliza,
Maaf saya tidak tahu dan tidak bisa membantu untuk kasus ini.
Terima kasih.
June 29, 2012 03:17Hiya
I got hold of one of these at an auction and it was without the satellites or controller. I wonder if you could suggest some links to be soldered across the PCB to make it work, know if the controller is the same as any other Altec subs, or know where I could get hold of a controller. If not I’ll have to interrupt the woofer wiring and use it as a passive sub, which is a bit of a shame.
With thanks for any help,
Auw Jimmy
July 1, 2012 19:45Hi Mat,
Sorry, no idea…
July 18, 2012 14:17hello jimmy wassup
i have altec vs4121blk version brought few days back without guarantee.. new.. after a week of use suddenly bass response of woofer changed cause whenever i play low bass songs it tends to sound like popping
pls help its new
i might have blown caps or what…
thnx in advnce.. cheers
July 18, 2012 20:46hi jimmy.
i have some problems with speakers that u mentioned here – Altec Lansing mx5021.
everything working allright but just few minutes than I turn on speakers, i cant control volume (cant turn up or down)and sometimes i cant turn on to.
i dont know what it could be wrong . do you have any idea?
i noticed that element L7809CV is quiet hot (is that OK?)
Thanks for advice.
Auw Jimmy
July 18, 2012 22:23Hi David,
Hard to judge as we might have different understanding of the ‘popping’ sound. I would suggest you to visit a local repairshop to check more detail.
Auw Jimmy
July 18, 2012 22:24Hi Tbone,
Something unusually hot couldnt be right, normally.
But that’s quite hard to judge from the distance. It would be better to have a visit of local repair shop to get it checked.
July 19, 2012 17:54hi there jimmy
i’ve throw away my SP88 n pick Swan M50W High end 2.1
but they sound too shy.
it’s sound too soft…
i.ve changed interconnect cable
use eSATA with vermouth Rhodium 3,5mm Jack
it’s give better high extension and more kicking bass. but vocal just not special i think???
i’d like to change satellite cable
which cable is better???
Canare 2s9f
Klotz series maybe????
or any other?????
i’ll use vermouth rhodium RCA as termination for new satellite cable
n also boomy sound from sub is still annoy me
could you help me please??
THnX jim
Auw Jimmy
July 19, 2012 21:06Hi Draco,
How to define ‘vocal just not special’? Compared to what?
At certain point, multimedia speaker got the limitation. Probably adding tube buffer or tube preamp could help rather than changing the cable.
July 21, 2012 20:46i mean vocal just got thinner n dry i think??
i just want more forward vocal but not thin
m50 has a laidback type i think?
i just want to know which cable is better for the satellite??
n is rhodium better compared to silver coated RCA termination??
i’m really curios about this
THnX Jim
Auw Jimmy
July 22, 2012 21:34Hi Draco,
Most of the time, vocal will become thinner if you push them forward.
Only expensive equipment could get in between without sacrificing other factor too much. Surely hard to get from a multimedia speaker.
You can’t get both worlds.
Probably Rhodium could suit more on your case.
July 23, 2012 10:55“Most of the time, vocal will become thinner if you push them forward.”
THnX jim
this is new knowledge for me
i think i’ll go for canare 2s9f with vermouth rhodium RCA
THnX jim
August 7, 2012 09:48Hi Jimmy
i’d just like to say thanks for taking the time to make the guide.
i’ve got the mx5021 myself & have owned it since 2005 & has worked great until recently when i think i damaged the sub by changing the speaker wires about with the sub still plugged in & the remote switched on, now i cant get any sound coming through the speakers or from the sub, there is some hiss when i turn the controller up & the headphone jack is still working.
i was reluctant to throw it out even though its now 7yrs old & i did a search & found out its a common problem with the sub.
also found your site & it gave me the idea to either try & get someone to fix it or i could try learning a bit about soldering & electronics, maybe i could do it myself as a new project.
Auw Jimmy
August 7, 2012 22:59Hi Stevie,
Maybe you could send your speaker to local repair/workshop. Probably there is some minor problem (definitely they can fix it for you). I will not recommend you to fix yourself, unless you have enough understanding about electronic. The voltage inside could be very lethal.
August 15, 2012 04:15hey jimmy sir i have a altex lansing thx mx5021 but i have a problem my set is mx5021 is not working problem is no output sonud but amplifie is ok can u plZzzz help me i am wainting your answer
Auw Jimmy
August 15, 2012 11:48Hi Ali,
Better to find a local repair shop to analyze. Hard to diagnose without seeing the system directly.
September 6, 2012 07:24Hi Jimmy
fraid the repair shop said it had overheated & a few parts need replacing, said its uneconomical to fix but i’ll ask him again what exactly it damaged & then i might learn something about electronics lol
thanks for the help
David W
September 12, 2012 16:14pak Jimmy, salam kenal saya punya MX5021 problem.
Satelitnya tidak bunyi sama sekal, di woofernya jg tidak normal.
Setelah sy bawa ke tempat servis speaker (umum), menurut teknisinya problem di controlnya.
Ada IC ST62725C6 990EL VM..menurut teknisinya itu yg problem.
Jadi speaker kadang bunyi normal, kadang kecil. Sampai skrg masih blm menemukan yg jual tipe IC tersebut. Kira2 apa ada IC tipe lain yg umum dan bisa menggantikan IC tsb?
Mungkin pak Jimmy bisa membantu rekomendasi tipe IC-nya.
Lokasi saya di Surabaya.
Terima kasih pak.
Auw Jimmy
September 12, 2012 23:35Hi Pak David,
Maaf saya tidak tahu dimana mencari IC ini…
Terima kasih.
December 4, 2012 08:06Hai,om Jim
Aku punya AltecLansing ATP3,Subwooper tidak bunyi,
speaker Ok,satelit Ok, input TDA pin 11,12 Ok,
Apa yang harus diperiksa/diganti OP4588,LM 074 atau yang mana ?
Auw Jimmy
December 6, 2012 21:54Hi Bro Edim,
Saya belum pernah bongkar ATP-3, jadi susah komennya.
December 22, 2012 23:47Hi pak Jimmy,
Saya punya Mx5021 yg sdh sy pakai dari thn2004, baru2 ini mx5021 saya tdk mengeluarkan suara, saya sdh cek satelit-nya OK, subwoofer-nya ada suara mendengung kecil. Tolong saran apa yang harus saya periksa atau ganti.
Auw Jimmy
December 23, 2012 00:58Hi Pak Steaven,
Saran saya dibawa ke toko reparasi dulu Pak. Kemungkinan besar amplifier-nya, tapi bisa jadi juga power supply-nya.
December 30, 2012 22:19Hi Pak Jimmy,
Terima kasih untuk reply-nya.
Spertinya kalo power supply-nya sih Ok pak, karena LED power-nya jalan dan kalo saya putar volume-nya, LED indikatornya pun berubah.
Seorang teman saya menyarankan untuk mengganti IC kontrol-nya. Klo boleh tahu apa tipe IC kontrol-nya untuk MX5021 tsb.
Thanks Pak.
Auw Jimmy
December 30, 2012 22:37Hi Pak Steaven,
Mohon maaf saya kurang tahu tipe ICnya. Tapi saya pernah dengar kalo tipe IC nya ini khusus dan tidak umum.
Terima kasih.
December 31, 2012 00:27Hi Pak Jimmy,
Terima kasih atas reply-nya.
Selamat Tahun Baru 2013.
Auw Jimmy
December 31, 2012 19:31Sama2 Pak Steaven, Selamat Tahun Baru 2013 juga.
Terima kasih.
January 7, 2013 14:30Hey, any expert in here can teach me how to take out the power transformer for MX5021. Primary winding open circuit and need to replace or rewinding. But it was glued on the base of the panel.
Terima kasih
Auw Jimmy
January 10, 2013 09:23Hi Darren,
You need to ‘cut’ the glue and ‘pull’ the transformer. I know it’s not gonna be easy, but there is no better way, I think.
January 18, 2013 11:52Hi VC, nice meeting you. I’d mod my MX5021 few years ago and it works fine till recently i notice some static noise from left satellite. Turning the volume up and down didn’t help to minimize the static noise, I’ve tried to swap left and right speakers, cables and unplug the 3.5mm input jack but the static noise remain at left channel. So the problem goes down to the PCB board. Since there’s no static noise notice with headphone plug into the control pod, I assume that the problem goes AFTER the input signal been amplified along the way to speaker output instead of control pod headphone output. Problem is, I got no clue that which component seems more likely to cause the static noise and need to be replace. Any suggestion? Thanks a million!
January 18, 2013 11:53Opppss! sorry, hi Jimmy, hehe…
Auw Jimmy
January 22, 2013 10:48Hi Lawrence,
I believe most MX5021 has some static noise, although the level is quite vary. Some of them say the problem comes from the main transformer. Headphone out might not be impacted (probably) due to some signal attenuation circuit.
February 21, 2013 22:27Bro jim, where i can find OPA 2111 at Jakarta?
Auw Jimmy
February 23, 2013 22:10Hi Bro,
Coba cari di Glodok atau LTC.
March 27, 2013 14:16i believed i damaged my board for this mx5021… is there anybody else selling whole mainboard for mx5021? i badly need it.. i miss the sound of my mx5021… i thought the TDA’s are burnt and i replaced the 2 TDA but still no output.. if there’s anyone who is selling a working board then pls tell me including cost for shipping to philippines… thanks alot
June 6, 2013 08:43Pak Jimmy/Pak Steaven.
Saya juga memiliki problem yang sama dengan Pak Steaven.
Apakah sudah ada perkembangan terkait perbaikan atau problem ini?
mohon dibantu pencerahannya.
Auw Jimmy
June 6, 2013 21:57Hi Pak Idho,
Maaf saya sendiri tidak tahu jawabannya, Pak. Sebaiknya dibawa ke toko reparasi untuk dicek.
Terima kasih.
Jason Damsing
August 12, 2013 02:06Hey Jimmy,
Good read – thank you. I stumble upon you site googling around on the Altec Lansing MX5021.
The question i have might not be your regular expertise. However, do you know if the sound output(mini-jack) on the subwoofer is replaceable?
I ask cause the jack socket accidently splitted, since my dog stepped on the jack cable. 🙁
Thank you in advance!
Auw Jimmy
August 12, 2013 09:13Hi Jason,
Which jack that you are talking about?
August 23, 2013 15:14I succesfully modded my mx5021. Replaced all power supply caps with same value but high quality, higher voltage, low esr types. Replaced all audiopath caps with elna silmic II. Replace all green 0.1uF caps with ERO Polyprop types. Replaced crossover caps & inductors with Mundorf & bypassed each cap with a Vishay 1837 0.01uF. And lastly, replaced all 4558’s with opa2134. It went well for a week, i was overwhelmed by its new sound. I could hear voices & instruments never been heard before. Then problems started, i can hear a popping sound everytime i turn on the power & everytime i adjust the volume. Then all of a sudden i lost midrange & base. I think the opa2134’s are oscillating and it damaged the two surface mount ic’s on the back TDA7433 & TL074. So, i replaced both ic’s and put back the original 4558’s. Everything was back to normal. I then upgraded all 4558’s to TL072 and the sound is great, everything is stable. The midrange is better, it is as if the singer is singing right infront of me. My last plan is to upgrade the ic nearest to TDA7265 with opa2132. But i am still hesitant, that it might cause some oscillation and damage other components just like the 2134’s.
August 26, 2013 09:45Hi, i just came across this article when i am reading up on some problems with my MX5021.
My MX5021 will experience breaking and cracking in the sound when the volume is tune higher or a certain pitch of sound is played. This happens in both satalites so i suspect the problem is with the subwoofer itself. Just wondering if anyone has an idea what might be the possible causes for this problem? Thank you very much!
August 28, 2013 08:34Hey alex,
Does the noise increase as you increase the volume? Or is it the same even if the volume is at zero? Does it sound like static noise? Is your unit intact or did you make any modifications?
September 1, 2013 11:17Hi totof,
The speakers are not modified. The sound breaking gets worse when the volume gets adjusted up. To the point where the vocals just becomes cracking sounds. The cracking happens only when the volume exceeds a certain “threshold”. If possible i can try to upload the sound clip of the breaking sound. Thanks!
September 2, 2013 09:30Another observation that the sound breaking only happens to the satalites. When plug in my headphones to the control pod the sound does not break no matter how loud i adjust the volume. I tried swapping the audio cables but it does not help as well. Thanks!
October 8, 2013 12:40hi alex,
try tuching the surround foam edges of your subwoofer driver. mine had a tear and it also produced a cracking sound when you raise the volume.
December 24, 2013 21:41wow,,.. rare genuine caps here 🙁
January 10, 2014 22:25Halo mas Jimmy, Salam kenal. Saya mau cari IC no. NJU7313L JRC A5002C untuk MIxer Amplifier BMB model DA-X2 ada apa gak ya? Soalnya kawan saya sudah ubek2 kota medan tapi komponen tersebut tidak ada di jual. Klo mas tau dimana kira2 saya bisa dapat informasi jualnya IC_nya ya?
Auw Jimmy
January 10, 2014 23:17Hi Mas Hamma,
Maaf saya kurang tahu. Mungkin harus cari di Glodok.
Terima kasih.
Mardy Saragih
March 27, 2014 23:48Hi pak Jim, i have divoom speaker that use jrc4558 as opamp, recently i bought opa627au2 plan to put it as replacement to stock opamp, but when put it to the system only sattelite speaker sound better, the sub woofer no sound only hum, then i put the old stock and the system back to normal, what is the problem?
Does jrc4558 incompatible with opa627au2?
Auw Jimmy
March 30, 2014 15:33Hi Pak Mardy,
I think 4558 is dual opamp while 627 is single one.
Mardy Saragih
April 4, 2014 19:29I bought 2 opamps last week, opa2134 and lme49720na, try them both to replace jrc4558, then much prefer lme49720na, the detail impressive than opa2134, warm and open. I’m glad to say that my speaker improve a lot than using stock opamp, maybe you can consider to use it too.
May 9, 2014 00:10Bro Jimmy, mau nanya nih.
Kl nge MOD Altec MX5021 nya persis sama kyk punya anda itu kira2x habis dana brp ya?
Trs cocok ga MOD spt punya bro Jimmy buat nntn film?
Apa karakternya lebih enak dari aslinya atau lebih bagus ini?
Bgmn Middle nya? Trs suaranya msh pedes kayak bawaannya apa ga?
Sory kl pertanyaanya rombongan ya, hehe
Thx Bro Jimmy.
Auw Jimmy
May 9, 2014 10:52Hi Mas Ronny,
Dulu kayanya sekitar 300rb an saja habisnya.
Cocok atau tidak rasanya relatif, tergantung selera juga. Tapi yang jelas lebih bagus dari aslinya.
Terima kasih.
July 7, 2014 18:43Hi, just got to say that I was never pleased with the mx5021 system as a whole. But the satellites took on a whole new life when I used them as surrounds connected directly to a Yamaha AV receiver. Much clearer and sound much better than with the sub. To me the sub was the weak point, maybe its amp was the problem.
August 13, 2014 23:18Hy Mardy Saragih. i saw your post and i want to ask you how is the sound with opamp LME49720NA. in my country, i found the LM4562NA and the LME49720NA too, but i don;t know which is the best choise. can you tell me please how sounds the satellites with opamp LME49720NA? Or Jimmy, if you can help me with choise between those opamps, i`m glad to listen your advice. thank you verrt much
Auw Jimmy
August 14, 2014 16:25Hi Michael,
Opamp is quite subjective. So to hear yourself is the best way to decide.
But from technical stand point, I think 4562 and 49720 are more or less similar.
LME49720 should be graded a bit higher with LME prefix, than LM on 4562.
August 14, 2014 17:28thank you Jimmy. i think i’ll try LME and after i’ll come back with a post. thanks again and have a nice day
September 12, 2014 12:59hy everyone. i replaced the stock op-am 4558c with LME49720na. people, the sound is great now. i have no words to say it. is absolutely amazing. now, i can say that i have the amazing 2.1 audio system. thanks Jimmy for your help and thank everyone for suggestions. best regards to everyone
Auw Jimmy
September 12, 2014 14:29Great to hear that, Michael!
September 29, 2014 01:09hi Jim,glad to meet,n very interesting mod,
but here, plz i come with a question n need a help. i have a problem with my mx5021, when i unplugged this speaker n plug again, there is a sound like “boomm”, after that speaker does not power up anymore, no led lit, and totally dead. please show and teach which parts should i check and repair or replace, thanks a lot Jim
Auw Jimmy
October 6, 2014 10:32Hi Ahmed,
Before starting this discussion further, do you have electronic repair background?
The process will require at least basic electronic repair skill, otherwise, it might be dangerous for you to follow.
December 15, 2014 20:00Hello,
I read your posts related to Altec Lansing MX5021 and saw that you made some tuning to the system. I have also an MX5021 for a couple of years and I loving it. The issue is that a couple of days ago the satellites go silent and only the subwoofer still make some sounds.
I wonder if your have the electrical diagram of the system and can share it with me. I don’t want to give up on him and I want to repair it if it’s possible.
If you can help me please use the email from the comment.
Auw Jimmy
December 22, 2014 22:22Hi Cosmin,
Unfortunately I dont have any schematic.
July 25, 2015 23:28Dear all,
I am looking for the main board for mx5021. I don’t want to miss my altec lancing. Please help
August 20, 2015 02:32Where to buy a new transformer for mx5021?
Auw Jimmy
September 6, 2015 22:12Hi,
Need to see the output voltage first.
January 13, 2016 07:40Great post, Jimmy! Thanks for the valuable info. I may just do this. I have an MX 5021 that is behaving badly. Plays beautifully from cold start, but after about a half hour it starts making a little scratchy static with the music. I figure a leaky capacitor. Maybe it’s one of the ones you replaced in your tune-up.
Not generally a solder jockey since we have always done board level repair, but I was trained in basic electricity and electronics by the USN. I have the tools and can manage it if it’s not too small.
Auw Jimmy
January 13, 2016 12:48Hi Herb,
Definitely need a quick look of the caps are leaky/bulging or something. Or it could be the chip also defective or the power transformer.
March 5, 2016 09:57Hallo pak jimmy, mohon bantuannya, pny diagram pinout altec 321 gk ya? Kepala konektor speaker saya lepas dr kabelnya dan saya gk tw urutan warna kabelnya, sy cari di google gk nemu. Yg ketinggalan jejaknya cm kabel putih posisi diboard pin1 posisi di konektor GND, dan kabel biru posisi diboard pin9 posisi di konektor pin6, selebihnya sys gk tw posisi kabelnya.
Auw Jimmy
March 13, 2016 12:12Hi Pak Adi,
Maaf saya tidak punya.
Terima kasih.
March 29, 2016 01:55Hi Jimmy and everyone
Great post, thank you Jimmy for your lights! I want make this mods. I bought the MX5021 it a week ago it’s was used. The sound is very different from my old Altec Lansing 2100 2.1 system. It’s is richer.
Except that the day after the problems have emerged, there was crackling from subwoofer, no sound from satelites when i touched the volume. the Leds didn’t work well. I pressed on ON and OFF several times that everything is back to normal!! This for about fifteen minutes …: /
Now no sound, the Leds seem to work. Nothing when i had pluged my headphone in control pod..
The only sound I hear is the breath from transfo once the system is on and once it is activated
Have you an idea where it could come? Is the ST 4558C op-amp, a resistor, a capacitor or the amps TDA are died ??
I noticed i don’t have the same board like you Jimmy.. it miss me the U14 op-amp and two transistor Q9 & Q10. it’s same for my satellites.. :/ Why?? There are many models?
Can i do the same mods?!
Thanks for help !
Auw Jimmy
April 10, 2016 15:30Hi Cebe,
Yes you can do the mods, but unfortunately you need to fix the machine first.
April 25, 2016 06:42Hi Jimmy,
I had a surprise, my system works now :).. I think the glass wool was above caused a short circuit of some components.. Everything works well Eventually I’ll change all components such as regulators and amp. Now I can do the mod, I do not have the same quality as you for my main capacitors vendor sold me the model: JAMICON. I do not know if they are better than SAMXON ??
The next time I try to find the model Elna!
I’ll tell you about my mod. I think after this mod it will be necessary to change filters satellites ?!
Auw Jimmy
April 25, 2016 23:29Hi Cebe,
Good to hear and hope you enjoy the mods!
Thank you.
Rafael Dieppa
September 13, 2016 02:56Hi Jimmy. i think you have an espeical hear. have a MX5021 Altec lansing sound sistem, i really like, but now no working, i have some electronic experience. i d try to fix it . could you help me to find the electric scheme diagram , mother board and pod control. thanks a lot ai m very sad.
Auw Jimmy
September 23, 2016 22:42Hi Rafael,
Unfortunately I dont have any schematic.
November 5, 2016 23:41halo mas jimmy
saya punya unit speaker ini nih, suaranya emang joss. udah lama juga saya punya. nah mulai setaun lalu muncul nih suara kayak cracking popping gt suka tiba2 munculnya, kayak ada kabel yg kurang bagus di salah satu satelitnya. saya tuker yg kiri jadi kanan dan sebaliknya. eh trnyata sama aja problemnya yg kanan nih. kl volume dikecilin bunyinya tetep ada tiba2 muncul. jadi saya cabut aja satelit yg sebelah kanan (problem bukan di satelitnya krn udah sempet dibalik, dan suara ttp yg kanan) dicabut krn takut sobek membran speakernya 😀 jd dengernya cuman sebelah ga stereo deh. kira2 apa ya problemnya ? makasih banyak mas jimmy..
Auw Jimmy
November 24, 2016 21:56Mas Rio,
Dibawa ke tukang service saja untuk dicek.